![Philosophy Faculty Publications](../assets/md5images/0cc7b1700da41193ea1812a101a4cbf6.jpg)
Philosophy Faculty Publications
The University of Dayton's Department of Philosophy has one of the largest faculties in the Midwest. The philosophy faculty members have a wide range of scholarly and teaching interests that naturally complement other areas of study — biology, communication, economics, English, history, international studies, languages, physics, political science, medicine, psychology, religious studies, and sociology.
This collection includes a sampling of faculty scholarship from the Department of Philosophy.
Submissions from 2010
Themistius on Concept Acquisition and Knowledge of Essences, Myrna Gabbe
Review: ‘The Fundamental Principles of Mulla Sadra’s Transcendental Philosophy’, Sayeh Meisami
Teaching the Bill of Rights in China, Kurt Mosser
Antinuclear Power Protests in the United States, Danielle Poe
Feminism, Cultural Violence of, Danielle Poe
From Jekyll to Hyde: The Grooming of Male Pornography Consumers, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2009
Resisting Organizational Power, Peggy DesAutels
Addams and Dewey: Pragmatism, Expression, and Community, Marilyn Fischer
Kant and Wittgenstein: Common Sense, Therapy, and the Critical Philosophy, Kurt Mosser
The Philosophical Sins of Stephen Pinker, Kurt Mosser
Ecological Explanation between Manipulation and Mechanism Description, Viorel Pâslaru
Peace is Not Perpetual, Autonomous, or Rational, Danielle Poe
Feminist Perspectives on Rape, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2008
Folk Feminist Theory: An Experimental Approach, Peggy DesAutels
Mead and the International Mind, Marilyn Fischer
Theophrastus and the Intellect as Mixture, Myrna Gabbe
Radicalism and Cultural Dislocation in Ethiopia, 1960-1974, Messay Kebede
The Civilian Left and the Radicalization of the Dergue, Messay Kebede
Cover Songs: Ambiguity, Multivalence, Polysemy, Kurt Mosser
Kant's General Logic and Aristotle, Kurt Mosser
Necessity and Possibility: The Logical Strategy of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason', Kurt Mosser
The Grammatical Background of Kant's General Logic, Kurt Mosser
The Noise of Battle: Talking Philosophy on the Internet, Kurt Mosser
'A Woman’s Body is Like a Foreign Country': Thinking about National and Bodily Sovereignty, Rebecca Whisnant
Pornography, Contemporary-Mainstream, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2007
A Pragmatist Cosmopolitan Moment: Reconfiguring Nussbaum's Cosmopolitan Concentric Circles, Marilyn Fischer
Caring Globally: Jane Addams, World War One, and International Hunger, Marilyn Fischer
Reflections on Larry May’s 'Crimes Against Humanity', Marilyn Fischer
Kant’s Logic(s) and the Logic of Aristotle, Kurt Mosser
Letter from a War Zone: Some Thoughts on Setting an Activist Agenda, Rebecca Whisnant
Review: 'Challenging Liberalism: Feminism as Political Critique', Rebecca Whisnant
Review: 'Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights', Rebecca Whisnant
Global Feminist Ethics: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, Rebecca Whisnant and Peggy DesAutels
Submissions from 2006
Addams's Internationalist Pacifism and the Rhetoric of Maternalism, Marilyn Fischer
Comments on 'The Rights of Others: Aliens, Residents, and Citizens', Marilyn Fischer
Cosmic Patriotism and Spiritual Internationalism: Addams’s Newer Ideals of Peace, Marilyn Fischer
Jane Addams, Marilyn Fischer
The Colour of Ethics, Marilyn Fischer
Gebrehiwot Baykedagn, Eurocentrism, and the Decentering of Ethiopia, Messay Kebede
The Roots and Fallouts of Haile Selassie's Educational Policy, Messay Kebede
Kant and the Logic of Aristotle, Kurt Mosser
Looking for a Fight: An Agonistic Strategy for Teaching, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 2005
Feminism and the Art of Interpretation: Or, Reading the First Wave to Think about the Second and Third Waves, Marilyn Fischer
Feminist Ethics, Rebecca Whisnant
Rethinking Nonviolence: Intimate Abuse and the Needs of Survivors, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2004
Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory, Peggy DesAutels and Margaret Urban Walker
Reviews: 'Democracy and Social Ethics' and 'The Long Road of Woman's Memory', Marilyn Fischer
Africa's Quest for a Philosophy of Decolonization, Messay Kebede
Kant and the Logic of Aristotle, Kurt Mosser
Not For Sale: Feminists Resisting Prostitution and Pornography, Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant
Confronting Pornography: Some Conceptual Basics, Rebecca Whisnant
Woman Centered: A Feminist Ethic of Responsibility, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2003
From Colonialism to Elitism: An Enquiry into the African Imbroglio, Messay Kebede
From Marxism-Leninism to Ethnicity: The Sideslips of Ethiopian Elitism, Messay Kebede
Negritude and Bergsonism, Messay Kebede
Submissions from 2002
Generational Imbalance and Disruptive Change, Messay Kebede
Comments on Robinson, 'Langton and Traditionalism on Things in Themselves', Kurt Mosser
Translation and Introduction: Klaus Reich's 'Kant und Rousseau', Kurt Mosser
Feminist Ethics, Rebecca Whisnant
Review: 'Immovable Laws, Irresistible Rights: Natural Law, Moral Rights, and Feminist Ethics', Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2001
Feminists Doing Ethics, Peggy DesAutels and Joanne Waugh
Jane Addams's Critique of Capitalism as Patriarchal, Marilyn Fischer
Directing Ethnicity Toward Modernity, Messay Kebede
The Rehabilitation of Violence and the Violence of Rehabilitation: Fanon and Colonialism, Messay Kebede
Why Doesn't Kant Care About Natural Language?, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 2000
Ethical Decision Making in Fund Raising, Marilyn Fischer
Jane Addams’s Pragmatist Pacifism, Marilyn Fischer
Submissions from 1999
Christian Science, Rational Choice, and Alternative World Views, Peggy DesAutels
Religious Women, Medical Settings, and Moral Risk, Peggy DesAutels
Praying for a Cure: When Medical and Religious Practices Conflict, Peggy DesAutels, Margaret P. Battin, and Larry May
Development and the African Philosophical Debate, Messay Kebede
BonJour, Kant, and the 'A Priori', Kurt Mosser
Fred Bartenstein: The Right Place at the Right Time, Kurt Mosser
Kant and Feminism, Kurt Mosser
The Limits of Gendered Reason, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 1998
Psychologies of Moral Perceivers, Peggy DesAutels
Should the Skeptic Live His Skepticism? Nietzsche and Classical Skepticism, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 1997
Jane Addams on Autonomy and Responsibility, Marilyn Fischer
Rawls, Associations, and the Political Conception of Justice, Marilyn Fischer
Respecting the Individual, Valuing Diversity: Equity in Philanthropy and Fund Raising, Marilyn Fischer
Japan and Ethiopia: An Appraisal of Similarities and Divergent Courses, Messay Kebede
Kant's Dialectical Subject and the Bias Paradox, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 1996
Gestalt Shifts in Moral Perception, Peggy DesAutels
Submissions from 1995
Christian Science, Rational Choice, and Alternative World Views, Peggy DesAutels
Two Types of Theories: The Impact on Churchland’s ‘Perceptual Plasticity’, Peggy DesAutels
Philanthropy and Injustice in Mill and Addams, Marilyn Fischer
Kant's Critical Model of the Experiencing Subject, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 1994
The Orchestral Workplace, Marilyn Fischer
The Philanthropic Community as a Gift Economy, Marilyn Fischer
Meaning and Development, Messay Kebede
Submissions from 1993
On the Relationship between the Spiritual and the Material: The Lessons of Underdevelopment, Messay Kebede
Nietzsche, Kant, and the Thing in Itself, Kurt Mosser
Stoff and Nonsense in Kant's First 'Critique', Kurt Mosser
Teaching Kant to Undergraduates: Some Notes, Kurt Mosser
Was Wittgenstein a Neo-Kantian? A Response to Professor Haller, Kurt Mosser
Submissions from 1992
Development, Ethics and the Ethics of Nationalism, Messay Kebede
Science and Ideology via Development, Messay Kebede
Submissions from 1991
Science or Ethics of Development?, Messay Kebede
Underdevelopment and the Problem of Causation, Messay Kebede