
Submissions from 2015


Removal of the Invasive Shrub, Lonicera Maackii, from Riparian Forests Influences Headwater Stream Biota and Ecosystem Function, Rachel E. McNeish, Eryn M. Moore (0000-0002-0809-7674), M. Eric Benbow, and Ryan W. McEwan


The cabABC Operon Essential for Biofilm and Rugose Colony Development in Vibrio vulnificus, Jin Hwan Park, Youmi Jo, Song Yee Jang, Haenaem Kwon, Yasuhiko Irie, Matthew R. Parsek, Myung Hee Kim, and Sang Ho Choi


The Hippo Pathway Effector Yki Downregulates Wg Signaling to promote Retinal Differentiation in the Drosophila Eye, Erika Lynn Wittkorn, Ankita Sarkar, Kristine Garcia, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Cell Type-Specific Responses to Wingless, Hedgehog and Decapentaplegic Are Essential for Patterning Early Eye-Antenna Disc in Drosophila, Jong-Hoon Won, Orkhon Tsogtbartarr, Wonseok Son, Amit Singh, Kwang-Wook Choi, and Kyung-Ok Cho

Submissions from 2014


Benthic Community Responses to Water Removal in Tropical Mountain Streams, Kathleen R. Gorbach, M. E. Shoda, Albert J. Burky, and M. Eric Benbow


Single-Cell Control of Initial Spatial Structure in Biofilm Development Using Laser Trapping, Jaime B. Hutchison, Chris Rodesney, Karishma S. Kaushik, Henry H. Le, Daniel A. Hurwitz, Yasuhiko Irie, and Vernita Gordon


LC/MS/MS-Based Quantitative Assay for the Secondary Messenger Molecule, c-di-GMP, Yasuhiko Irie and Matthew R. Parsek


ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq Reveal an AmrZ-Mediated Mechanism for Cyclic di-GMP Synthesis and Biofilm Development by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Christopher J. Jones, David Newsom, Benjamin Kelly, Yasuhiko Irie, Laura K. Jennings, Binjie Xu, Dominique H. Limoli, Joe J. Harrison, Matthew R. Parsek, Peter White, and Daniel J. Wozniak


A Vertex Specific Dorsal Selector dve Represses the Ventral Appendage Identity in Drosophila Head, Naruto Kiritooshi, Takeshi Yorimitsu, Tetsuya Shirai, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Amit Singh, and Hideki Nakagoshi


The Expansion of Body Coloration Involves Coordinated Evolution in cis and trans within the Pigmentation Regulatory Network of Drosophila prostipennis, Alison J. Ordway, Kerry N. Hancuch, Winslow C. Johnson, Thomas M. Williams, and Mark Rebeiz


A Survey of the Trans-regulatory Landscape for Drosophila Melanogaster Abdominal Pigmentation, William A. Rogers, Sumant Grover, Samantha J. Stringer, Jennifer Parks, Mark Rebeiz, and Thomas M. Williams


Evidence for Facilitation of Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) Life History Traits by the Nonnative Invasive Shrub Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), Lauren Shewhart, Ryan W. McEwan, and M. Eric Benbow


Intercellular Cooperation and Competition in Brain Cancers: Lessons From Drosophila and Human Studies, Indrayani Waghmare, Austin Roebke, Mutsuko Minata, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Ichiro Nakano


Toxicity and Localization Studies of a Potential Photodynamic Therapy Agent in Drosophila, Joshua Yoho, Colette Stroh, Shawn Swavey, and Madhuri Kango-Singh

Submissions from 2013


Spatiotemporal Dynamics of α and β Diversity across Topographic Gradients in the Herbaceous Layer of an Old-Growth Deciduous Forest, Julia I. Chapman and Ryan W. McEwan


Fire and Gap Dynamics over 300 Years in an Old-Growth Temperate Forest, Ryan W. McEwan, Neil Pedersen, Adrienne Cooper, Josh Taylor, Robert Watts, and Amy Hruska


Homeotic Gene Teashirt (tsh) Has a Neuroprotective Function in Amyloid-Beta 42 Mediated Neurodegeneration, Michael T. Moran, Meghana Tare, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Recurrent Modification of a Conserved Cis-Regulatory Element Underlies Fruit Fly Pigmentation Diversity, William A. Rogers, Joseph R. Salomone, David J. Tacy, Eric M. Camino, Kristen A. Davis, Mark Rebeiz, and Thomas M. Williams


