Master's and doctoral theses and dissertations are included in the University of Dayton Libraries catalog and available for use from the University Archives.
Theses and dissertations written from 2012 to the present are available from the OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center. Many of those works written before 2012 will be available for download soon.
Note: The author owns copyright. All references to the material must be cited properly. A recommended citation appears with each document; click on the title to view the information and/or to download the paper.
Documents not available for download are available from University Archives. Please send inquiries to University Archives or call 937-229-4256 for assistance.
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
A study of inclusion program at the elementary level, Sandra Alexander
A handbook for teaching the Appalachian culture to specific learning disabilities students through the use of quality children's literature, Cindy Kay Angle
Intervention with one at-risk student: a case study (application of known research), David A. Bailey
Stress analysis of composite laminates under transient dynamic and impact loading, Robin Banerjee
Neural network control of autoclave curing of composite materials, Maria Claudia Baptista
Effect of self-awareness as induced by the presence of mirrors and cameras on the subjective evaluation of the usability of software, Richard T. Barker
A study of television viewing habits of middle grade children, Cynthia Ann Barnes
The relation between dormitory climate and adjustment in college students, Kimberly J. Barthelemy
Social compensation and social loafing: the effects of incentive, trust level, gender, and co-worker performance, Steven Francis Berns
An analysis of the relationship between a high school student's United States travel history and their knowledge of United States geography, John Arthur Birkhimer
An examination of literature concerning physical education and why it is important to the learning process and academic achievement, Stephanie Yvette Bobbitt
A comparison of methods for controlling familywise error: post-hoc analyses for factorial designs, Gregory Lawrence Brake
A handbook to integrate United States history and literature based reading in the intermediate grades, Todd Raymond Brisco
A study to determine the relationship between juvenile delinquent behavior and academic achievement in a special program for juvenile felony offenders, Larry B. Bromagen
Entry-year teacher handbook: Indian Lake schools, Cynthia A. Brown
A quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of LOGO as an instructional aid for teaching mechanics in physics, Deron Webster Brown
A study of p-type GaAsAlGaAs multi-quantum well materials for normal incidence detection of infrared radiation, Gail J. Brown
An analysis of communication and interaction training in an industrial environment, Roger Emro Brown
Interactive television for hospital patients, Scott David Brusaw
Process control of advanced polymeric composites, Matthew B. Buczek
Fourth graders experience a writing rubric instrument, Jennifer Bulford
Hans Urs von Balthasar: Jesus Christ the concrete foundation of faith, Robert Emmett Burns
Transition of a laminar separated shear layer in close proximity to a solid boundary, Caralee Angela Capone
A comparison of the self-concept of elementary learning disabled students to students without learning disablities [i.e. disabilities], Priscilla Jane Caris
Resource guide of ideas to motivate students to read in grades five and six, Tracey Carlson
Achieving freedom through giving up dieting: a phenomenological study, Lea Catherine Casper
An investigation of the image edit and reconstruct technique using non-uniform point source targets, Robert Anthony Clemens
How students perceive problems and solutions as related to inclusion, Kathleen D. Collier
Mentoring in an English-speaking school in Mexico: case studies, Jeffrey L. Collins
The design and implementation of a preschool program, Debra Colson-McCarthy
An evaluation of the Kettering City Schools' mentorship program, Scott Bowers Counts
An annotated bibliography for middle school students in a literature-base program and a determination of its usefulness for these students, Joanne Louise Coyle
Incorporating writing into the fifth grade mathematics curriculum, Deborah R. Cuson
Measurement of alternating current losses in high-T[subscript c] superconductors, Kamal Kanti Das
A resource guide to thematic teaching for teachers of primary grades, J. Ernestine Daugherty
A study to investigate teachers' attitudes towards pregnant or teen parents in the classroom, Anya Leticia Davis
Girls in mathematics, Diane P. Day
Comparison of an in situ DNA probe hybridization assay and a rapid enzyme immunoassay with standard cell culture for the detection of herpes simplex virus infections, Jacquelyn Suzanne Denault
A literature based approach for teaching values to primary students, Beverly S. Denlinger
Method for evaluating channel modulation in indium arsenidealuminum antimonide MODFET material structures, Ross William Dettmer
Theoretical and experimental investigation of evaporation of a wetting binary liquid mixture in the thin film region of a meniscus, Kevin Wayne Dickens
An analysis of student and parent opinions toward doing homework for third grade students, Sally L. Dicke
Assessing the organizational climate of school districts that use WinWin negotiations, David Alan Dolph
Feature interaction analysis for generative process planning, David Henry Domermuth
A systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of two pre-writing approaches on first grade students, Tina Purpura Early
Northern cardinal response to brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds, Kevin P. Eckerle
A comparison of comprehension between silent reading versus oral reading with eighth grade students, Victoria A. Edmundson
A buddy reading program and its effect upon student's skills and attitudes toward reading, Dora England
An investigation of postsecondary employment data of the mildly handicapped, Sharon Marie England
Becoming writers: a handbook of writing strategies using the writing process, Deborah Lynn Farmer
A study of the nature, extent, and possibility of collaboration among ministries in selected (arch)diocesan offices, Margaret Mary Feldner
A video case study designed to teach the function of persistance [sic] in problem solving, John David Felmet
A study of the relationship between teacher computer comfort attitudes, access to a computer, and inservice programs, Michael L. Fisher
