Spring 2024 Teaching and Inclusive Excellence Event | Inclusive Pedagogy

The Teaching and Inclusive Excellence event on Monday, March 11, 2024, invites faculty to share their experiences, techniques, skills, and strategies related to Inclusive Excellence and learn from each other. Presentations of 4 to 7 minutes will be recorded and made available here with the goal of elevating and building upon best practices and lessons learned. For more information, email diversityandinclusion@udayton.edu

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Monday, March 11th
9:00 AM


Leslie Picca, University of Dayton
Julio A. Quintero, University of Dayton
Lis Regula, University of Dayton
Eric F. Spina, University of Dayton
Tiffany Taylor, University of Dayton
Darlene Weaver, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

9:00 AM

9:30 AM

Belonging from the Start: Proactive Techniques For Fostering Comfort in the Library Setting

Erik Ziedses des Plantes, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

9:30 AM

9:45 AM

Micromoment Activities to Promote Inclusivity in the Classroom

Erick Vasquez, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

9:45 AM

10:00 AM

The New SEO: Student Experience Optimization

Jerry Stoffl, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

10:00 AM

10:15 AM

Leveraging AI to Incorporate Diverse Perspectives

Kevin Hallinan, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

10:15 AM

10:30 AM

Using Puzzles to Facilitate Classroom Conversations

Daniel Craine, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

10:30 AM

10:45 AM

Reading Scientific Research Is for Everyone

Yvonne Sun, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

10:45 AM

11:00 AM

Inclusive Excellence: A Case Study Approach

Sridhar Ramamoorti, University of Dayton
Eman Elrifaei, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

11:00 AM

11:15 AM

Neuroscientific Insights into Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Pothitos Pitychoutis, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

11:15 AM

11:30 AM

Developing a Photographic Memory: The Use of Bullet Sketchbooks and Junk Journals as a Tool for All Learning Styles

Sarah Brashears, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

11:30 AM

11:45 AM

The ADORE Project: Making a Commitment to Greater Diversity in Orchestral Repertoire

Patrick Reynolds, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

11:45 AM

12:30 PM

Student Voices, Facilitated by the Brook Center

University of Dayton. Brook Center

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

12:30 PM

1:00 PM

4ALL: An Inclusive Course Communication Strategy

V. Denise James, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

1:00 PM

1:15 PM

Embracing Multiple Intelligence in Classroom

Li-Yin Liu, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

1:15 PM

1:30 PM

Shared Brain Exercises That Expand Perspective and Proficiency

Meredith Montgomery, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

1:30 PM

1:45 PM

Queering the Classroom

R. Darden Bradshaw, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

1:45 PM

2:00 PM

Ungrading as a Mechanism for Inclusive Learning

Luisa Ruge-Jones, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

2:00 PM

2:15 PM

Using Current Events as a Tool for Engaging Students as Mindful Learners and Citizens

Andrew Edelblum, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

2:15 PM

2:30 PM

The Rats Don't Run This City; We Do: Using Viral Media in Information Literacy Instruction

Zachary Lewis, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

2:30 PM

2:45 PM

Combating Gendered Language: Lessons from the French Diaspora

Cameron Blair, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

2:45 PM

3:00 PM

The Javanese Gamelan as an Inclusive Mode of Musical Learning

Heather MacLachlan, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

3:00 PM

3:15 PM

Attention Deficits: Teacher Candidates' Scientific and Folk Perspectives

Thomas Falk, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

3:15 PM

3:30 PM

What Is DEI, Why Does It Matter, and What Can You Do?

Tahani Abdallah, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

3:30 PM

3:45 PM

Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ+ Students

Malon Hood, University of Dayton

Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

3:45 PM