




Instructor's Name

Bill Trollinger



Writing Process

This historiography essay was the final assignment of my ASI 120 (Core Program) course at the University of Dayton. In preparation for the paper, I read A Short History of Reconstruction, 1863-1877 by Eric Foner. After reading and reflecting on Foner’s book, I decided I wanted to focus my topic on Reconstruction in New Orleans, with specific emphasis on racial issues and the New Orleans Riot. I chose this topic because it allowed me to further research a topic relating to social justice with respect to race relations, something I am very passionate about. I spent a great deal of time finding appropriate sources for my paper at the UD Library. Once my sources were approved by my professor, I created my annotated bibliography and devised a rough draft for my final paper. In class, we did peer reviews of each other’s rough drafts. I also visited the Write Place and the Core Fellows for additional feedback. With the suggestions of all these people in mind, I read, revised, and re-read my rough draft many times until I achieved the final draft of my historiography paper.



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