"River Stewards Informational Brochure" by University of Dayton. Fitz Center for Leadership in Community



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The River Stewards Program is a threeyear, interdisciplinary program designed to engage undergraduate students in experiential and community-engaged learning centered around the Great Miami River Watershed. Each student gains practical experience and leadership skills while working closely with faculty, staff, and community partners to help protect, promote, and preserve the region's rivers and water resources. The River Stewards Program consists of three cohorts totaling around 50 undergraduate students. Together, they represent over 25 different majors from all academic units at the University of Dayton.

First-year students can apply to become River Stewards during their second semester. Applications for the next cohort of Stewards are reviewed by a committee composed of Rivers Institute members. Around 15 students will be selected and introduced in late spring.

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Environmental Sciences | Social and Behavioral Sciences

River Stewards Informational Brochure



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