




Instructor's Name

Laura Vorachek



Writing Process

I began to compose this research paper based on an assignment in my English 200H Writing Seminar. The assignment was to use original and unoriginal research to argue and prove an opinion about a gender-related issue. I began the process by researching online articles about the effects of the images in the media on young adults. Being a young woman in the era of technology made me very interested in how the increased media exposure of today negatively affects the confidence levels and body images of myself and other girls my age. After gathering baseline information from online academic articles, I decided to conduct my own research by way of surveys. I surveyed fifty of my peers in order to gather my own information about how they think the media has impacted their views of beauty within themselves and others. The data collected supported my initial hypothesis that these images do in fact have negative effects on body image, especially in young girls. In the paper, I included key findings from both the primary and the secondary research as well as my own conclusions. I wrote three drafts of this essay and received feedback from my peers as well as my professor.



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