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Instructor's Name

Timothy Gabrielli



Writing Process

Note: This paper was selected to receive the 2024 Father Jack McGrath, S.M., Award for Research in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.

For this article, I sought to explore the meaning of and use for the sacrament of confirmation in the Catholic Church. To do so, I first began with a philosophical claim about God's grace with the help of Louis-Marie Chauvet. Then, I continued on to conduct a historical investigation of the sacrament, particularly from the early church to the Middle Ages. Then, I carefully read the current rite and order of the sacrament, while also observing two confirmation masses virtually. Finally, I explored contemporary thoughts on confirmation within the Catholic Church in America. I pieced all of these pieces (past, present, and future) to both determine and defend the value and dignity of confirmation in the church, especially in American culture.



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