Master's and doctoral theses and dissertations are included in the University of Dayton Libraries catalog and available for use from the University Archives.
Theses and dissertations written from 2012 to the present are available from the OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. Many of those works written before 2012 will be available for download soon.
Note: The author owns copyright. All references to the material must be cited properly. A recommended citation appears with each document; click on the title to view the information and/or to download the paper.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1971
The influence of moderate hypoxia on glycogen reserves in the three to five day chick heart: a histochemical and biochemical investigation, Sandra Burin Bobick
Thermomagnetic analyzer design, Rolando H. Bolomey
Fluorometric derivative method for plasma or serum estriol in pregnancy, Milagros Niverba Caranto
Adjustable frequency speed control for induction motors, Carlos Roberto Carrasco
Merleau-Ponty's development of a phenomenological psychology, Gerald Joseph Carruba
A plan for the development of expanded learning opportunities for the Dayton public school system, Allen James Cawley
A proposed curriculum outline for an advanced high school mathematics program, Mary Carolyn Chnapko
Growth of Cladosporium resinae on glucose and on hydrocarbons, Louis Cofone
Design aspects of a VHF aircraft communications monitor, David Lee Dawson
A study of middle school teachers' perceptions of the purposes for using individualized instructional packages, Frank Peter DePalma
The effect of thyrocalcitonin on bone growth, John William Dietrich
A program of bibliotherapy for an eighth grade reading class at Christ the King School, Columbus, Ohio, Marlene Marie Damian Dimmerling
A study of the electronic effects on the reductive-cleavage of N-methyl-benzanilides with lithium aluminum hydride, Ronald James Doll
A comparison of five basal reading series, according to the needs of the slow learning child, Mary Ann Dorsten
Investigations of myothermic measurement techniques, Michael Jerome Doslak
Ideal" versus "real" instructional sets and profile changes on the mini-mult with an adolescent sample", Peter John Doyle
A study of possible predictors of success in second year algebra courses at Bladensburg Senior High School, Bladensburg, Maryland, Donald Lee Droneburg
An investigation into the correlations of TOC with BOD and other wastewater parameters, John Perez Duenas
Education in Community, Luis Santiago Dunstan
Selection of an improved lubricating oil for fractional horsepower refrigerator motors, Peter Sandor Eros
Evaluation of amylase methodology, Peter Fung Piu Fong
A study of Herbert Marcuse: hopeful thought in a repressive present for a non-repressive future, Kathleen Lucia Curzie Gaydos
Enrichment materials to supplement the second year algebra class, for college-bound students at Yale-Jamaica-Bagley High School, Jamaica, Iowa, John Lavelle Gilliland
The development of an electrophoretic method, and the evaluation of the Harleco Kit method for determining serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme activity, Robert Lee Graves
An analog computer design suitable for use in a high school science curriculum with some applications and solved problems, John Howard Hepner
A guideline for introducing individualized study in Algebra I, Patricia Hoffman
Digital simulation of a serial binary arithmetic system, Avninder Kumar Kalra
Enrichment topics for advanced twelfth grade mathematics, Stephen Douglas Kander
William James's doctrine of radical empiricism, Thomas William Keyes
An electronic analog multiplier using Schottky barrier diodes, George Henry Kramer
Fault detection for combinational logic under the multiple fault assumption, Patrick Wai-Fai Lam
Design and implementation of an interactive information system, John J. Lauro
Developing a metric for pattern information, Frank Aloysius Maher
An investigation of mass injection into the boundary layer, John Armistead Marshall
Problem solving through critical thinking, Sarita McEneany
Guiding the emotionally disturbed urban school child through the language arts program, Margaret McGarry
The use of ceramics as bone substitutes, Michael Lawrence McGrady
The Port of Mobile in the Civil War, Patricia J. McKearney
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Margaret Eileen Szantay McKinney
A color-coded math project for junior high school,, Rita McQueeney
The design and development of two oscillating sample magnetometer systems, Herbert Frank Mildrum
Differences in academic achievement of second, fourth, and seventh grade students, in ten selected diocesan elementary schools in Dallas-Fort Worth, Mary Colette Muszynska
Observation of magnetic domains in rare earth-cobalt permanent magnet alloys by means of the Kerr effect, Firasat Unnisa Naseem
Comparison of the Lee-White method and thrombin time for monitoring patients on heparin therapy, Paul Gikubu Ngumi
The teacher aide's role in the reinforcement of language arts concepts in the first grade, Mary Elizabeth Niesen
Interdependence of parameters in exploding bridgewire detonator systems, Gary Lee Numbers
A study of aeration as a sludge digestion method, Benjamin Hudson Parkat
An E.P.R. investigation of Gdp3s in insulating and semiconducting CdFb2s containing Cep3ss+ as a codopant, José Benito Pastora
The crystal and molecular structure of anti[2.2]paracyclonaphthane, Timothy James Perko
An in-service training program designed to orient teaching personnel to the philosophy and methodology of the open space middle school, Donald Michael Polomsky
The nature of communication: a half-year thematic program of English skills, for ninth and tenth grades, Katherine Nevin Rieske
Spectra-Wang interlink for temperature, Thomas Angelo Rorro
The effect of Warfarin on the metabolism of vitamin Kb1s sin rat livers: a possible mechanism of action for Warfarin, James Albert Sadowski
Birth order differences regarding conservatism and identification with authority figures: an Adlerian approach, Seymour Schneider
A modified protein-vitamin A conjugation procedure for the study of antigenicity of vitamin A, Thomas Vincent Shankey
The effect of carbon dioxide as a regulation on the growth of algae, George Bernard Shaw
