![Philosophy Faculty Publications](../assets/md5images/0cc7b1700da41193ea1812a101a4cbf6.jpg)
Philosophy Faculty Publications
The University of Dayton's Department of Philosophy has one of the largest faculties in the Midwest. The philosophy faculty members have a wide range of scholarly and teaching interests that naturally complement other areas of study — biology, communication, economics, English, history, international studies, languages, physics, political science, medicine, psychology, religious studies, and sociology.
This collection includes a sampling of faculty scholarship from the Department of Philosophy.
Submissions from 2024
Ghazālī’s Influence on Mullā Ṣadrā’s View of Causal Necessity and Freewill, Sayeh Meisami (0009-0007-3520-1020)
Submissions from 2023
Pacifism and the Science of War: Jane Addams and Bertrand Russell on World War I, Marilyn Fischer
Submissions from 2022
Addams’s Methodologies of Writing, Thinking, and Activism, Marilyn Fischer
Reflections on Charlene's Influence, Marilyn Fischer
Introduction: The Growth of Feminist Pragmatism: Opening Channels for Cooperative Intelligence, Marilyn Fischer and Barbara J. Lowe
Submissions from 2021
Interpretation in Dance Performing, Aili W. Bresnahan
Review: 'Pragmatist Philosophy and Dance: Interdisciplinary Dance Research in the American South', Aili W. Bresnahan
Engaging in Feminist Intercultural Dialogue as Spiritual Transformation: A Reply to R. Aída Hernández Castillo, Marilyn Fischer
A Philosopher Looks at the Natural World: Twenty-One Acres of Common Ground, Daniel Clifford Fouke
Submissions from 2020
A Philosopher Explains Why Dance Can Help Pandemic-Proof Your Kids, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Dance as Embodied Ethics, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927), Einav Katan-Schmid, and Sara Houston
Racial Justice and the Image of Public Health, Marilyn Fischer
Racial Justice and the Image of Public Health, Marilyn Fischer
Poetry as an Essential Tool of Philosophical Inquiry and Writing in Later Islamic Philosophy: The Case of Mullā Ṣadrā, Sayeh Meisami
Submissions from 2019
Dance Rhythm, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Is Tap Dance A Form of Jazz Percussion?, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Perceiving Live Improvisation in the Performing Arts, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
The Philosophy of Dance, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Beauty in Disability: An Aesthetics for Dance and for Life, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927) and Michael Deckard
Hull House, the Pullman Strike, and Tolstoy: Documenting the Work of Jane Addams, Marilyn Fischer
Aristotle on the Good of Reproduction, Myrna Gabbe
Bergson’s Philosophy of Self-Overcoming, Messay Kebede
Submissions from 2018
Diversified Philosophy, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Review: 'Improvising Improvisation: From Out of Philosophy, Music, Dance, and Literature', Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
“The Moral Equivalent of War”: William James’s Minor Variation on Common Themes, Marilyn Fischer
L’élan bergsonien ou la matière comme ascèse de la vie, Messay Kebede
Knowledge and Power in the Philosophies of Ḥamīd al-Dīn Kirmānī and Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī, Sayeh Meisami
Submissions from 2017
Appreciating Dance: The View from the Audience, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Dancing in Time, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Review: 'Body Aesthetics', Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Review: 'Embodied Philosophy in Dance: Gaga and Ohad Naharin’s Movement Research', Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Ibn Sīnā’s Philosophical Interpretation of 'Sūrat al-Falaq', Sayeh Meisami
Review: 'Mulla Sadra', Sayeh Meisami
Mechanisms in Ecology, Viorel Pâslaru
Afterword: On Fear and Resistance, Rebecca Whisnant
[Not] Buying It: Prostitution as Unwanted Sex, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2016
Dancing Philosophy: What Happens to Philosophy when Considered from the Point of View of a Dancer, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Power, Virtue, and Vice, Peggy DesAutels
A Pluralistic Universe in Twenty Years, Marilyn Fischer
Aristotle on the Metaphysics of Emotions, Myrna Gabbe
Action and Forgetting: Bergson Theory of Memory, Messay Kebede
Beyond Dualism and Monism: Bergson’s Slanted Being, Messay Kebede
Mullā Ṣadrā's Philosophical Arguments for the Necessity of the Imamate, Sayeh Meisami
Ecological Laws and Their Promise of Explanations, Viorel Pâslaru