The Evolution of Bab Paralog Expression and Abdominal Pigmentation among Sophophora Fruit Fly Species, Joseph R. Salomone, William A. Rogers, Mark Rebeiz, and Thomas M. Williams


Molecular Genetics of Axial Patterning, Growth and Disease in the Drosophila Eye, Amit Singh and Madhuri Kango-Singh


Genetic, Immunofluorescence Labeling, and In Situ Hybridization Techniques in Identification of Stem Cells in Male and Female Germline Niches, Shree Ram Singh, Ying Liu, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Eviatar Nevo


A Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns During Early Phases of Newt Lens Regeneration, Konstantinos Sousounis, Christian S. Michel, Marc Bruckskotten, Nobuyasu Maki, Thilo Borchardt, Thomas Braun, Mario Looso, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Novel Neuroprotective Function of Apical-Basal Polarity GeneCrumbs in Amyloid Beta 42 (Aβ42) Mediated Neurodegeneration, Andrew Steffensmeier, Meghana Tare, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Rohan Modi, Jaison Nainaparampil, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Domain Specific Genetic Mosaic System in the Drosophila Eye, Meghana Tare, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Michael Moran, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Molecular Genetic Mechanisms of Axial Patterning: Mechanistic Insights into Generation of Axes in the Developing Eye, Meghana Tare, Oorvashi Roy Puli, and Amit Singh

Molecular Genetic Mechanisms of Axial Patterning: Mechanistic Insights into Generation of Axes in the Developing Eye, Meghana Tare, Oorvashi Roy Puli, and Amit Singh (0000-0002-2962-2255)


Salamander Hox Clusters Contain Repetitive DNA and Expanded Non-Coding Regions: A Typical Hox Structure for Non-Mammalian Tetrapod Vertebrates?, Stephen Randal Voss, Srikrishna Putta, John A. Walker, Jeremiah J. Smith, Nobuyasu Maki, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Site Characteristics as Predictors of Lonicera maackii in Second-Growth Forests of Central Kentucky, USA, Heather N. Wilson, Mary A. Arthur, Angela Schörgendorfer, Robert Paratley, Brian D. Lee, and Ryan W. McEwan

Submissions from 2012


The influence of the invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, on leaf decomposition and microbial community dynamics, Mary A. Arthur, Sarah R. Bray, Christina R. Kuchle, and Ryan W. McEwan


Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2012, Gerald B. Call, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Anna M. James, Christopher R. Pope, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Tree Regeneration Ecology of an Old-Growth Central Appalachian Forest: Diversity, Temporal Dynamics, and Disturbance Response, Julia I. Chapman and Ryan W. McEwan


Changing Flora of an Old-Growth Mesophytic Forest: Previously Undetected Taxa and First Appearance of Non-native Invasive Species, Julia I. Chapman, Kaitlin L. Perry, and Ryan W. McEwan


Tumor Suppression by Cell Competition Through Regulation of the Hippo Pathway, Chiao-lin Chen, Molly C. Schroeder, Madhuri Kango-Singh, Chunyao Tao, and Georg Halder


The Pel and Psl Polysaccharides provide Pseudomonas aeruginosa Structural Redundancy within the Biofilm Matrix, Kelly M. Colvin, Yasuhiko Irie, Catherine S. Tart, Rodolfo Urbano, John C. Whitney, Cynthia Ryder, P. Lynne Howell, Daniel J. Wozniak, and Matthew R. Parsek


Hybrid Carbon-Based Scaffolds for Applications in Soft Tissue Reconstruction, Jarema S. Czarnecki, Khalid Lafdi, Robert M. Joseph, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Resolution of Sweet Flag Species Identity Provides Basis for Managing Contrasting Impacts of Native and Introduced Sweet Flag in North American Ecosystems, Donald R. Geiger and Michele G. Banker


Dispersal and Upstream Migration of an Amphidromous Neritid Snail: Implications for Restoring Migratory Pathways in Tropical Streams, Kathleen R. Gorbach, M. Eric Benbow, Mollie D. McIntosh, and Albert J. Burky


Implication of the miR-184 and miR-204 Competitive RNA Network in Control of Mouse Secondary Cataract, Andrea Hoffmann, Yusen Huang, Rinako Suetsugu-Maki, Carol S. Ringelberg, Craig R. Tomlinson, Katia Del Rio-Tsonis, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Self-Produced Exopolysaccharide is a Signal that Stimulates Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Yasuhiko Irie, Bradley R. Borlee, Jennifer R. O’Connor, Preston J. Hill, Caroline S. Harwood, Daniel J. Wozniak, and Matthew R. Parsek


