Kaya Alina Niemiec, Cameron A. Pierson
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Atmospheric aerosols constitute most of the air during non-ideal weather conditions such as fog, haze, and mist. These aerosols cause light to be attenuated while propagating through the atmosphere leading to reduction in effective visibility. Visibility is the distance at which an observer can view an object clearly. The atmospheric extinction coefficient is related to the visibility and can be measured from designing a visibility meter. The overall goal of this project is to understand how to measure visibility in non-ideal weather conditions by built in the visibility meter. The visibility meter built in this project is cheaper than commercial visibility meters.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project - EGR 398 03
Primary Advisor
Saleha Abdullah M. Qissi, Scott J. Schneider, Miranda van Iersel
Primary Advisor's Department
Electro-Optics and Photonics
Stander Symposium, School of Engineering
Institutional Learning Goals
Practical Wisdom; Scholarship
Recommended Citation
"Monitoring Air Quality Using a Visibility Meter" (2024). Stander Symposium Projects. 3453.
Presentation: 10:45-12:00, Kennedy Union Ballroom