A handbook for an integrated curriculum unit for use at the fourth grade level, Winifred C. Fleisher
A comparative study of science achievement and science course-taking patterns of high school students, William E. Fox
Integrating the arts and the classroom curriculum, Beverly D. Francis
Shared decision-making: a study to examine the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of administrators, teachers, and support staff, Dale Edward Frederick
A whole language thematic unit on weather for grades 4-6, Terrille Frilling
Self esteem calendar for parents and teachers, Christine A. Geary
Use of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory to identify addiction in college students, Kathleen M. Gierhart
Infrared image restoration and enhancement, Joseph Charles Gillette
Teaching elementary students conflict resolution skills through the use of music, Carolyn Diane Gracy
A developmentally appropriate early childhood education program based upon congruence between parents and early childhood education theorists, Pamela J. Gray
Digital logic and reconfigurable interconnects using aluminum gallium arsenide electro-optic Fredkin gates, James G. Grote
Bacterial activity and biomass in alkaline fen sediments: seasonal field and laboratory studies, Timothy C. Gsell
Employee perceptions of the organizational training environment and the willingness to undertake training, Jonathan L. Hacker
Fears of students as they enter junior high school, Jean B. Hammer
Investigation of the healing process after sexual assault: a dual case study, Kirsten B. Harrell
Eyes on the prize: cultural hybridity in literature by African women, Mary Margaret Harvan
Analysis of staff opinions of school changes made as a result of implementing Outcomes Driven Developmental Model training, Connie M. Haskell
Short and long term properties of high strength concrete, Mohamed El-Sayed Hassan
Perfectionism and differences in perfectionism between spouses: their relation to perceptions of the marital relationship, Jodi Leigh Hassen
A parent's information guide to the process, rights, benefits, and concerns, of inclusive education, Scott C. Haynes
Can research assess if American female youth are as fit today (1994) as they were four years ago, Lori Hedberg
A descriptive analysis of elementary educators' opinions of whole group and ability group reading instruction, Robin R. Hedrick
Independent living skills enhancing the school curriculum, Nhyere Lynn Henderson
A supplemental health activities handbook for primary teachers at Westbrook Elementary, Brenda Hendrickson
A handbook using myths, legends, folk tales, and contemporary realistic fiction in teaching about Latin American culture, Gale M. Herron
Enhancing visual prominence of emergent features in bar graph displays: does it work?, Patrick James Hess
A simulation to model Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) performance, Kathleen Michele Hibson
A descriptive study of students' attitudes involved in cross-age integration, Jean Ann Hilbert
Johnson-Cook material model constants for three aluminum based particulate metal matrix composites, Haylan H. Hilfi
A guide for integrating the graphing calculator in the advanced placement calculus curriculum, David A. Hilliard
Microcomputer technology: a teachers handbook, Shannon G. Hoke
Non-real-time, homogenous sea clutter signal generator, Seng Muy Hong
The diagnostic distinguishability of self-defeating personality disorder from dependent personality disorder, Steven Ken Huprich
Damage initiation during low-velocity impact on composite laminates, Byungsun Hwang
Optical waveguide mixing for coherent LADAR carrier to noise ratio optimization, Donald Kenneth Jacob
Privatization: policy implications for public education, Clarence W. Jarboe
Time-frequency adaptive estimation of nonstationary signals in noise, Kanaan Jemili
A primary handbook to facilitate whole language with discovery based science, Connie S. Jenkins
Home schooling: an investigation into why some parents choose this alternative form of education for their children, Douglas O. Johnson
A comparison of an in-class cooperative learning model and a traditional pull-out model of Chapter 1 reading instruction, Dorinda R. Jones
Evaluation study of a Model IV inclusion program, Sandra J. Jones
The value of extra-curricular activities as a student motivator in the intermediate grades, Thomas W. Joyner
Semi-custom design techniques, Kambdur V. Kirthiranjan
Development of an intensity based fiber optic sensor and predictive models for in situ void detection during polymer composite cure, Donald A. Klosterman
Catholic university students' knowledge about and attitudes toward homosexuality and a gaylesbian student organization, Wendy Laurenzi
Teacher humor and public speaking anxiety: take my speech, please!, Tina Lynn Lawson
The history of the NCTE and its influence upon the teaching of English, Eva M. Lazear
Integrating the teaching of organizational skills into a primary classroom, Cherie Charlene Ledgerwood
Orality, literacy, and the commonplace in Mary Sidney Herbert's poetry, Amy Anice Leet
A resource book for teaching environmental conservation through children's literature, Virginia M. Lee
Alternative assessment for eighth grade science summative examinations, Mary E. LeFever
Correlation study of the relationship between reading scores and study skills of students in a community college, Katherine A. Luby
A study of effective leadership behavior: administrators' perceptions of post-certification professional development programs, Paul R. Lucas
A handbook containing first grade math manipulative homework assignments, Judy Lynn Markley
An analysis of parental attitudes toward a whole language classroom, Sarah E. Markus
The effects of cooperative learning on students attitudes and achievement in mathematics, Cecilia A. Marsland
A study to analyze parental opinions toward split-class placement for their children, Sheila Barry Martin
A study skills seminar for junior high students with an accompanying study skills handbook, Jennifer Ann Marusko
The effects of signal intelligibility level, redundancy, and morphological confusions on a listener's task performance, Michael John McCloskey
Parents' perceptions of the value of the infusion of African-American literature in urban elementary classrooms, Euna Nalenda McGruder
Factors influencing students to attend a joint vocational school, Sharon L. McKenny
Waters of Capri" and other stories ", Brett Thomas McQuade
A handbook for the first year junior high school volleyball coach, Kimberly S. Menchhofer
Successful parental involvement and academic achievement for the secondary student, Nancy E. Meyer