A comparative study of mathematics instruction: using the process of small group and individualized study at the fourth year level, Cameron Lumpkin Smith
A plan for differentiated staffing for the primary school of the Mount Pleasant Catholic Education Center, Cleveland, Ohio, Theresa Spitale
Personality and development of the cerebral palsied, Richard Arlen Steinbrunner
A comparative study of employee-supervisor relationships, in production and technical settings, and an analysis of their impact upon organizational performance, Stephen Alexander Stromp
Specific heat of CdS, George John Svenconis
The relationship between motivation and birth order position: an empirical-exploratory investigation, Richard John Teich
Effects of inhibition of sink leaf metabolism on accumulation of translocate in the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), Robert Earl Toia
Engineering optoelectronics, Alfonso Rafael Torres
Electric field enhanced heat transfer from a cylinder to water in crossflow, Frank Joseph Trogus
Specific charge and mass flow distribution in a colloid beam, Jerrell Maurice Turner
Criteria for predicting spin susceptibility of fighter-type aircraft, Robert Weissman
Flicker in wide angle visual systems, William Ludwig Welde
Differential cerebral processing in letter detection with visually or acoustically confusable embedding contexts, Joseph Dwight Wiant
Piaget's theory of thought activity as related to an arithmetic achievement test battery, Robert Pete Williams
Development of procedures to study the possible role of anti-bovine corpus luteum on the reproductive performance in female rats, Anthony Joseph Zeleznik
Development of catechetical units to aid parents in the instruction of their primary child, M. Valerie Zielinski
Sartrean existentialism and humanism: contradictory philosophies of man?, Gail Maxine Zill
Theses/Dissertations from 1970
The crystal and molecular structure of 3, 3, 3', 5, 5', 6, 6' - octamethyl - 1, 1'- spirobiindan, Patricia Jacquelyn Abel
The social studies curriculum K-12 at Milton-Union Schools, West Milton, Ohio: an assessment, Jack L. Adams
Teaching sixth graders the function of words in sentences through diagraming, to improve their written expression, Gary Jay Althaus
Statistical parameter detection of a random signal, James Henry Alt
Edmund Waller's poetry: the craftsmanship of praise and persuasion, Mary Carolyn Anderson
An aircraft xenon flashtube anti-collision detector, Charles Fredrick Balmer
A new electrical fuse, utilizing the superconducting to normal transition, Donald Bruce Barsalou
Evaluation of selected fourth grade reading textbooks and geography textbooks based on the Lorge Reading Formula, John Clare Beris
Test generation and redundancy isolation for sequential logic circuits, Robert Edward Bernhardt
A comparison of the traditional group method with the multi-media, unipac method of teaching fourth grade social studies at the Assumption School, Dayton, Ohio, Barbara Ann Bertke
Digital computer simulation of a design concept for tracking radiometers, Frederick Paul Blommel
Differentiated staffing: an organizational approach towards individualized instruction at Gardendale Elementary School, Joanna Kay Bowers
[Cr(H2O)x(n-BuOH)6-x](ClO4)3 reactions in anhydrous normal butanol,, Richard Gerard Bowler
Hawthorne's religious philosophy: a survey of critical opinion, and a comment, Paul Stanley Brower
Data transfer by Walsh functions, Roger Allen Bunn
The role of pop music as an aid in group psychotherapy with adolescents, Charles Edward Burbridge
A study of the emotional factors related to underachievement among bright pupils in the fifth and sixth grades, Roseanne Mary Burke
A comparative study of the Greater Cleveland Mathematics Program, in grades two, three, four and five in the Centerville Elementary Schools, Mary Elise Calmus
A study of natural and musical imagery in the poetry of George Herbert, W. R. Carey
Microprogrammed control design of a digital calculator, Venu Chari
The ten-key keyboard experienced operator performance model, David Wayne Clark
Calculation of ternary phase diagrams, William James Clark
The historical background of plane trigonometry, complex numbers, and exponential functions in the mathematics curriculum for the twelfth year, Mary Anne Croitz
The development of a resource unit for the teaching of black literature to black inner city students, Lelia Hinton Crowders
The changing role of teaching religious after Vatican II, Irene Dailyda
Neurologically orientated pre-reading readiness program, Mary Jacqueline Dewar
FM signal detection through AM receiver time-derivative techniques, John Rudolph Dowalo
The design of a liquid industrial waste incinerator facility, Melvin Clarence Eifert
A program oriented approach for planning and control in school management information systems, Carlos Eduardo Escobar
An experiment in third grade individualized reading at Notre Dame Academy, Waterbury, Connecticut, Margaret Rose Farley
Ultrastructural changes in the cotyledonary epidermal cells of the germinating seeds of Euphorbia esula L, Robert Joseph Fellows
A study of instrumentation required for arc plasma materials evaluations, Dennis A. Gerdeman
Comparative electron microscopy of intestinal epithelial cells during food absorption: larvae and adult Rana pipiens, Robert T. Giaquinta
The relationship between internal-external control of reinforcement and aggression in children: a critical evaluation of social learning theory within an empirical framework, Thomas Laurence Guarriello
A feasibility study on the simulation of an automobile driver during a collision, G. Guiterrez
Kierkegaard's existential concept of truth as subjectivity, Francis Julius Gurczak
Adaptive characteristics of hemoglobin of the sidewinder, Crotalus cerastes, Ann Howard Hamer
A Title I program for the Cranford, New Jersey, schools under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Geraldine Marie Heffernan
Aircraft tiresoil interaction - single rolling wheel verification tests, John Richard Hoppenjans
Probabilistic structure weight estimation of a two stage liquid missile, Leonard James Howie
Control of cellular information, John Joseph Howley
Sati al-Husari's views on Ibn Khaldun, Mohamed Alboud al Isa