Throughfall Chemistry and Soil Nutrient Effects of the Invasive Shrub Lonicera maackii in Deciduous Forests, Ryan W. McEwan, Mary A. Arthur, and Sarah Elizabeth Alverson


Riparian forest invasion by a terrestrial shrub (Lonicera maackii) impacts aquatic biota and organic matter processing in headwater streams, Rachel E. McNeish, M. Eric Benbow, and Ryan W. McEwan


Fluorescence-Based Reporter for Gauging Cyclic Di-GMP Levels in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Morten T. Rybtke, Bradley R. Borlee, Keiji Murakami, Yasuhiko Irie, Morten Hentzer, Thomas E. Nielsen, Michael Givskov, Matthew R. Parsek, and Tim Tolker-Nielsen


The Cell Division Gene Ftsz2 of Sinorhizobium Meliloti is Expressed At High Levels in Host Plant Medicago Truncatula Nodules in the Absence of Sini, Muhamad Ali K. Shakhatreh and Jayne B. Robinson


Cascade Macroinvertebrate Assemblages for In-Stream Flow Criteria and Biomonitoring of Tropical Mountain Streams, M. E. Shoda, Kathleen R. Gorbach, M. Eric Benbow, and Albert J. Burky


Neurodegeneration - A Means to an End, Amit Singh


Drosophila as a Model for Understanding Development and Disease, Amit Singh and Kenneth D. Irvine


A Glimpse into Dorso-Ventral Patterning of the Drosophila Eye, Amit Singh, Meghana Tare, Oorvashi Roy Puli, and Madhuri Kango-Singh


Generation and Staining of Intestinal Stem Cell Lineage in Adult Midgut, Shree Ram Singh, Manoj K. Mishra, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Steven X. Hou


Conservation of the Three-Dimensional Structure in Non-Homologous Or Unrelated Proteins, Konstantinos Sousounis, Carl E. Haney, Jin Cao, Bharath Sunchu, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Patterns of Gene Expression in Microarrays and Expressed Sequence Tags from Normal and Cataractous Lenses, Konstantinos Sousounis and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Lens Regeneration in Axolotl: New Evidence of Developmental Plasticity, Rinako Suetsugu-Maki, Nobuyasu Maki, Saulius Sumanas, Jie Zhu, Katia Del Rio-Tsonis, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Hippo Signalling Controls Dronc Activity to Regulate Organ Size in Drosophila, Shilpi Verghese, Shimpi Bedi, and Madhuri Kango-Singh


Scribble Acts in the Drosophila Fat-Hippo Pathway to Regulate Warts Activity, Shilpi Verghese, Indrayani Waghmare, Hailey Kwon, Katelin Hanes, and Madhuri Kango-Singh


Detection of Mycobacterium Ulcerans in the Environment Predicts Prevalence of Buruli Ulcer in Benin, Heather R. Williamson, Mark Eric Benbow, Lindsay P. Cambell, Christian R. Johnson, Ghislain Sopoh, Yves Barogui, Richard W. Merritt, and Pamela L. C. Small


Electrochemical Characterization of the Shell of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica, Yuhchae Yoon, Andrew S. Mount, Karolyn Hansen, and Douglas C. Hansen

Submissions from 2011


Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2011, Gerald B. Call, Shilpi Verghese, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Dawn M. Hemmerle, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Design of a Factorial Experiment with Randomization Restrictions to Assess Medical Device Performance on Vascular Tissue, Wiebke Diestelkamp, Carissa M. Krane, and Margaret Pinnell


Mechanical Test Methods for Assessing Porcine Carotid and Uterine Artery Burst Pressure Following Ex Vivo Ultrasonic Ligature Seal and Transection, Carissa M. Krane, Margaret Pinnell, Courtney Gardner, Mercedes Thompson, James Coleman, and Robert Wilkens


Flowering Phenology Change and Climate Warming in Southwestern Ohio, Ryan McEwan, Robert J. Brecha, Donald R. Geiger, and Grace P. John


Dynamics, Diversity, and Resource Gradient Relationships in the Herbaceous Layer of an Old-Growth Appalachian Forest, Ryan W. McEwan and Robert N. Muller