Ecofeminist theories: a socio-historical analysis of contemporary environmental movements, Colleen Ann Mikin
Delivery of analgesics by means of a tricalcium phosphate ceramic drug delivery system, Kimberly Michelle Moldovan
Strategies for including learning disabled middle school students in the regular classroom: a handbook, Mary G. Moore
Designing an outdoor school land laboratory, Cynthia E. Morehart
Junior high school lesson plans for teaching WordPerfect 5.1, Donald L. Musick
Taped responses to student writing: a pedagogy, classroom application, and recommendations, Peter August Musso
Development of a thermal proof test to enhance the structural reliability of silicon nitride bearing balls, Ghassan Victor Nasrallah
A quantitative study of the attitudes of junior high students toward science, Jennifer A. Niekamp
Writing in the biology classroom, Kristen Ann Occulto
The impact of a collaborative teacher inservice program on educator attitudes regarding inclusive education, Adrianne E. O'Connor
An analysis of calculus students' attitudes toward cooperative learning, Virginia M. O'Connor
A historical study of whole language and its development in America, Amy Beth Oeser
Experimental and theoretical investigations of scattering by finite perfectly conducting cylinders systems of finite perfectly conducting cylinders and finite ram-coated perfectly conducting cylinders, Carlos Ruben Ortiz-Quiñones
Effect of geometry on the modulation transfer function of SPRITE detector, Piyush Vinodrai Pandya
Predicting the performance of a precast concrete wingwall with respect to its overturning capacity, Dean Lee Paquet
A review of the gross motor testing procedures used in assessing disabled students in southwestern Ohio, Vicki Vance Pauley
Development of a table-top stereolithography apparatus and its application to solid modeling of human soft tissue, Matthew F. Pellechia
Tai Chi Chuan and theatre education: a course of movement, D. R. Pike
Juicy fruit" and other stories ", Joseph Vincent Procopio
Characterization of the hybrid limiter, Honey Veronica Puterbaugh
Tip clearance flow-shock interaction in an advanced, transonic, axial-flow compressor rotor, Steven Lee Puterbaugh
The stretch and hammer neural network: theory and an application to pattern recognition, Todd S. Puterbaugh
Design considerations for an on-screen keyboard, Laurie Larsen Quill
A handbook for literature-based language arts pupil performance objectives for seventh grade, Stephanie Holloway Rader
High velocity impact studies on S-2 glass laminated composites, Kandasamy Rathnam
Opinions of elementary school educators toward inclusion, Eva Sue Reed
Development of a low RCS reflector antenna system, Daniel D. Reuster
Design, development, and pilot-testing of a portfolio project for middle school band, Sheila M. Reynolds
Characterization of a flexure-beam micromirror device for laser beam steering and shaping, Troy Allen Rhoadarmer
Using art as a catalyst for interdisciplinary learning, Laura L. Rhodes
Normative data for fourth and fifth grade females and males for the 1600 meter endurance run, Marcia M. Ridgley
A blueprint for writing a thematic unit, Jo Ann Rigano
Numerical analysis of mixing phenomena of supersonic shear layers, Daniel J. Risha
A handbook designed for non-categorical pre-school teachers to better meet the needs of substance-exposed children, Iris N. Rivera
An interdisciplinary architecture unit, Carol G. Rogers
A comparison of the attitudes of fifth grade boys with those of fifth grade girls toward the study of science, Judy Smallwood Rojas
An analysis of student opinions concerning the reasons high school students are absent from school, David W. Rufener
Relation of reported Type A behavior to narcissism, hostility, and depression in college females, Daryl J. Rupnik
A handbook for use by teachers and parents on outcome-based education, Carolyn Ryan
The effects of vitamin A and vitamin D metabolites on chondrogenesis in chick limb bud mesenchymal cells, Maria Therese Sargent
Relationship between self-appraisal and retention patterns of community college students, Rebecca Leigh Martin Schmale
Longitudinal-creep behavior of fiber-reinforced titanium-matrix composites, Stephen W. Schwenker
Mathematics assessment in a third grade classroom, Vickie Sculimbrene
Reproduction of unisexual hybrid Ambystoma (Urodela: Ambystomatidae) in the absence of parental species, Timothy Charles Selander
A correlation study of the effects of reading aloudparental role modeling and Iowa Tests of Basic Skills reading achievement scores received by students in the fourth grade, Shirley E. Sheffer
A guidebook for the formal teaching and integration of spelling and phonics in a second grade whole language classroom, Meredith Ann Shields
Surface coating effects on a heated capillary meniscus, Raymond Charles Simon
Writing quality children's literature: a guide for aspiring authors, Meredith L. Sinclair
The effects of age, gender, sibling position, and self-esteem on expressions of affection, Randolph John Spanke
A fourth grade art curriculum, Susan Kay Sparrow
Palestinian women's experience of the Gulf War curfew, Anne Marlene Steider
Theological anthropology in Saint Irenaeus of Lyons, Peter Douglas Steiger
Reading strategies for students who are below grade level readers, but are not eligible for Chapter One reading assistance, Douglas M. Stewart
European American women in group empowerment therapy: experiences and meaning of power, Gwin Stewart
Integrating teaching and learning styles, Joshua Jay Stucky
A technique for removing platform vibrations from a pulsed ladar vibration sensor, Troy Alan Sturm
The relationship between student achievement and music education, Jeffrey L. Taylor
An analysis of the need for the inclusion of novice first year teachers in the development of mentorship programs, Bonita A. Terry
The effects of writing about math on math achievement in a Chapter 1 math classroom, Patricia A. Testa
The relationship between perceived social support, self-efficacy, and adjustment in adolescent runaways, Lori Ann Thomas
A guide to Outcomes-Based Education for junior high educators, Mark Trace
Reaction kinetics of the pyrolysis of phenoliccarbon composite materials, Kimberly A. Trick
The effect of low frequency vibrations on an evaporating meniscus for a near perfect wetting fluid, David A. Valociek
Handbook on how parents and schools can become partners in education, Barbara J. Vincent
Isolation and characterization of a homeobox-containing gene expressed in the newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) eye, Jennifer L. Wallace