A computer assisted instruction program in American history, 1870-1921, Betty L. Jehn
Imagery value, retroactive inhibition and the feeling of knowing, Robert John Jewett
Topics in the secondary pre-calculus course, required for college calculus, as determined by investigation of content in certain college calculus textbooks, Mary Raymund Johnson
Supplementary teacher material for the enrichment of the New Testament study in the junior high school, M. Clarita Kadis
The subversion of the Weimar Republic by the German military, 1918-1926, Stephen Feuchtwanger Kahn
A proposed unit utilizing the conceptual approach in eighth grade social studies, Catherine Kaiser
Solid state power amplifier, James Nolan Keller
Determination of the diffusion coefficient of silver perchlorate by holographic interferometry, Robert Lowell Kerr
Organizing the diocesan association for elementary school principals in the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, Mary Theresa Kessler
STAIS: the design of a student advisory information system, William George Key
Library activities for upper elementary school children, Mary Edith Klimaszewski
Comments on ionization cross section for high electron energies and its application to Xenon, Said H. Koozekanani
Design of a pneumatic peck drill, John Joseph Kramer
An analysis of the criticism of The grapes of wrath, John Robert Kuehn
Electrophoregrams of proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa grown on hydrocarbons, glucose, or tryptic soy broth, Theodore John Kula
Kant's notion of the good will as loving one's neighbor, John Lee Lahey
Influence of lattice defects on the heat capacity of crystalline materials, Garth William Lawless
The effect of aeration rate and oxygen concentration on growth and morphology of Candida albicans, Harold Francis Leahy
Implementation of a cyclic decoder in four phase logic, David Chin-Chung Lee
Soil sinkage-interaction effects produced by adjacent dynamic surface loads, Albert Edward Liguori
An experimental investigation of a planar heat pipe for cooling large capacity batteries, Edward Thomas Mahefkey
The effects of bone immobilization upon bone metabolism and the parathyroid glands, Clyde Edward Miller
A guide for incorporating the humanistic aspect of mathematics into the teaching of introductory analysis, Rose Christina Momm
The effect of chemotherapeutic agents upon respiration, glycolysis, and transplantability of rat chloromyeloid leukemic tumor cells, James Patrick Francis Murphy
The principal's role of responsibility in regard to certain organizational innovations in the elementary school, Barbara Muth
Discrimination of external stimuli as a function of synchronization to various points in the cardiac cycle: an exploratory study, William Sommer Myers
Approximate solution of boundary layer equations using Bessel functions, Charles John Nietubicz
School phobia: its development and meaning to parents and educators, Ruth Ostertag
A comparison of reading and arithmetic achievement with behavior ratings and WISC subtest scores, Marie Walter Page
Investigation of crack initiation and arrest in a titanium alloy, Gerald John Petrak
Theory and design of active filters for a photorhythmicon, David Richard Petroski
Seventh and eighth grade mathematics enrichment, New Haven, Connecticut, Rita Pinault
Fatty acid composition of a Cladosporium sp. grown on glucose, n-alkanes, and Jet-A, Charles Martin Proby
Marshall McLuhan: implications for information science, Eugene Joseph Rathswohl
The photochemical reaction of 3-phenyl-2-butanone oxime,, James Edward Reboulet
A study of the effect of arithmetic homework on arithmetic achievement, Norman David Rich
Experimental design and procedure for myothermic testing, Raphael Joseph Riley
The principal's role in stimulating teacher initiative, Marian Ruede
Penetration effects in Tmp1s69s, Allan Louis Sagle
The development of a continuous progress program in language arts, for the pupils of Notre Dame Elementary School, Chardon, Ohio, Mary Jane Elizabeth Sakach
In-service professional growth of teachers through faculty meetings, Mary Helen Schwindt
A process of growth in Robert Browning's The ring and the book, Robin Pritchard Sharp
The effectiveness of programed reading in the first grade at St. Wenceslaus School, La Crosse, Wisconsin, M. Laurette Sprosty
Transient suppression in SCR circuits with ac phase control, Donald Eugene Swihart
Taxonomic electrophoresis of crotaline venom, Patrick Michael Tatano
Developing an English program to meet the aims of the Brazilian sisters, A.S.C., Mary Mark Thome
A comparison of two methodologies of presenting a systems approach, for the use of teachers in planning instruction, Carolyn Harriet Thomes
A comparison of the existential element of faith in the thought of Martin Luther and St. Thomas Aquinas, Howard Edward Thornton
A guide for differential diagnosis in identification of educable mentally retarded individuals, Karen Davis Uncapher
Hope in the philosophies of Thomas Aquinas and Gabriel Marcel, Joseph Paul Valent
An analysis of ethics for medical experimentation, Allecia Ruth Foreman Von der Embse
Non linear theory of injection semiconductor diodes, Quang Van Vo
Design and calibration of a Mach 2.5 two dimensional wind tunnel nozzle, Leon A. Vorst
The hypophasic carotenoids of Micrococcus roseus, John David Walker
An ultrastructural study of the three day chick embryo heart exposed to moderate hypoxia, Joseph Robert Walsh
A study of the role of the religious elementary teacher in adult education, Barbara Lee Walter
The effects of simulation and creative activities in reading on superior and below average students, Mary Karen Werra
Magnetic flux measurements using analog and digital techniques, Joyce Raymond Wild
Developing critical thinking and understanding through the social studies, Gertrude Marie Wisniewski
Dynamic testing, David Patrick Wittman
Computer simulation of a semi-active thermal control system, Eugene Alter Zara
Theses/Dissertations from 1969
The exhaustive methylation of piperidine and the thermal decomposition of its quarternary ammonium hydroxides, Joseph Michael Arde
Teaching reading on the primary level through the use of creative supplementary activities, Jeannine Bahr
