Leveraging AI to Incorporate Diverse Perspectives


Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

Presentation Type


Start Date

11-3-2024 10:15 AM


This session focuses on describing how generative AI, especially appropriately trained generative AI, can be used for gathering and incorporating diverse perspectives related to topics, designs, inventions, etc. It includes active examples that challenge attendees to utilize generative AI to integrate such perspectives in their own learning and advising environments.

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Mar 11th, 10:15 AM

Leveraging AI to Incorporate Diverse Perspectives

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

This session focuses on describing how generative AI, especially appropriately trained generative AI, can be used for gathering and incorporating diverse perspectives related to topics, designs, inventions, etc. It includes active examples that challenge attendees to utilize generative AI to integrate such perspectives in their own learning and advising environments.