A study of the effects of inclusion on the attitudes of learning disabled students in regular classrooms, Kathleen A. Wanke
Pathway discipline: designing and implementing a school-wide discipline plan in an inner-city school, Rebecca S. Ward
Cellular and molecular aspects of limb regeneration in urodele amphibians, Charles Henry Washabaugh
Literature-based social studies handbook for fifth grade, Carolyn A. Washburn
An action research study using a literature-based approach in a seventh grade English class, Judith E. Williams
The evaluation of whole language reading instruction in a primary learning disability classroom, Jan Wolf
The effect of distraction on sexist humor elicitation: a test of a theory based on the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, Julie Ann Woodzicka
Teaching children and parents how to make healthier food choices, Jeanne C. Wright
Dynamic behavior of a meniscus subjected to a transient acceleration field, Kirk Lee Yerkes
An evaluation of the assertive discipline program by its staff, Douglas G. Zimmer
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
The dynamic response of a hybrid limiter, Tehseen Abidi
Thermal analysis and development of a proof test for ceramic bearing balls, Khāled W. Abū al-Haj
Effect of partially valid emergent features on fault detection performance with object displays, Ravi Shankarnarayan Adapathya
From chaos to cooperation: the development and use of a handbook for cooperative learning in the intermediate classroom, Judith E. Aiken
Proficiency in mathematics: an intervention program designed to prepare students for the ninth grade proficiency exam, Todd Elwood Alexander
Planning for educational technology: a survey of Sinclair Community College faculty, Adam Alonzo
A comparison of the effectiveness of teaching mathematics skills in the morning hours with teaching skills in the afternoon, Terry Appell
Portfolio assessment, Linda R. Ares
Perceptions of transformational leadership: a study of high school principals, Anthony M. Armocida
Under the veil of the Virgin: the gradually developing relationship of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christopher R. Armstrong
The improvement of mathematical intuition: literature review, Mansureh Baghadoost
A comparative study of attitudes of first grade students, seventh grade students, and tenth grade students toward school, Teresa Y. Baisden
Teacher's perspectives on characteristics needed by principals to be effective leaders, Gerri M. Baker
James Wright's quest for voice and redemption: western poetic conventions meet Georg Trakl and the Tao Te Ching, Mark Andrew Baker
An alcohol and other drug prevention handbook for high school coaches, Robert E. Banks
From the idea to the essay: journal writing as a means of helping final drafts, Bryan Anthony Bardine
Design considerations in broadband beamsteering with optical space-fed arrays, Lawrence J. Barnes
Developing phonics knowledge using a whole language approach: a handbook for teachers, Marci Bates
Arguments and a strategy for including a second language into the elementary school, Karl Bauer
Treatment efficacy of a neurobehavioral rehabilitation program for decreasing aggressive behaviors exhibited by two individuals with frontal lobe damage, B. Scott Baxter
Digital flow visualization techniques applicable to compressible and incompressible flows, David S. Bell
Does maternal employment affect children's attitudes toward school?, Heather Bell
Reading comprehension and self esteem in learning disabled students, Mary Binegar
Out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue of monolithic titanium alloys, Carl Boehlert
An ethic of sharing: perspectives on the disposition of elementary students to share, Melissa L. Bogan
A survey of recreational reading attitudes and interests among sixth grade students in the Wapakoneta City Schools, Michelle A. Boyer
A handbook for fifth grade science: integrating science process skills and the curriculum, Marylou R. Braun
Digital control of an altitude-azimuth telescope to simulate equatorial tracking, Darryl W. Brayman
A correlation study between early literacy experience and phonemic awareness in kindergarten children, Christine L. Brooks
A literature-based handbook for teaching American history, Carol A. Brown
Integration of writing experiences into an introduction to calculus curriculum, Pamela Marie Buganski
Jazz-like prosody and poetic improvisation in the poetry of William Carlos Williams, Robert Creeley, and Michael S. Harper, Michael J. Busam
Kindergarten from A to Z: a whole language, multi-disciplinary approach to teaching the alphabet, Elizabeth C. Busch
A handbook for parents discussing developmentally appropriate practices for preschoolers, Laura A. Butchko
The knowledge of Jesus Christ in the theologies of Hans Urs von Balthasar and Raymond E. Brown, Kyle David Callahan
Year-round schooling for academically at-risk students: outcomes and perceptions, Wallace D. Campbell
Classifying natural background scenes using singular value features, David Michael Cannon
The key to reading success: phonics, a forgotten methodology, an early intervention, Darlene E. Cartwright
Using counseling to help improve attendance and achievement of high-risk students at Garfield Alternative Center, Lori L. Case
Study of modified state-space methods applied to discrete traffic modelling, David Edwin Champagne
Structures and properties of the (YBa₂Cu₃)₁₋[subscript x]Na[subscript x]O₇₋[subscript [delta] superconducting system, Christina Hongbing Chen
Choral reading: a strategy to enhance fluency and comprehension, Candace Sue Line Clayton
Integrating literature and comprehensive language arts skills in a Chapter One classroom, Cheryl L. Cooley
Literature, themes and the graded course of study, Dawn E. Core
Jesus as a shamanic figure: an image in contemporary Christology, John Daniel Dadosky
Creating children's literature for the early childhood years, Janice A. Dagger
Pulsed laser deposition of niobium diselenide, Allan E. Day
Ecclesiological convergence and divergence: a study of how the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Leonardo Boff understand the hierarchy, Mark Richard Delisi
The existence and effects of stereotyping by educators of athletes, James A. Dempster
Design of an adaptive PID controller for implementation on the Motorola DSP56000, Mark R. DePoyster
Speaker independent phoneme recognition with a binaural auditory model, Martin Patrick DeSimio
A study to determine the relationship between the academic performance of early and late entrance kindergarten children in subsequent grades one and two, Ellen L. Disbennet
