




Instructor's Name

Dr. Daniel Thompson



Writing Process

While studying the Reconstruction era of the United States, I was tasked with writing a historiography paper. I researched the abolitionist women's suffrage movement through the lens of intersectionality. I gathered resources, journal articles, and books to critically explore the ways historians have employed the concept of intersectionality when discussing the abolitionist women's suffrage movement. With this research, I constructed an annotated bibliography of eight sources. I grouped the following sources into three interpretative categories by how each historian chose to utilize intersectionality as a lens to analyze the movement. The annotated bibliography developed into my full historiography paper by establishing connections between authors and their written interpretations of the period. I analyzed the journey of historians to uncover the silenced and marginalized voices of the suffrage movement through the modern concept of intersectionality. In conducting a thorough analysis, I was tasked with determining the most effective interpretive category that fully captures all voices during this historical movement.



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