Research Methods in Sport and Health SciencesDoes the time of the year (exam week, midterms) play a major part in restlessness and caffeine intake?

Research Methods in Sport and Health SciencesDoes the time of the year (exam week, midterms) play a major part in restlessness and caffeine intake?



Cayla Christine Batten, Margaret Mary Donegan, Kailey E. Gilbert, Shannon Patricia Hamilton, Tristen A. Hawatmeh, Patrick Scott Kabat


Presentation: 10:45-12:00, Kennedy Union Ballroom



Mid-term exams are a particularly stressful time in the university academic calendar. It is common place among colleges and universities to provide additional resources to students during final exam week, but these additional resources are not typically present during mid-term exams. One way students typically cope with the additional stresses of mid-term exams is increased caffeine intake. Caffeine acts as a stimulant and may help attentiveness and alertness, but may also negatively impact sleep quality, contribute to anxiety, and have a negative impact on perceived stress. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of school-work load during midterms on college students. Specifically, researchers will assess if caffeine use, overall stress, and sleep quality is impacted by the midterm period. The results of the study will be compared to previous research on the topic to determine where further research is needed.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project - HSS 428 M2

Primary Advisor

Colby S. Teeman

Primary Advisor's Department

Health and Sport Science


Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals

Critical Evaluation of Our Times; Community; Practical Wisdom

Research Methods in Sport and Health SciencesDoes the time of the year (exam week, midterms) play a major part in restlessness and caffeine intake?