Design technique of continuous supersonic wind tunnels, Iqbal Haji Esmail Beediwals
The Negro colonization movement in Ohio: 1827-1860, Charles Raymond Bennett
Inquiry regarding the utilization of ETV in the small rural schools of Nebraska, Isabelle Bernhardt
Effects of amino acids on growth, transaminase activity, and morphology of Candida albicans, Louis Joseph Bir
A study of the verbal interactive behavior in an educable mentally retarded class, Armand D. Bonforte
Gabriel Marcel's theory of participation: an historical-critical study, Charles P. Bostaph
Social facilitation and dominance orders in rats, James F. Brennan
A comparative study of two methods of teaching coordinate geometry, Maryann Margaret Bresnan
A structured proposal for philosophical and practical guidelines toward improvement of faculty meetings, Marie Elise Brosteaux
Influence of creative art activities on the social and emotional status of mentally retarded children, Thomas Brown
Implications in the work of Levine for a study of the teaching of science at the Ethiopian Evangelical College, Debra Zeit, Ethiopia, William Eugene Brown
A study guide in health and safety for slow learning children, grades eleven and twelve, at Roth High School, Dayton, Ohio, James R. Caldwell
A quantitative study of Catholic education in Ecuador, Gonzalo C. Cartagenova
The vice figure in the comedies of George Chapman, Ralph A. Caruso
Sink region metabolism and translocation in sugar beet: the effects of anoxia, Alfred Lawrence Christy
The separation and isolation of a chromium (III) species in butanol, Thomas J. Commons
The administrator and the role of the counselor in the elementary school, Courtney Dalton
The role of foreign student advisor at the University of Dayton, Kenneth A. Davenport
The history of McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, 1917-1927, Terence M. Dean
Personal growth of college students in a summer poverty program, Dennis P. Downs
Measurement of gaseous diffusion coefficients by a modified two-bulb method, Gary Arnold DuBro
Man in the humanisms of Maritain and Teilhard, Mary Newman Dunlavey
A study of teacher qualifications for a nongraded primary program, Mary Magdalen Dwyer
Development of a demonstration apparatus for studying the coupled flows in direct energy conversion, Thomas Edward Endres
Experimental methodology for mechanical testing of frog muscle, Richard C. Entwhistle
Sinclair Lewis's attitude toward Christianity in his major novels of the 1920's, Harry J. Evans
A technical guide for videotape recording in pre-service elementary teacher training at the University of Dayton, R. Lee Eytcheson
Response of spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus spp. in a hydrocarbon-water system, James Anthony Felix
Site determination of the p6s multiplet spectral lines of Gdp3s in SrFb2ss, Michael William Ferralli
Digital filter techniques using integrated circuits, Theodore Wayne Fischer
Analysis of optical reflectors, Gerald Michael Fitzgibbon
The critical nature of the acquisition and loss of wealth in three of Willa Cather's novels, Carol Minzy Foland
Chemical changes in Rana pipiens sartorius muscles, Edward J. Fruin
Angular correlation techniques, Thomas W. Fruscello
Multifactor analysis of information transfer in student advisory counseling, Charles C. Gauder
Judgmental latencies as a function of word and word-pairs rated on an evaluative dimension, George Daniel Goedel
A validity study of a Group Block Rotation Test for the prediction of organic brain disorder, Bruce J. Goldsmith
A study of linear and multiple variance correlations in order to determine a criterion to be used in placement of ninth grade students in Mathematics I at Wilbur Wright High School, Dayton, Ohio, Robert Edward Goubeaux
The preparation of vitamin A-protein conjugate and the detection of antibodies against vitamin A, Gloria A. Hauck
Unbalanced winding methods for three phase induction motors, Lewis O. Heinze
The effect of temperature on some aspects of snake metabolism, William M. Hinchey
Photochemical synthesis of 2-azabicyclo-octanes, James August Hinnenkamp
The carbon-bromine stretching frequencies of mono- and di-bromonorbornanes, Bartholomeus Chien Chong Ho
The effective alpha activity of plutonium-238 dioxide microspheres, Gary N. Huffman
The use of eye imagery in selected works of Henry James, Betsy Mills Hughes
Selected poems of Jasimuddin, with an introduction, Hasna Jahan Jasimuddin
Selected creative activities for non-readers in elementary special education classes, Nancy Ann Staley Johnson
A hybrid executive program applied to engineering computation, Freeman Keith Jones
A program of in-service education in the language arts area for several rural schools, Leora Juettner
Establishing an improved learning situation for first graders in the Logan Hills School District, Ruth Ann Keck
An investigation of current American trends in elementary earth-science education from kindergarten through grade six, Veronica J. Kennedy
Studies on the characterization of staphylococcal hemolysins, Floyd C. Knoop
The landlady, the beau, and the doctor: a study of three character masks and the individuals behind them, taken from three social levels as found in the comic novels of Henry Fielding, Susan Goldstein Koch
Bergson's philosophy of intuition as a process epistemology, Heather Gabrielle Kress
Arginine metabolism in arginine-requiring pyrimidineless-suppressor mutants of Neurospora crassa, Wayne David Lancaster
A follow-up study of Factors resulting in success or failure of a selected group of college freshmen in calculus at the University of Dayton" ", Robert C. Leahy
An objective study of the Migrane Personality."", Howard Lieberman
Analysis of personality changes among college students as reflected by the Guilford-Zimmerman temperament survey, Dennis P. Maloy
A generalized computer simulation program to analyze human communication chains, Andrew Marmorstein
Teaching critical reading through literature to above-average pupils in the sixth grade, Jacqueline Marshall
Infrared lattice spectra of the rare-earth stannate and titanate pyrochlores, John Francis Luke McCaffrey
Persistence on a skill task as a function of internal vs. external locus of control, William H. McKelvie
Attitudes toward the task of reading of two groups of children, good and poor readers, Ralph Edmond McKinney
