Volume 3, Issue 1 (2025)
Front Matter
Cover, Editors' Message, Table of Contents
Diana Cuy Castellanos (0000-0002-2972-7516)
Original Research
A Qualitative Analysis of 14- to 17-Year-Olds’ Perceptions of and Interest in Dietetics
Andrea Barney, Kelsey Mueller (0009-0009-1342-2265), and Emily Patten (0000-0003-0161-383X)
Conceptual Diagrams Help Dietetic Students to Understand and Apply the Nutrition Care Process
Janica Jamieson (0000-0002-9019-9011), Bojana Kovacic, Philippa Lyons-Wall (0000-0002-0001-1055), and Therese O'Sullivan (0000-0003-1003-854X)
Use of Simulation in Dietetic Internships: A Qualitative Exploration of Program Director Attitudes and Motivations
Theresa B. O'Reilly, Amy J. Nwora, Megan Whelan, and Mary-Pat Maciolek
Brief Educational Teaching Strategy
Priming for Practice: A Teaching Strategy
Jennifer Tomesko (0000-0002-7296-7048) and Diane L. Rigassio Radler (0000-0002-4038-9634)

- Diana Cuy Castellanos, Compassion International
- Beth Miller, Miami University
Editorial Board
- Gina Bayless, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center/Sodexo Healthcare
- Melissa Bernstein, Rosalind Franklin University
- Jessica Bodzio, Marywood University
- Kay Bruening, Syracuse University
- Casey Colin, University of North Florida
- Jennifer Dalton, University of Dayton
- Anne Davis, Hood University
- Michele "Shelly" DeBiasse, Boston University
- Katie Eliot, University of Oklahoma
- Kevin Haubrick, University of Houston
- Amy Kweller, University of Texas at Austin
- Christine Meissner, St. Elizabeth University
- Lauren Roberson, Murray State University
- Leann Schaeffer, University of Akron
- Dana Scheunemann, Mount Mary University
- Joanne Sullivan, West Chester University
- Sara Tamsukhin, Arkansas State University
- Meredith Wagner, Concordia College
- Allisha Weeden, Idaho State University
- Sunitha Zechariah, Morrison Healthcare
Issue DOI