




Instructor's Name

David Darrow



Writing Process

For my ASI 120 historiography, I chose to research the city of New Orleans during Reconstruction, focusing on how interpretations of this topic have evolved over the past century. I began my project by conducting several weeks of research, gathering credible sources written by historians throughout the years, and writing a topic proposal. Afterwards, I started working on an annotated bibliography; I finalized my choice of sources, read them closely, took detailed notes, and summarized them. This also involved grouping each source into one of three interpretive categories, which were determined based on how each historian frames and interprets Reconstruction’s impact on New Orleans. I then transformed my annotated bibliography into a draft of my final paper, adding an introduction and conclusive paragraphs which argue which category of interpretation is most compelling. Lastly, I participated in a peer review, visited the Write Place, revised based on my feedback, and finalized the historiography.



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