Band edge emission in ZnSe single crystals, Terrence Meier
John Dewey and Joseph Fletcher: a presentation of the concept of morality, Regina M. Mengis
A proposed program for the assistant principalship in the Dayton Catholic school system, Walter R. Miller
A comparison of abstract impairment between brain damaged and schizophrenic patients, as measured on the proverbs test, David Kent Mills
A program of physical education for the primary grades in the Dayton public schools, James M. Mogan
A program to provide homogeneous grouping in a heterogeneous class of algebra students, Ann Mary Moles
Investigation of a platinum catalyzed Cob2s aser, Paul J. J Monaghan
The role of oral preparation prior to teaching the printed word in French, Marion M. Munger
A comparative study of two different methods of teaching Algebra I at Centerville High School and the effects these methods have on achievement and attitude, Maureen Breda Murphy
Relationship between perceived meaninglessness and school achievement, Donald Eugene Myers
The functions of the dream sequences in Piers Plowman, Mary L. Navarro
An enrichment program for senior high school mathematics courses, Mary Marlene Nerone
Selective supplemental science materials for upper-elementary science students, Robert Odell
A study of bibliotherapy in a second grade at the C.L. Stingley School, Marilyn J. Ott
Korean attitudes toward United States military during the war, 1950-1953, Seung Gi Paik
An experimental research in effecting a change in attitudes among eighth grade students toward current social problems, Mary Joel Pax
A preschool program for children not attending kindergarten, Mary Domitia Peters
Anti-feminism in Froude's works on the Tudor period, Wilma Antoinette Reicher
Empathy as a condition for counseling: a review of empirical studies: a project on the theory and research in counseling, Zoila Robert Rosalba Ruiz
Stability of classification systems: MMPI code type versus psychiatric diagnosis, Bart C. Rossi
An automatic gain control system for a document sorter, David Lee Royer
A study involving the applicability of game simulation in education, Maedene N. Russell
Four phase logic and its application to MOS-FET-LSI integrated circuits, Ahmed Chaouki Salloum
A critical study of the role of Charles De Gaulle in the organization and development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1945-1966, M. Charlene Scales
Promoting positive self-concepts in intermediate grade children through the use of selected literature, Mary Ellen Shearer
The calculation of heat capacities of solids, Charles Field Shoemaker
The Mini-Mult: its meaningfulness as related to a profile analysis classification system, Mark Skovron
The combined effects of vibration, noise and exposure duration on auditory temporary threshold shift, Henry Charles Sommer
Area distortions in area correlation guidance systems, Marvin Spector
The prediction of psychiatric aide and attendant absenteeism, Victor L. Stanchina
An efficient and inexpensive inverter, John Henry Stebel
A prediction equation for degrees of success in geometry, Lester J. Steinlage
Psychotic deficit: a theoretical and empirical reformulation from the biosocial viewpoint, Kathleen Usher
Negro characters as studies of men in Eugene O'Niell's The Emperor Jones and All God's chillun got wings, Vincent R. Vallese
A plan for the implementation of a revised social studies curriculum in Most Holy Trinity School, Therese Van Thull
The Hungarian Revolution, 1956: reality or fiction, Stephen Vincze
A review of current research on the nature of the teacher, parent, pupil, and community participation in ungrading an elementary school, Geraldine Vogel
Proposed workshops for the instruction of mathematically deficient high school chemistry students, Marie Regis Vogler
The incident in Athens, Ohio, in 1904: a study into procedures that varied from those followed by the government in the Brownsville affray in 1906, John E. Voskuhl
The effect of tetrodotoxin on p2s2sNa uptake and action potential recovery in sciatic nerve of Rana pipiens, James Joseph Watrous
Computer program for arterial traffic study and signal offset selection, Roger F. Weiss
A suggested resource guide on organized elementary physical education activities for use in the Sidney city schools, John V. Wolfinger
The enhancement of the p6s[subscript 72] flourescence of Gdp3s+ n SrFb2s containing Cep3s+ sas a codopant, James Louis Wolf
Design of a clock system for a MOS terminal, Manuel Wong
An intra-class grouping program for the teaching of measurement and per cent in a seventh grade mathematics class, Judith Worden
The grouping of spectral lines in the optical spectra of Gdp3s n CaFb2s saccording to common sites, Richard Edward Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations from 1968
Phase-locked oscillators, Carmelo Ammassari
Development of guidelines for faculty meeting discussions on the principles established by The Declaration on Christian education, M. Marcella Anibas
System effectiveness alias SURE-REACH, Venkataraman Balachandran
An investigation of a nongraded reading program conducted in the primary department of St. Angela Merici School, McKeesport, Pa., Carmella Bassetti
The effect of supplemental food on bioenergetics and population processes of Microtus pennsylvanicus in an old-field area, Robert Leonard Belichick
An in-service teaching program for the improvement of teaching reading in Holy Trinity School, Norfolk, Virginia, M. Joanella Bennawit
A philosophical investigation: The relevance and meaning of Darwin's theory of natural selection, Ronald R. Bergeron
Design data for a compression spring with a non-linear spring rate, George J. Berner
Performance of hydrostatic, gas, journal bearings, Robert S. Bertke
Sequential t-Tests, Raghbir Kumar Bhardwaj
Infrared spectra and rotational isomerism of the liquid and solid phase bromoalkanes in the 660 cm-1 to 400 cm-1 region, Joseph William Bozzelli
Factors that may affect the passage or failure of school tax levies in Ohio as perceived by selected educational leaders, Kenneth J. Brand
A proposed resource guide on Blessed Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton for use in social studies in the upper grades of Catholic elementary schools, Eileen Therese Breslin