The Cellular Model of Eastern Oyster (Grassostrea Virginica) Shell Formation, Andrew S. Mount, Neeraj V. Gohad, Karolyn Hansen, Mary Beth Johnstone, and Douglas C. Hansen


Dynamic Regulation of Aquaglyceroporin Expression in Erythrocyte Cultures from Cold- and Warm-Acclimated Cope's Gray Treefrog, Hyla Chrysoscelis, Venkateshwar Mutyam, Matthew V. Puccetti, James Frisbie, David L. Goldstein, and Carissa M. Krane


Endo-Porter–Mediated Delivery of Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligos (PMOs) in Erythrocyte Suspension Cultures from Cope's Gray Treefrog Hyla Chrysoscelis, Venkateshwar Mutyam, Matthew V. Puccetti, James Frisbie, David L. Goldstein, and Carissa M. Krane


Protein Trap Lines of Drosophila to demonstrate Spatio-Temporal Localization of Proteins in an Undergraduate Lab, Oorvashi Roy Puli and Amit Singh


Experimental Approaches to Evaluate the Contributions of Candidate Cis-regulatory Mutations to Phenotypic Evolution, Mark Rebeiz and Thomas M. Williams


Quantitative Comparison of cis-Regulatory Element (CRE) Activities in Transgenic Drosophila melanogaster, William A. Rogers and Thomas M. Williams


Opposing Interactions between Homothorax and Lobe define the Ventral Eye Margin of Drosophila Eye, Amit Singh, Meghana Tare, Madhuri Kango-Singh, Won-Seok Son, Kyung-Ok Cho, and Kwang-Wook Choi


A Complement Receptor C5a Antagonist Regulates Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Crystallin Expression After Lens Cataract Surgery in Mice, Rinako Suetsugu-Maki, Nobuyasu Maki, Timothy P. Fox, Kenta Nakamura, Richard Cowper.Solari, Craig R. Tomlinson, Hongchang Qu, John D. Lambris, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Activation of JNK Signaling Mediates Amyloid-ß- Dependent Cell Death, Meghana Tare, Rohan Modi, Jaison Nainaparampil, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Shimpi Bedi, Pedro Fernandez-Funez, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Laboratory Diagnosis of Clostridium difficile Infection: Can Molecular Amplification Methods Move Us Out of Uncertainty?, Fred C. Tenover, Ellen Jo Baron, Lance R. Peterson, and David Persing


The Role of Crassostrea Virginica Hemocytes in Shell Formation: Ex Vivo Mineral Deposition by Cultured Hemocytes, Emily A. Untener, Douglas C. Hansen, and Karolyn Hansen

Submissions from 2010


Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2010, Gerald B. Call, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Shilpi Verghese, and Amit Singh


A Major Role for Mammals in the Ecology of Mycobacterium Ulcerans, Janet A. Fyfe, Caroline J. Lavender, Kathrine A. Handasyde, Alistair R. Legione, Carolyn R. O'Brien, Timothy P. Stinear, Sacha J. Pidot, Torsten Seemann, Mark Eric Benbow, John R. Wallace, Christina McCowan, and Paul D. R. Johnson


Glycerol Uptake by Erythrocytes from Warm- and Cold-Acclimated Cope’s Gray Treefrogs, David L. Goldstein, James Frisbie, Andrew Diller, Ram Naresh Pandey, and Carissa M. Krane


Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Matrix Polysaccharide Psl is Regulated Transcriptionally by RpoS and Post-Transcriptionally by RsmA, Yasuhiko Irie, Melissa Starkey, Adrianne N. Edwards, Daniel J. Wozniak, Tony Romeo, and Matthew R. Parsek


Expression Profiles During Dedifferentiation in Newt Lens Regeneration Revealed by Expressed Sequence Tags, Nobuyasu Maki, John Martinsou, Osamu Nishimura, Hiroshi Tarui, Jaroslaw Meller, Panagiotis A. Tsonis, and Kiyokazu Agata


A multi-assay comparison of seed germination inhibition by Lonicera maackii and co-occurring native shrubs, Ryan W. McEwan, Lucia G. Arthur-Paratley, Lynne K. Rieske, and Mary A. Arthur


Ecology and Transmission of Buruli Ulcer Disease: A Systematic Review, Richard W. Merritt, Edward D. Walker, Pamela L. C. Small, John R. Wallace, Paul D. R. Johnson, Mark Eric Benbow, and Daniel A. Boakye


