Volume 20, Number 2 (1990)
Front Matter
Cover and Table of Contents
University of Dayton
The Portrayal of Old Age and the Aging Process in the Literature of the German Speaking and Scandinavian Countries
Gerd K. Schneider
Old Age: Considerations for a Thematic Definition
Horst S. Daemrnrich
Der Alternde Abenteurer in Arthur Schnitzlers Casanovas Heimfahrt
Inge Arabella Bilek
The Tyranny of Time: Knut Hamsun and Aging
Dolores Buttry
Crisis and Self-Discovery: Martin Walser Looks at Aging
Margarete Landwehr
Of “Gay Blades” and “Old Bags”: Portrayals of Old Age in Contemporary GDR Prose Fiction
Miriam Jokiniemi
Der Alte in Tankred Dorsts Eiszeit : Eine Irritation
Gerd K. Schneider