Qualitative assessment of change ready and change resistant teachers, Becky L. Ditmer
An experimental study using audiotaped material to increase reading comprehension, Molly A. Doyle
Effects of carbohydrates on performance of fifth grade mathematical students, Jennifer S. Dunn
Portfolio assessment and evaluation in a first grade whole language classroom, Judith G. Ehlerding
Linear state space system identification: a new approach, Taan S. ElAli
A study analyzing issues which may account for declining achievement as students undergo transition from primary to middle grades, Deborah A. Ewing
Lattice dynamics of stress-induced shifts in the Raman microprobe spectra of beta silicon nitride, Tunchen Daniel Fang
Design of aeroelastically scaled wind tunnel models using sensitivity based parameter identification, Mark French
Partial discharge and corona theory and measurement, Steven Paul Fuchs
Handbook of ideas for understanding and implementing portfolio assessment in a readingwriting class at the secondary level, Tara Kirschner George
Evaluating the effects of a read aloud program on the interests of second grade students toward reading, Marcia R. German
Integrating mathematics with children's literature in kindergarten and first grade, Laura Jean Gordon
Performance effects of one night's sleep deprivation, Michael David Gravelle
Cooperative learning in the elementary classroom: a handbook, Mary S. Gray
The effects of strategic reading instruction on low-achieving beginning reader's oral reading scores, Cynthia G. Groetz
A historical study of furniture design: with emphasis on development of a historical desk reference, Joel T. Gundlach
A comparison of three usability testing thinking out-loud paradigms, George M. Hackman
Theoretical and experimental investigation of an axially loaded heat pipe, Brian Grayson Hager
The design and development of an environmental management curriculum for secondary school students, Timothy C. Hale
Analysis and synthesis of SISO H[subscript infinity] controllers, Emilio Kourany Hammerschlag
The actor-observer bias in the attribution of constrained friendly and unfriendly behavior, Eric Martin Hansen
A resource guide of historical sites in northwestern Ohio, Charles H. Hawkins
A handbook of whole language approaches for adult basic education classrooms, Sharon M. Hayes
A resource guide for the inclusion of special needs children in the regular classroom, Karen J. Hays
The ISIS curriculum guide, Jo Ellen Jenkins
The use of spatial analogy to enhance music interval cognition, Harold C. Johnson
A handbook to assist elementary educators in using children literature to teach multicultural education, Kellene M. Johnson
Adolescent suicide: its implications for educational leadership, Wanda Yvonne Johnson
Effects of casting conditions on the microstructural development and tensile properties of investment cast Ti-48A1-2Nb-2Cr, Peggy Ellis Jones
A new, non-intrusive architecture for software monitoring of microprocessor-based systems, Khaled M. Jundi
A comprehensive analysis of an adaptive least squares identifier, Insung Kang
A case study of a child with autism, Elizabeth Van Such Katz
Women and mathematics: where is the disconnect?, Kimberly Delaine Kehr
The effects of processing variables on the creep behavior of investment cast Ti-48A1-2Nb-2Cr, Margaret M. Keller
Plugging some holes in whole language teaching: a handbook for teachers, Kathy E. Kerr
A descriptive investigation of the portrayal of sexual harassment behaviors in prime-time network situation comedy television programs, Colleen A. Kinsella
Mental imagery as a strategy for enhancing reading comprehension, Sue Knore
A handbook for constructing self-instructional packages for use at the elementary level, Kathleen J. Koren
A real-time object identification system using a hybrid optical correlator, John E. Kourany
The use of superpixel filter arrays to encode TPAFs as BPOFs and to study the effects of pixelation, Jacqueline Marie Kruse
A survey of second graders' attitudes toward poetry, Cleopatra M. Lauderdale
A comparative study of parochial and public school parents' attitudes on sex education at the elementary level, Catherine Mary Lawless
Sample literature based thematic units for first grade, Deborrah L. Leapley
Throughput characteristics of fiber optic transmission arrays used in a thermorefractive switch, Peter Oscar Lee
Teaching listening skills to middle school learning disabled students: a handbook of strategies and activities, Mary Ann T. Link
The comparison of self-concept of learning disabled students and regular students, grades six through eight, as a function of grouping strategies, Michele S. Linn
Processing clipped laser speckle patterns using logical operations, Jia Ching Loh
Opinions of parents toward reading aloud to their infants and preschool children, Dianne Marie Long
Attitudes of fourth graders toward the writing process by two approaches: computer and traditional, Kathryn Longheier
Attitudes of learning disability students toward their placement, Dean D. Lynch
In situ ultrasonic surface acoustic wave characterization of fatigue damage in an SCS-6Timetal®21S metal matrix composite, Patrick T. MacLellan
Deep talking": Toni Morrison's rhetoric and the theories of Walter Ong ", Ruth A. Mannes
The unique identity of Catholic high schools: a comparison of the Church's expectations and a school community's experiences and beliefs, Joseph D. Massucci
A study of eighth and tenth grade students' attitudes toward the study of American history, Stephen A. Mathias
Achieving a balanced rhetorical stance: ideas for the first-year composition class, Laura Wickett Maus
An experimental study assessing attitude changes toward reading by incorporating reading aloud by the teacher, Patsy J. McCabe
An experimental study using cooperative learning in reading, Susan K. McGee
A handbook for the teaching of language arts using children's literature, Patricia E. Mescher
The effect of a daily journal writing program on the attitudes of Chapter I students toward writing, Cinda K. Metzger
Scalable raster image processor, Curtis Bradley Miller
Effective schools, Valorie Gene Moore
Human piloting factors in the design of control laws for precision landing, David J. Moorhouse
Maximizing noise-limited detection performance in medium PRF radars by optimizing PRF visibility, Richard A. Moorman
A study of the effect of literature-response journals on developing skills in written expression with high school learning disabled students, Donna Garrelts Morehouse
Teaching vocabulary through reading aloud to students, Tracy Elizabeth Murray
