"The Gender Pay Gap; Continually Hurting Women" by Grant A. Johnson





Instructor's Name

Laura Vorachek



Writing Process

This particular project was our third and final piece to be written for my English 200H class in which the subject deals with "Gender in America." This assignment called for us to research deeply into our chosen topic dealing with gender issues as well as produce original research through a survey or interview. To begin this assignment I began researching scholarly articles relating to my topic, "Gender Pay Gap." After gathering scholarly research, I then produced a survey with responses from my fellow classmates in order to incorporate their perspective into my writing. Once the first draft was completed, two of my fellow classmates reviewed it and gave me excellent feedback to improve my paper. After fixing my first draft my second draft was once again reviewed by two of my fellow classmates as well as my professor, Dr. Vorachek. Being able to have my paper revised multiple times gave me the confidence and ability to produce my best possible work.



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