The ecologues of Phineas Fletcher, Herman M. Buerschen
The essence of man in Nietzsche: A view of Godless humanity, Irene Brokas Burnham
The development and refinement of the unmasking technique in the plays of Eugene O'Neill, Peter F. Burnham
An analysis of the transient response of thermal protection systems, Frank Campanile
A comparison of two methods of teaching the civics portion of eighth grade social studies to eighth grade pupils of Emerson Elementary School, Dayton, Ohio, Robert R. Cannarozzi
Leaf structure and translocation in sugar beet, Dominic A. Cataldo
A guide of speech arts activities correlated to the selected social studies units of the intermediate grades, Sueanne Caton
Construction of a thermoluminescent spectrophotometer: a preliminary investigation of cesium chloride, thallium doped, John George Chernega
A study to determine the selection criteria to be used in the placement of students in the mathematics program at Fridley Junior High School, Thomas Cimbura
Philosophical assumptions underlying the theory of evolution, Constance Marie Clark
A proposed change of content for the second year of Latin at Stebbins High School, Corinne Clements
Alcohol-soluble proteins from vegetative cells and spores of Bacillus cereus, William C. Dierksheide
The effect of cortisol on the primary and secondary immune response in guinea pigs, Danny Lee Duberstein
A laboratory unit in probability for the high school student, Donald A. Dudek
Gamma efficiency of a silicon avalanche radiation detector, Paul W. Dueweke
Cellular lipids and fatty acids of Pseudomanas aeruginosa" grown on hydrocarbons and on trypticase soy broth", Paul Edmonds
The apologist and the grammarian: a comparative analysis of John Henry Newman's personas in the Apologia pro vita sua and An essay in aid of a grammar of assent, Michael A. Ferrigno
Development of integration at Holy Angels Grade School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1957 to 1967, M. Rhea James Fetterman
A study of the use of Kephart techniques used with kindergarten children who are deficient in perceptual-motor skills, Berneda Filbrun
The availability of federal aid to private elementary and secondary schools, M. Alacoque Fitzsimons
The life of a Civil War surgeon from the letters of William S. Newton, Dale E. Floyd
Experimental investigation of the test flow in an arc-heated hypersonic wind tunnel, James L. Folck
A Faraday balance for the measurement of magnetic susceptibility, William G. D Frederick
Electroelastic constants of II-VI semiconductor single crystals, Brian G. Frock
A study of II-VI compounds by the divergent beam x-ray method, Carlos García N.
A proposed social studies program in unit teaching at the eighth grade level at Sacred Heart School, Fowler, Indiana, Mary Gerard Golonka
Japanese-American diplomatic relations , July 18, 1941 to December 8, 1941, David A. Granson
The historical background of four selected topics from the Math IV course, Dwyn Griffin
A study of the effect of some income maintenance proposals on the poverty problem, Ronald Gene Helms
Man's search for identity in the writings of Soren Kierkegaard, Ronald Hochuli
Heat transfer from a vertical hollow cylinder in an electrostatic field, Kyle Edward Hutson
The use of creative principles in the teaching of mathematics in the primary grades, Virginia Ibold
S-Wave calculation for B.C.C. (110) surface using the McRae multiple scattering theory of low energy electron diffraction, Allen George Jackson
An extension of a mathematics program for underachievers at Nazareth Academy, La Grange Park, Illinois, second semester, grade nine, Mary Donald James
Preparation of an art guide for the upper elementary grades, M. Christine Jamros
Differentiating circuit design, Kenneth E. Jauch
The people intervene: a consideration of the novels of James A. Michener, David J. Jehn
The formulation of a mathematics program for non-college bound students at Madison High School, Madison Heights, Michigan, Ralph Anthony Jerulle
A study of teacher evaluation procedures in the Northmont Local School District, Michael Hal Johnston
A comparison of the human figure drawings of adolescent schizophrenics, schizoid personalities, adjustment reactions, and normals, Paul M. Joseph
A comparative study of the effects of two methods of teaching grammar on the writing abilities of seventh grade pupils, John Juergensen
The effect of a paranoid film dialogue on hospitalized male paranoid schizophrenic patients' multiple choice responses to ambiguous photographic slides, Edward J. Kalmanek
A catalog of the books preserved in the Paul Laurence Dunbar House, Dayton, Ohio, Dolores Keller
Muriel Spark: a stylistic study, Philip Hogan Kelly
Effects of glutamic acid on sporulation of Bacillus cereus and on properties of Bacillus cereus spores, Robert Stephen Kennedy
A technique for igniting an arc plasma generator with a minimum power supply, Dong Guen Kim
Circadian growth rhythms in sugar beet leaves, Ralph David Kordel
Low temperature specific heat of CdS:O.45%Mn, John Jacob Kosiewicz
Supplemental material for ninth grade mathematics class, David L. Kramer
Random-scan vidicon closed circuit camera system, Eugene T. Krasicki
Teacher's concept of the principal as an educational leader, Robert Anthony LaMendola
Dielectric studies of poly-(2-chlorostyrene-styrene), James W. Leffingwell
Effects of federal aid to education on the educational system of the Mad River Local School District, Montgomery County, Ohio, Joseph M. Leigh
Two solutions to the problem of alienation: a comparison of Glenn Tinder and Eric Fromm, Ronald Edward Longpre
The planning of a non-graded type of primary for Assumption School, Washington, D.C., Bernarda Maranto
The industrial application of electronic integrated circuits and fluidic devices, Richard Lee Marker
The relationship between theme and method in the early plays of Edward Albee, T. A. Matthews
The negro and Mercer County, Alma May
Nongrading the second and third grades at Corpus Christi Elementary School, Dayton, Ohio, Catherine Roberta McCullough
Identification of the sequential development of mathematical reasoning of the elementary child, Jeanne Meiring
Industrial subsystem control and design, John Ahelous Moraites
