Volume 14, Number 1 (1979)
Front Matter
Cover and Table of Contents
University of Dayton
Introduction and Program: 1978 Ohio Shakespeare Conference
R. Alan Kimbrough
Revisionist Art: Macbeth on Film
Frances K. Barasch
Orson Welles' Macbeth: Archetype and Symbol
Walt Ulbricht
Shakespeare-on-Film Courses: A Discussion Report
Faiza Shereen
The Thane of Glamis Had a Wife
B. J. Bedard
Media for Shakespeare's Macbeth
Jack J. Jorgens
Interpreting Shakespeare: The Dramatic Text and the Film
Robert Ornstein
Of Time and the Arrow: A Reading of Kurosawa's Throne of Blood
Barbara Hodgdon
Kurosawa and the Shakespearean Moral Vision
Andrew M. McLean
Kurosawa's Throne of Blood: Critics and Our Students
Ejner J. Jensen
Macbeth and Polanski's Theme of Regression
Virginia Wright Wexman
The Self-Reflective Nature of Roman Polanski's Macbeth
David Middleton
Polanski's Macbeth: A Dissent
H. R. Coursen