
Volume 7, Number 1 (1970) Special Issue: Theological Dialogue

Theology is a legitimate intellectual discipline, essential to the integrity of a university. Its purpose is the exploration and interpretation of the religious experience of man in whatever forms it might express itself, but especially, here at the University of Dayton, the Judeo-Christian form based on the word of a revealing God. In order to carry out this fundamental task the theological faculty must not only engage directly in exploring the depths of Christian tradition and of the total religious heritage of the world, but must also be in constant dialogue with the entire university community in which she confronts all the rest of modern culture. Such a dialogue enables theology both to enrich itself from the other disciplines and to bring its own insights to bear upon the problems of modern culture.

It is in this light that the Department is grateful for the opportunity this issue of the University of Dayton Review affords. In the past we have not perhaps dialogued as much as we should have. In the world of today this can be fatal. We hope that with this issue we can begin a more fruitful phase of our existence at the University. We in tend it to be a first step in a more active and fruitful dialogue with the rest of the University Community. We invite your response.

—Rev. Matthew Kohmescher, S.M., Chairman, Dept. of Theological Studies

Front Matter


Front Matter
University of Dayton, Matthew Kohmescher S.M., and William P. Anderson

Opinions or Commentaries


Theology of What?
Leo Murray S.M.