Demagnetization in permanent magnet motors, Klairallah Hanna Moussa
A selective study of certified school personnel in the Montgomery County local schools for 1967-68, Nelson L. Noggle
Computer solutions in physics, Daniel Aloysius Nolan
Proposed audio-visual aids for improvement of the English teaching program in secondary schools of Seoul in Korea, So Bin Park
The chronological development of Western and anti-Soviet political and economic contacts by the Socialist Republic of Rumania to eliminate Soviet influence, Michael J. Pasquarett
Personal-social information; ten units in group guidance for high school business education students,, Sandra Lee Houghtling Pelfrey
A justification for the use of appropriate multi-sensory aids in teaching remedial mathematics, Larry G. Perkins
The ecclesial dimensions of the life and role of the Blessed Virgin Mary, John Albert Petuskey
An investigation into the transient mechanical impedance of a nonlinear single degree of freedom system, Norman Stanley Phillips
Therapeutic program to help the neurologically disorganized child in the self-contained classroom, Madelene Reiners
A guide for stimulating creativity in the visual arts, Mary Mark Ritch
Experimental determination of mechanical parameters of muscle, Kurt C. Rolle
Project Head Start and its applicability to the Philippines, Felipa A. Rosca
The fictional females of Ernest Hemingway, John Routledge
Plato's quest for the good: an analytic study, Agnes Vincent Rueshoff
Comparison of the reaction of paranoid schizophrenic and non-paranoid patients to a motion picture and written scenario of paranoid theme, Thomas W. Rueth
Proposals for the development of value judgments in Catholic elementary schools, Natalie Ruetten
Techniques used in determining nuclear spins, Jack F. Scherrer
A study of the relative rates of the reductive and cleavage processes when N-methyl-benzanilides are treated with lithium aluminum hydride, Mathias George Schneider
The establishment of an independent study center in the mathematics department of a secondary school, William R. Schrack
Isolation and preliminary characterization of pigmentation mutants of Micrococcus roseus, Edmund H. Schwartzel
A survey of parental opinion toward a program of sex education in an elementary school, Mary John Ann Sczesny
An evaluation of file organization and processing, James A. Sena
A guideline for supplementing the teaching of high school geometry with the technique of small group study, Lowell E. Shepler
Fluorescence spectrum of the p6s[subscript 72] Manifold of Gdp3s in SrFb2ss, William Kenneth Smith
The biographical images in the major plays of Eugene O'Neill, Edward Eugene Spencer
A critical study of four nineteenth century actors' interpretations of Iago, Maria Tasto
An ecological study of the genus Drosophila" in Southwestern Ohio", Douglas Hiram Taylor
A guide for the teaching of Southeast Asia in the seventh grade social studies classes in Dayton, Ohio, Gail A. Thompson
A comparative evaluation of a conventional course in geometry and a modern course in geometry for McKell High School, South Shore, Kentucky, Ted D. Thompson
Special logic counters and decoders design, Paul Shu-Pei Tien
Gamma ray spectroscopy, Gungor Tokcan
Aspection of spiders in the herb-shrub stratum of an old field near Dayton, Ohio, John Rembert Trigg
The artist in the novels of Lawrence Durrell, William Joseph Vernon
The impact of manned space flight upon international politics, John R. Vice
The effect of two different film dialogues on hospitalized paranoid schizophrenic and nonpsychotic patients' multiple choice interpretations of ambiguous photographic slides, Edgar W. Waybright
The availability of fellowships for in-service teachers, Robert W. Westerbeck
Design and calibration of a Mach 3 free-jet wind tunnel, Thomas K. Wills
Development of a nongraded art program for the elementary schools in Tipp City, Ohio, Nannette W. Wilson
The effects of radioactive tags on the activity of small mammals as determined by a new monitoring device, Richard E. Wilson
Adaptive versus discrete changes of difficulty in the training of complex perceptual-motor task, Milton E. Wood
Weibull analyses of the oxidation resistance of coated refractory metals, John C. Wurst
The National Alliance of Businessmen (NAB), Douglas M. Yeager
Supplementary programmed materials in high school chemistry for girls oriented toward a nursing career, Arlene Reichert Younger
Theses/Dissertations from 1967
A proposed integrated course in chemistry and physics, Mary Chaminade Abmayr
Methodological approach for investigating the reactions of diagnostically different groups to a mental health film, Eleanor J. Anderson
Optimal truncation of sequential life test plans assuring given risks, V. T. D. Balaraman
Evaluation of twenty ungraded schools, Bernard M. Barbadora
Internal combustion engine supercharging by direct oxygen injection, John C. Beachler
Synthetic investigations and transannular interactions of the 1, 2-diphenylcyclobutanes, Mathew Francis Betkouski
An eco-physiological study of some members of the salamander genus Desmognathus, James H. Bickert
Axiologies incongruent with a theocentric orientation found in selected American and world history textbooks used in the secondary schools of six regions of the United States in 1965-1966, Theresa Eleanor Blessinger
The infrared and Raman spectra of selected aliphatic amines from 1300 cm-1 to 55 cm-1, Ruth A. Botham
A flexible schedule for Hithergreen Middle School, Washington Township, Ohio: a proposed design, John Bowers
A study of the change in subject-matter content of Ohio high school chemistry text-books used in 1957 and in 1967, Catherine Brickner
Implications of Kephart's techniques for body management for junior high school special education classes, Robert H. Brown
The question of fideism in Gabriel Marcel, William Brown
Hemingway and the separate peace, Patricia Claire Bulger
The axiological interpretation of community according to Dietrich Von Hildebrand, Magnifica Burke
Dynamic response of a buffer arm, Raghu Chari
Programs for teaching about Communism in selected school systems, Mildred L. Crago
A study of the specifics of syllabi for a mathematics curriculum in the Technical Institute at the University of Dayton, Charles Croy
