Innovative Learning Spaces: Student-Centered, Social, and Active Learning in the LTC Studio

About the Presenter(s)

Nicola Work, Associate Professor of French, LTC Studio Fellow, Department of Global Languages and Cultures


Kennedy Union Room 207

Start Date

3-1-2024 11:00 AM

End Date

3-1-2024 11:50 AM


The University of Dayton, committed to its Catholic Marianist tradition of education, strives to educate the whole person, emphasizes shared responsibility and collaboration, and believes that education can transform society if people work together. A student-centered, social, experiential and active learning classroom is an ideal venue to encourage student responsibility of their learning, relationship and community building, as well as inclusivity. This session will showcase the innovative learning space that is the LTC Studio, provide a brief introduction to student-centered, social and active learning, and show concrete examples of a variety of activities that various faculty members have successfully implemented in this learning space. These activities, based on current learning theory, can be easily adapted across disciplines and applied in other learning spaces. Time will be set aside for questions, discussion, and sharing of how attendees use student-centered, social and active learning in their own learning spaces.

Goals for Attendees

-Attendees will learn about student-centered, active, social and experiential learning -Attendees will see examples of activities created and implemented by various faculty at UD. -Attendees will think creatively about learning spaces based on ideas presented from the LTC Studio -Attendees will walk away with tangible ideas of activities for their own learning spaces

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Jan 3rd, 11:00 AM Jan 3rd, 11:50 AM

Innovative Learning Spaces: Student-Centered, Social, and Active Learning in the LTC Studio

Kennedy Union Room 207

The University of Dayton, committed to its Catholic Marianist tradition of education, strives to educate the whole person, emphasizes shared responsibility and collaboration, and believes that education can transform society if people work together. A student-centered, social, experiential and active learning classroom is an ideal venue to encourage student responsibility of their learning, relationship and community building, as well as inclusivity. This session will showcase the innovative learning space that is the LTC Studio, provide a brief introduction to student-centered, social and active learning, and show concrete examples of a variety of activities that various faculty members have successfully implemented in this learning space. These activities, based on current learning theory, can be easily adapted across disciplines and applied in other learning spaces. Time will be set aside for questions, discussion, and sharing of how attendees use student-centered, social and active learning in their own learning spaces.