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With the seating of a new grand jury in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case and the continued interest in Kenneth Starr's probe of alleged White House wrongdoings, a University of Dayton law professor finds herself fielding calls about the role of grand juries from national media outlets ranging from USA Today to NBC Nightly News. That's because Susan Brenner, a former defense attorney, is an expert on grand juries. She co-wrote the book Federal Grand Jury: A Guide to Law and Practice and has developed an Internet clearinghouse on the subject. With recent media attention on Whitewater independent counsel Starr's aggressive tactics in the President Clinton-Monica Lewinsky grand jury investigation, public opinion has put its thumbs down at what it sees as an abusive and oppressive institution of the American legal system. But the public may be confused about the role of grand juries, according to Brenner.



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