Volume 12, Number 3 (1976)
Front Matter
Cover and Front Matter
University of Dayton
The Ghost of Cromwell — Republican Revolution without Military Dictatorship: The American Constitutional Experience, 1775-1800
Stephen M. Millett
Napoleon I and Education in the Sciences: One Aspect of the Two Cultures in Conflict
Raymond J. Maras
Menelik II: Another Look
Erving E. Beauregard
The Fox and the Hyenas
Leroy V. Eid
This Side of Rapture: The Quiet Sisterhood of the British Feminists
Alice Gilmore Vines
Mussolini And The Vatican: 1922-1943
James E. McGoldrick
Dayton and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
George Ruppell S.M.
Horace Walpole and the Methodists
Samuel J. Rogal
Vows, Prayers, and Dice: Comic Values in The Man of Mode
Roberta F.S. Borkat