Tubulin Evolution in Insects: Gene Duplication and Subfunctionalization Provide Specialized Isoforms in a Functionally Constrained Gene Family, Mark G. Nielsen, Sudhindra R. Gadagkar, and Lisa Gutzwiller


Dorsal Eye Selector Pannier (pnr) Suppresses the Eye Fate to Define Dorsal Margin of the Drosophila Eye, Sarah M. Oros, Meghana Tare, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and Amit Singh


Different Methods for Culturing Biofilms In Vitro, S. Brook Peterson, Yasuhiko Irie, Bradley R. Borlee, Keiji Murakami, Joe J. Harrison, Kelly M. Colvin, and Matthew R. Parsek


A Molecular Screening Method for Unisexual Ambystoma using Mitochondrial DNA, Elizabeth A. Rhoads, Carissa M. Krane, and P. Kelly Williams


Focus on Molecules: Six3 – Master or Apprentice?, Amit Singh and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Generation of a Novel Wing Colour Pattern by the Wingless Morphogen, Thomas Werner, Shigeyuki Koshikawa, Thomas M. Williams, and Sean B. Carroll


Adapting Biodegradable Oligo(Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Fumarate) Hydrogels for Pigment Epithelial Cell Encapsulation and Lens Regeneration, Mimi W. Zhang, Hansoo Park, Xuan Guo, Kenta Nakamura, Robert M. Raphael, F. Kurtis Kasper, Antonios G. Mikos, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis

Submissions from 2009


Towards Biomimetic Ceramic Coatings: Cellular Aspects of Oyster Shell Biomineralization, Mary Beth Johnstone, Karolyn Hansen, Neeraj V. Gohad, Douglas C. Hansen, and Andrew S. Mount


Regulation of Organ Size: Insights from the Drosophila Hippo Signaling Pathway, Madhuri Kango-Singh and Amit Singh


Altered Regulation of Aquaporin Gene Expression in Allergen and IL-13-Induced Mouse Models of Asthma, Carissa M. Krane, Bijia Deng, Venkateshwar Mutyam, Casey A. McDonald, Stephen Pazdziorko, Lawrence Mason, Samuel Goldman, Marion Kasaian, Divya Chaudhary, Cara Williams, and Melisa W.Y. Ho


Leaf phenology and freeze tolerance of the invasive shrub Amur honeysuckle and potential native competitors, Ryan W. McEwan, M. Keith Birchfield, Angela Schoergendorfer, and Mary A. Arthur


Potential interactions between invasive woody shrubs and the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), an invasive insect herbivore, Ryan W. McEwan, Lynne K. Rieske, and Mary A. Arthur


The Mineralization Front of the Eastern Oyster is Cellular, Andrew S. Mount, Neeraj V. Gohad, Mary Beth Johnstone, Karolyn Hansen, and Douglas C. Hansen


Rapid Evolution of Sex-Pheromone-producing Enzyme in Drosophila, Troy R. Shirangi, Héloïse D. Dufour, Thomas M. Williams, and Sean B. Carroll


Patterning Defects in Silkworm Embryos Analysed through Cuticle Preparations, Amit Singh, Madhuri Kango-Singh, and K. P. Gopinathan


Drosophila Adult Eye Model to Teach Scanning Electron Microscopy in an Undergraduate Cell Biology Laboratory, Meghana Tare, Oorvashi Roy Puli, Sarah M. Oros, and Amit Singh


Genetic and Molecular Insights into the Development and Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism, Thomas M. Williams and Sean B. Carroll


Assessment of Oyster Shell Structural Properties for the Development of 'Green' Composite Materials, Yuhchae Yoon, Andrew S. Mount, Douglas C. Hansen, and Karolyn Hansen

Submissions from 2008


A Novel Approach to Control Growth, Orientation, and Shape of Human Osteoblasts, Jarema S. Czarnecki, Khalid Lafdi, and Panagiotis A. Tsonis


Quorum Sensing and Microbial Biofilms, Yasuhiko Irie and Matthew R. Parsek


Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2008, Madhuri Kango-Singh, Gerald B. Call, and Amit Singh


Structural and Functional Changes of Tropical Riffle Macroinvertebrate Communities Associated with Stream Flow Withdrawal, Mollie D. McIntosh, Jennifer A. Schmitz, M. Eric Benbow, and Albert J. Burky