The design and development of a handbook to support elementary teachers in implementing hands-on science instruction, Ann M. Muth
Teaching thematic units in a whole language kindergarten and first grade classroom, Patty Naas
Nest defense by northern cardinals: sex roles, plumage color and nest success, Paul M. Nealen
A handbook of literature based activities for teachers of first grade whole language reading programs, Deborah L. Nelson
Mechanisms of innate resistance to bacterial infection, Duane Wesley Newton
An analysis of the opinions of educators who use computer-assisted instruction to teach adult students English as a second language, Teresa J. Neyhouse
Air conditioning blower motor life test controller, Chinh Quoc Nguyen
Parents' opinions about their child with mental retardation working in the community, Carol E. Nye
A comparison of male and female high school students' attitudes toward science, Mary Kathleen O'Donnell
Concurrent versus retrospective thinking-out-loud: the effect of delay, Kenneth Roger Ohnemus
Personality disorder scales for the MMPI-2: an assessment of their psychometric properties in a correctional population, Patrick Sean O'Maille
Determining predictors of success in Ohio's post-secondary enrollment options program, Mary Dawson O'Neil
Comparison of coherent to incoherent detection at 2.09 [microns] using a solid state LADAR system, Jay Alan Overbeck
A qualitative study of the effects of whole language instruction on kindergarten students' development as writers, Christy R. Owens
Heavy metal music preferences, parental relationships, and narcissistic personality characteristics among college males, Gary D. Page
Thermal stability of an orthorhombic-based neat titanium composite, Lori E. Pelfrey
An individualized reading program designed to augment the reading skills of a secondary developmentally handicapped student, Elizabeth A. Pitstick
A curriculum text for improving the mental health of adolescents, Norman D. Rich
The application of coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) to the study of heterogeneous deactivation of vibrationally-excited nitrogen, Kimberly Ann Rimkus
An experimental study using portfolio writing in a seventh grade English class, Peggy S. Rindler
A resource handbook integrating reading strategies into the social studies curriculum, Jayne D. Risner
A handbook of activities for implementing the State of Ohio Model Competency-Based Language Arts Program at the first grade level, Valerie K. Robb
Quantization analysis of a digital single sideband modulator, Scott M. Rodrigue
Thermorefractive spatial light modulator, Stanley J. Rodrigues
A comparison of pre-service teacher self-perception: pre and post student teaching, James K. Roeder
Effect of prestressed fibers upon the response of composite materials, David H. Rose
A study of summer children in the developmental areas of academic achievement, social achievement, physical achievement, and self-esteem, Rebecca A. Rowlett
Sensitivity and signal to noise ratio improvement of a one micron ladar system incorporating a neodymium doped optical fiber preamplifier, Michael Stefan Salisbury
A theoretical investigation of gas-layer oxidation protection scheme for carbon-carbon composites, Jagdeep Sandhu
Integration of computer resources with kindergarten through fourth grade curricula, Camela Ann Scaggs
A study of photoinitiated acrylate polymerization kinetics, Christopher Joseph Schmidt
Development and characterization of refractory silicidegermanide and graded bandgap ohmic contact metallizations for GaAs, James Douglas Scofield
A handbook for the use of computers in education written for writing, reading, mathematics, and citizenship, Michael R. Shuman
Investigating current trends in drawing instruction: a comparison of approaches used by Betty Edwards and Mona Brookes, Maryanne Siefring
A computer software program for evaluating mathematical formulas, Philip M. Simons
The phenomenology of the experience of being white: development of white identity and racial awareness, Renee LaRoche Skoglund
Optical measurements of soot formation in laminar premixed propane flames, Dirk A. Smits
A Japanese handbook for elementary students, Susan Carol Staley
Optical processing of Doppler shifted temporal data using spatial light modulators, Thomas P. Staub
A handbook for integrating the Ohio Language Arts Model using picture book collections, Mary Ann Staudter
An evaluation of the effects of reading aloud to children before they enter first grade on their first grade entry scores in reading, Dianne Lynn Stickel
A resource guide for teaching students with learning problems with emphasis on self-esteem at the elementary grade levels, Melinda Stombaugh
Slats and Bones: (a musical play in two acts, with a chorus), Thomas P. Straw
Discrete element methods for calculating aerodynamic loadings on lifting surfaces in unsteady subsonic flows, Erwin Sulaeman
A life-span developmental examination of roommate relationships, Samantha Bee Sullivan
An experimental study on cooperative learning techniques affecting the attitudes of students toward learning, Victoria L. Sullivan
A course of study in food and nutrition for eighth grade students, Denise Ann Thomas
Experimental and numerical analysis of controlled impinging liquid jets, Scott Keith Thomas
A citizenship course for eighth grade students, Joyce Thornburg
Linking Montessori curriculum with computer technology, Pamela S. T. Tyrrell
State estimation of a marginally minimum system, Jay R. Varner
The effects of enrichment programs on the attitudes of sixth grade gifted students toward school, Anne Meredith Wagner
Mainstreaming the student with multihandicaps in the regular classroom: a case study of teacher perceptions and attitudes, Karen Sue Waitzman
Women leaders in the early church: three factors and their influence on Christian women's leadership in the first three centuries of the common era, Laurie Frappier Walkowiak
A study of the effects of kindergarten entry age on first grade students, Marian F. Walsh
A unit of lesson plans to provide an example of integrating the visual arts with high school Spanish instruction, Christina Watras
A resource guide for the teachers of spelling in the elementary grades, Rosemary T. Wermert
Dynamic response of a mid-infrared thermorefractive switch using CaFb2s fibers, Jason Douglas Wetzel
A handbook for teaching first grade health through literature, Idah Reah D. White
A tutorial on agitator design for liquid blending, Robert Joseph Wilkens
An evaluation study using three different communication boards with a primary age nonverbal student, John Robert Williams