Review: 'Neurobiology: A Functional Approach', Paul Tibbetts
'But What About Feminist Porn?' Examining the Work of Tristan Taormino, Rebecca Whisnant
Our Blood: Andrea Dworkin on Race, Privilege, and Women’s Common Condition, Rebecca Whisnant
Pornography, Humiliation, and Consent, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2015
How Artistic Creativity is Possible for Cultural Agents, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Improvisation in the Arts, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Review: 'Gendered Readings of Change', Marilyn Fischer
Senghor, or the Holy Grail of Otherness, Messay Kebede
The Ethiopian Student Movement: A Rejoinder to Bahru Zewde’s The Quest for Socialist Utopia, Messay Kebede
Mullā Ṣadrā on the Efficacy of Prayer, Sayeh Meisami
Review: 'Mullā Ṣadrā and Eschatology: Evolution of Being', Sayeh Meisami
Causal and Mechanistic Explanations, and a Lesson from Ecology, Viorel Pâslaru
Building Feminism, Resisting Porn Culture: Where To from Here, Rebecca Whisnant
Not Your Father’s Playboy, Not Your Mother’s Feminist Movement: Feminism in a Porn Culture, Rebecca Whisnant
Philosophers On Prostitution’s Decriminalization, Rebecca Whisnant
Pornography and Humiliation, Rebecca Whisnant
Submissions from 2014
Books and our Human Stories, Paul H. Benson
Censorship as Catalyst for Artistic Innovation, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Improvisational Artistry in Live Dance Performance as Embodied and Extended Agency, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Joseph Margolis, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Morris Weitz, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Toward A Deweyan Theory of Ethical and Aesthetic Performing Arts Practice, Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Addams on Cultural Pluralism, European Immigrants, and African Americans, Marilyn Fischer
Response to Comments on 'Addams on Cultural Pluralism, European Immigrants, and African Americans', Marilyn Fischer
From Perception to Subject: The Bergsonian Reversal, Messay Kebede
Return to the Source: Asres Yenesew and the West, Messay Kebede
Review: 'The Triumph of Mercy: Philosophy and Scripture in Mullā Ṣadrā', Sayeh Meisami
The Mechanistic Approach of 'The Theory of Island Biogeography' and its Current Relevance, Viorel Pâslaru
Submissions from 2013
Review: 'The Philosophical Aesthetics of Dance: Identity, Performance, and Understanding', Aili W. Bresnahan (0000-0002-6698-1927)
Reading Addams’s 'Democracy and Social Ethics' as a Social Gospel, Evolutionary Idealist Text, Marilyn Fischer
Reading Dewey’s Political Philosophy Through Addams’s Political Compromises, Marilyn Fischer
The Ethiopian Conception of Time and Modernity, Messay Kebede
The Ethiopian Conception of Time and Modernity: Amharic version, Messay Kebede
'Abdolkarim Soroush, Sayeh Meisami
Mulla Sadra (c. 1572—1640), Sayeh Meisami
Cover Songs, Kurt Mosser
Mothering Against Norms: Diane Wilson and Environmental Activism, Danielle Poe
Submissions from 2012
Moral Perception and Responsiveness, Peggy DesAutels
Locating Royce's Reasoning on Race, Marilyn Fischer
Aristotle on the Starting-Point of Motion in the Soul, Myrna Gabbe
Conceptions of Mechanisms and Insensitivity of Causation, Viorel Pâslaru
Nourishing Difference for the Erotic Couple, Danielle Poe
Submissions from 2011
Is the Climate any Warmer for Women in Philosophy?, Peggy DesAutels
Interpretation's Contrapuntal Pathways: Addams and the Averbuch Affair, Marilyn Fischer
Review: 'The Selected Papers of Jane Addams: Volume I, Preparing to Lead, 1860–81' (2003) and 'Volume II, Venturing into Usefulness 1881–1888', Marilyn Fischer
Tomáš Masaryk and Jane Addams on Humanitarianism and Cultural Reciprocity, Marilyn Fischer
Commentary on Ward’s Interpretation of 'De Anima' III 3, Myrna Gabbe
Ideology and Elite Conflicts: Autopsy of the Ethiopian Revolution, Messay Kebede
Return to the Source: Asres Yenesew and the West, Messay Kebede
Naturalism and the Surreptitious Embrace of Necessity, Kurt Mosser
Can Luce Irigaray's Notion of Sexual Difference be Applied to Transsexual and Transgender Narratives?, Danielle Poe
Submissions from 2010
Sex Differences and Neuroethics, Peggy DesAutels
Arresting Images: Anti-Pornography Slideshows, Activism, and the Academy, Gail Dines, Karen Boyle, Rebecca Whisnant, and Linda Thompson
Cracks in the Inexorable: Bourne and Addams on Pacifists during Wartime, Marilyn Fischer
Keywords: What's an Advocate to Do with the Words She's Given?, Marilyn Fischer
Trojan Women and Devil Baby Tales: Jane Addams on Domestic Violence, Marilyn Fischer