Volume 22, Number 2 (1993) 17th Annual Sanders Judaics Symposium
Front Matter
Front Cover and Table of Contents
University of Dayton
Mission Statement
University of Dayton
Sanders Symposium
University of Dayton
Hungary’s Aged: Social Policy in a Post-communist State
Peter Agocs and Sandor Agocs
Churchill Revisited
John P. Rossi
Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha as Divine Comedy
Bryan A. Bardine
"The Enduring Chill": Physical Disability in Flannery O'Connor's Everything That Rises Must Converge
Jeffrey J. Folks
Fallacious Renunciation in Works of Henry James
Sharon R. Yang
An Answer to the Problem of The Pardoner's Tale
Paul R. Brandt
My “Narrative”
Eric L. Friedland
Shemuel Hugo Bergman: Philosopher and Believer (1883-1975)
Eric L. Friedland
Thank You, Eric Friedland!
Al Denman
Opinion or Commentary
Testimonials for Dr. Eric Lewis Friedland
University of Dayton