A self-evaluation of the language arts program in grades two to eight, Martha Debrosse
Solubility studies in multi-component solvent system at 25 C, Leandro Jose De la Torriente
The effect of nicotanamide adenine dinucleotide on succinate oxidation of dispersed rat liver cells, Mansukhlal J. Doshi
Yucatecan autonomy and the early republican governments of Mexico, David Lee Drake
The mission of the Church in relation to culture, Lawrence E. Eiting
Three steps before the leap, Robert Theodore Eramian
An eco-physiological study of the water relations in eight species of the Tree Frog family, Hylidae, Michael P. Farrell
Analysis of teacher personality characteristics based on preferences for team teaching versus traditional methods, Virginia Gornik Farrell
A suggested guide of supplementary textbooks to aid in the teaching of ninth grade algebra at Niles West Township High School in Skokie, Illinois, Donald W. Field
Refractive index of ZnO single crystals, David Edward Fitzpatrick
Investigation of photon noise achievement in Hgl-x[superscript Cd] x[superscript TE], Robert C. Frick
Investigation of ultrasonic waves in II-VI semiconductors, Albert Lawrence Frisillo
John Wilson Croker and reform, William J. Furdell
A kinetic study of the reaction of hexa-aquochromium (III) ion and methanol, William S. Gilman
An analysis of the Christiana Treason Trials in relation to the controversy over the return of fugitive slaves, Richard P. Grau
An analysis of the philosophy underlying principles of secondary education in Malawi, Bernard A. Harawa
The academic effectiveness of the overhead projector as a teaching device in Algebra I at Andrew W. Mellon Junior High School, Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Joseph R. Herschl
Statistical methods for integrated circuit analysis, Donald G. Hjelle
A proposed chemistry laboratory guideline, based on trends in current curriculum studies, Mary Ellen Holohan
A program of bibliotherapy in the elementary school classroom, Mary Beatrix Houk
The reactions of educators to the Supreme Court decisions on prayer and religion in the public schools, Mary David Huber
A kinetic study of the reaction between chromium (III) ion and 1, 10-phenanthroline in methanol, Robert F. Ivory
Construction of instruments to help teachers measure, record and report progress of slow learning pupils, Gladys Gardner Jenkins
Noise generation by electrical discharge, Robert P. Jennewine
A study of teacher acceptance to determine academic grading and other factors in evaluation, Mary Ann Jung
The reaction of hexaquochromium (III) perchlorate with 2,2 bipyridine in butanol", James A. Kaeser
Thermal diffusion column coefficients for the separation of N1414-N1415 and O1616-O1818, Kenneth James Kaminski
A study of the world of the child in the short fiction of Stephen Crane, Joyce S. Kaser
Dispersion of respired gas in manned spacecraft under the influence of weightlessness, Donald A. Keating
Perceptual rotations during successive administration of the memory for designs test, Leo T. Kempel
Symbols and image patterns in four Salinger short stories, John Francis Kennedy
Germany and the Iron Guard, Leo J. Knueven
An historico-theological study of the development of the papal teaching on atheistic Communism from Pius IX to John XXIII, Emil J. Labbe
The hollow woman in F. Scott Fitzgerald's early fiction, Daniel J. LaVista
A magnetic force field for a high resolution pycnometer, Gerhard Karl Leinberger
A patristic survey of the evolution of the Eve-Mary analogy in mariology, Norman M. Lerner
Survey of Dayton public school teachers' attitude toward fringe benefits and in-service growth, Ernest E. Littler
Absorption study of the energy levels of trivalent gadolinium in the barium fluoride single crystalline lattice, David P. Madacsi
The effects and availability of federal legislation for the professional development of teachers, 1957-1967, Roseanne Marek
The catalytic dehydrogenation of methylcyclohexane at 720 F, Thomas E. Marlin
A mathematics program for underachievers at Nazareth Academy, La Grange Park, Illinois, Joan Marie Martin
A study of co-curricular activities in the Morton Junior High School at Vandalia, Ohio, Paul Gilbert McLaughlin
A study involving the games" approach in teaching spelling at the eighth grade level", Robert O. Milord
A study of the values of the Initial Teaching Alphabet in the teaching of reading in grade one, Mary Ann Montavon
The use of color imagery in Wallace Steven's poetry, Timothy Joseph Nealon
An approach to the multifrequency response of viscoelastic dampers, Ronald Kermit Newman
The anti-slavery appeals of Joshua Reed Giddings, 1838-1843, Michael Nicholls
The creative humanism of Albert Camus: an ethics of paradox, John O'Bryan
An investigation of the existence of a common personality pattern among underachievers in mathematics, Virginia Mary O'Hara
Wave propagation and rate behavior in a yielding soil media, Taekyun Park
The work of the Catholic sister-nurses in the Civil War, Betty Ann Perkins
Differential responses of female paranoid schizophrenics on two versions of a paranoid film, Philip S. Piro
Trivalent gadolinium in calcium fluoride, James C. Rawers
Thermal conductivity measurements below 4.2p0ssK, Richard John Roedersheimer
A description of originally-designed instruments and accompanying lesson plans to be used in a laboratory approach in teaching mathematics at Notre Dame Academy, Toledo, Ohio, Mary Michaelette Rooks
An experimental verification, with krypton, of the theory of the thermal diffusion column for multicomponent systems, William Joseph Roos
Simone Weil: the concept of waiting, Kathleen Mary Rossworn
Suggested improvements in the content and methodology of the traditional high school chemistry laboratory, Alexander Michael Samolis
The last forty years in the life of the Houyhnhnms: an analysis of the criticism of voyage four of Gulliver's Travels, 1925-1965, Doris M. Schember
A study designed to determine the contents of an introductory data processing course for non-data processing majors on the junior college level, Ned J. Sifferlen
A comparative study of two methods of teaching Modern Algebra I at Saint Mary's High School, Sandusky, Ohio, Mary Joetta Sneider
Pattern recognition by frequency spectra of transformed optical images, John L. Snyder