The argument for small-scale farming and the divine comedy: a rhetorical analysis of Wendell Berry's Remembering and Edward Abbey's The fool's progress, Todd M. Williams
An exploratory study of concept mapping as a methodology for assessing the correspondence between an interface and the task domain of the user, Karen Starr Wilson
We be different, let's celebrate, Margaret Ann Wooden
Evaluating the effects of foreign travel on the learning of foreign languages, Lynn R. Wurzelbacher
Carbon metabolism in a starch-deficient mutant of tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris) under extended illumination, Xiao-Ming Yu
A hybrid digital-optical machine vision system for object recognition, Kenneth W. Zabel
The scattered field due to an electrically long, singly periodic, array of identical apertures, Paul Anthony Zidek
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Image processing and computation using joint transform correlator, Mohammad Showkat-Ul Alam
Increasing third graders' geographic literacy through children's literature, writing, and related activities: a teacher's handbook, Victoria J. Albrecht
The effects of the family structure on the academic achievement of seventh graders, James R. Allen
A handbook for parents of students with learning disabilitiesbehavioral disorders and developmental handicaps, Pandie Allison
How to teach mathematics to juniorsenior high students using AppleWorks spreadsheet and LogoWriter, Angie Anderson
Effective teaching in urban education: a qualitative case study analysis, Janice L. Anderson
A guide to an independent study of a biography using higher level thinking skills and multiple talent approach, Margaret Caryer Antle
An analysis of elementary teachers' attitudes toward standardized achievement testing, Lynn Ellen Arnott
A teacher's guide for attention deficit children, Brenda Kay Asbury
Using sequenced art lessons for visual problem solving, Susan R. Ayers
Fostering cognitive development in a writing across the curriculum program, Melinda E. Baker
Keeping the spark alive: a handbook of ideas to help teachers manage stress and avoid burnout, Elaine S. Barnett
A handbook designed to increase teacher awareness of learning styles in learning disabled students, Mary Elizabeth Duer Bartmess
Alternate tactics in homework collection that may stimulate an increase in homework completion and academic achievement, Dianne S. Baygents
Cooperative learning in the intermediate grades: a handbook, Deborah Beck
Women's struggle for equality in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution, Jalil Beheshtaein
The effect of evaporation on the capillary pressure in heat pipes, Steven William Benintendi
Measuring growth in an arts program, Christine A. Betz
A handbook of art enrichment activities for junior high students, Teresa L. Bey
Simon says, Hold the broom with both hands": an assessment of communication used in training people with mental and developmental disabilities ", M. Suzanne Bitsko
Regular and special education teachers' perceptions of the Regular Education Initiative, Michelle R. Black
Short and long term learning of vocabulary in the cooperative learning setting at grade five as a function of keyword mnemonic strategy aided by student-produced visuals, Terriann P. Bonfini
Comprehension: oral versus silent reading with second grade students, Alma J. Bowling
The academic/athletic controversy, can they co-exist?, Denise H. Brown
A handbook of games and activities for teaching the basic math facts to second and third graders, Monica S. Butcher
Handbook for preparing elementary school students for outdoor education, Janet Castle
Effects of fetal drugalcohol exposure and implications for preschool intervention programs, Linda Belknap Chappie
Evaporation from a porous wick heat pipe, Houssam S. Chebaro
Reading comprehension using rapid serial visual presentation, Angela Jane Chiffy
A study on teaching geographic location to high school students, Nancy Ellen Christiansen
Assessing the effectiveness of observation training for clinical preceptors: implications for respiratory care education, David L. Collins
Main lobe radiation pattern and antenna coverage of the earth caused by a hole in the surface of a satellite's parabolic dish antenna, Christopher Todd Colliver
An evaluation of a third grade mathematics program using the NCTM Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics, Judith E. Comisar
A functional curriculum to be used with developmentally disabled students of Northridge High School, Lisa G. Coyle
A handbook on how to use an Apple computer in the classroom setting, Robert L. Crawford
The effect of a hands-on approach to teaching nutrition with kindergarten students, Susan Justus Creager
Sam: a case study in the developmentally handicapped setting, Patricia H. Creamer
A handbook for teachers of learning disabled students in the field of science, Jon Mark Culbertson
A preliminary investigation of dual mode fracture sustained by graphiteepoxy laminates impacted by high-velocity spherical metallic projectiles, Gregory Joseph Czarnecki
A handbook of school health services for parents and guardians of students in grades kindergarten through twelve, Kathleen Ann Dafler
A handbook for incorporating cooking activities into the primary classroom, Mary Dapore
Dynamic response and optical density of a thermorefractive switch, Thomas Gerard DeClerck
A handbook to aid teachers in the transition to a middle school environment, Mary Jill Delaney
A resource guide for the integration of children's literature into the social studies curriculum at the primary level, Carol J. Denne
Hands-on science manual: activities and experiments, Velvet Lee Desjardins
Positive-negative feature interactions in computer aided process planning, Robert A. Dietrick
A study of the effects and attitudes of fourth grader students using a computer assisted incentive reading program, Christine R. Doolittle
An experimental study to increase self-esteem of third graders through the use of art projects, Elizabeth A. Ebbing
A prototype of whole language reading skills evaluation for grades one and two, Joan M. Edmondson
Stress mapping studies on silicon nitride ceramic using a laser Raman microprobe, Steven L. Ernst
The effects of family structure on university students' attitudes toward marriage and divorce, and interpersonal relationship satisfaction and commitment, Jennifer L. Falter
Reading comprehension handbook for teachers of primary-aged students, Barbara L. Faze
Transfer function analysis and its limitations for sampled imaging systems, Kenneth J. Fehrenbach
