




Instructor's Name

Dr. Elizabeth Ann Mackay



Writing Process

My work began by reading Eric Foner’s A Short History of Reconstruction. This allowed me to pinpoint a topic of interest for this historiography. Once I chose the Freedmen’s Bureau, I developed a topic proposal and list of potential sources. Upon my professor's feedback, I condensed this list of sources and created an annotated bibliography. This bibliography was the backbone of my essay; it allowed me to identify and organize interpretive categories which formed my argument. As I began to shift my draft into a final version, I weaved a thesis into my topic proposal, which became my introduction. I then added claims, evidence and warrants into my body paragraphs and included in-text citations as well. Lastly, I wrote a conclusion which elaborates on the category I deemed the most effective. Of course, I would not have been as successful as I was in this undertaking without the guidance, feedback and support from my professor.



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