Volume 11, Number 1 (1974) Proceedings of the 4th Annual Philosophy Colloquium — "The Philosopher: Neutral or Committed?"
This issue includes papers read at the University of Dayton's fourth annual Philosophy Colloquium, held in 1974.Front Matter
Cover and Front Matter
University of Dayton
Raymond Herbenick
Ought Cats Be Tuesday? Reflections on the Neutrality of Philosophers
Xavier Monasterio
Philosophical Commitment as Artistic Expression
Robert K. McMaster
The Philosopher's Character and Praxis
Martin A. Bertman
Should the Christian Philosopher be Committed to Action?
John G. Thompson
The Transcendental Phenomenologist: Neutral or Committed?
Raymond J. Devettere
Polanyi's Theory of Commitment
Lawrence P. Ulrich
Skepticism, Psychology, and Philosophical Criteria
Kristin Shrader
The Mind-Body Problem and Philosophic Commitment
Joseph Kunkel
Philosophy, Commitment, and Their Institutional Setting
Robert N. Beck