Parental roles in feeding nestlings, and nest sites and nest success in Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis), Tamatha S. Filliater-Lee
A handbook for GED math teachers, Teddy R. Flowers
Time and frequency domain scattering by dielectric targets with gently varying cross sections, Edward Michael Friel
Sensation seeking, drug use, and the routes of persuasion in the elaboration likelihood model, Kelly J. Fudge
Structural and regenerative aspects of the hydra head activator neuropeptide in the newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, Ernesto Jorge Fuentes
A handbook for teachers to aid in the teaching of public speaking class, John W. Fullenkamp
A woman's loss of contact with her father through separation or divorce: experience and meaning, Marcia Lynn Fuller
Implementing an elementary foreign language program in your school, Donna George
A two group, posttest only, study of attitudes and concept retention in ninth grade physical science classes using traditional versus hands-on learning, John R. Gifford
An experimental analysis of using instrumental and synthesizer music in helping promote creative thinking in writing, Timothy A. Gilbert
Healing hands--soothing sounds: the effects of tactile and auditory stimulation on NICU patients, Catherine M. Gillotti
An evaluation of motor-based preconscious detection in a numerical target search task, Vance F. Gilstrap
A parent and student handbook for homework motivation, Kathryn L. Graeser
Determination of the residence time distribution of a laboratory-scale flow reactor, John Lynn Graham
Microstructure property relationships in gbs-CEZ titanium alloy, Dominique Grandemange
A course of study for college preparatory English 9, Grace Millar Griffith
A student handbook for WordPerfect 5.1, Patricia A. Grissom
A case study of Fairborn city school's mentor program, Diane L. Grubbs
HISTOS: the development and implementation of a biological lab program, Robert J. Guizzo
The effect of an informal approach to spelling instruction with fifth grade students, Dorothy M. Gutman
A handbook of literature extension activities for primary teachers, Sue Ann Haberstro
Using an electron beam launched orthogonal to the geomagnetic field as a low frequency loop antenna aboard a spacecraft in low earth orbit, Ronald Dillon Hackett
The development, implementation, and evaluation of the writer's procedure for teaching dialogue journal writing to first grade students, Shirley K. Haeuptle
Steinbeck, the critics, and the narrative structure of East of Eden, Sharon M. Hamant
Habitat preferences of Rainbow darters (Etheostoma caeruleum) in a central Ohio river with regard to water column and benthic flow, Juliana Maria Harding
The development of a feature-based expert system to determine rapid molding procedures, Daniel Timothy Harning
Effects of the cloze procedure as a teaching method in an eighth grade SLD classroom, Roger Hartmann
Natural and DFMO-induced transformation of Trypanosoma brucei: a comparison of several biochemical parameters, Scott Michael Hartman
Handbook of agricultural literature-based activities for an integrated elementary school curriculum: grades kindergarten, first, and second, Karen Sue Hecht
The effect of evaluator intervention, task structure and user experience on the subjective evaluation of software usability, Joseph E. Held
A handbook using picture journals in transitional kindergarten, Sandy Jo Kessler Heller
Automating the school library media center through the emerging technologies, Pamela S. Helsinger
Attention deficit disorder: a guide for the classroom teacher, Mary Kay Henderson
The value of connecting reading and writing in the language arts classroom, Brenda Carol Hirsch
Endeavors in purification of dopamine sulfotransferase I and some properties of dopamine sulfotransferase I and dopamine sulfotransferase II, Linda Volkwein Hreha
Assessment of various approaches to valuesmoral education in public schools, Elizabeth Muncy Hypes
Self-esteem and the Lion's Quest Skills for Adolescence" program: an evaluative study ", Cathy S. Icenhour
The role of visuo-spatial difficulty levels upon left and right hand performances, Christina Joy Isaacs
Relative frequency: a possible information carrier in multi-channel rapid communication display systems, David E. Kancler
Gifted children and the educational level of their parents, Karen Karshner
Whole language theory and practice in Miamisburg schools, Virginia Kasper
A handbook of strategies designed for teachers of fifth and sixth grade students to be used in a literature-based reading program, Nancy Weltner Keller
Characterization of a ferroelectric liquid crystal optically addressed spatial light modulator and performance assessment as a filter plane modulator, Sean Christopher Kelly
Internal strain analysis of ceramics using scanning laser acoustic microscopy, Renee M. Kent
Applied communications English curriculum for secondary vocational senior computer secretary students, Juli M. King
Partial characterization of immunogenic peptides obtained from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Daniel Lee Klco
A grant proposal for an artist in residence, Mary Meggan Klein
Pressure effects on phenoliccarbon composite autoclave cure, Kristen M. Kliner
Getting physical fitness back into the elementary schools: a handbook on physical fitness for the school-age child (5-11), Deborah Ann Korab
Utility of a manual developed for the use of junior high school art instructors who teach multihandicapped students in a regular classroom setting, Marilyn A. Kraft
A study to determine if a one week enrichment program for gifted students has any measurable effects on the self-concept of the gifted students, Jean M. Kremer
Guidelines for determining language arts grades for students with learning disabilities, Linda Lakin
A study to explore the effects of learner control and peer tutoring on the vocabulary acquisition of developmental reading students at a two year technical college, Bridget Link Lampert
A handbook of writing activities for elementary students with an emphasis on technology, Virginia Lauber
Is there a difference in the way students in a Catholic high school and students in a public high school think and reason morally?, W. C. LaVanche
Characterization of alkyl sulfate and linear alkylbenzenesulfonate biodegradation by microbial communities, David Michael Lee
A study of attitudes of beginning Spanish students, Betty Jo Lesko
The effect of whole language in the first grade classroom, Laurie D. Lile
A Correlation Study between Student Achievement and Part-Time Employment, Cynthia Dawn Lipinski
An analysis of narcissism and its relation to attitudes toward death, Damond Joseph Logsdon