Content Posted in 2024
10 Ways to be a Respectful Sister, Drue Wagner
14th Annual Campaign of Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Begins Nov. 8, University of Dayton
1975 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
1983 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
2008 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
2008 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2009 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2010 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2011 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2012 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2013 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
2013 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2014 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
2014 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2015 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2015年10月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for October 2015), University of Dayton
2015年11月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for November 2015), University of Dayton
2015年12月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for December 2015), University of Dayton
2015年8月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for August 2015), University of Dayton
2015年9月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for September 2015), University of Dayton
2016 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2016年10月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for Oct. 2016), University of Dayton
2016年11月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for Nov. 2016), University of Dayton
2016年12月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for Dec. 2016), University of Dayton
2016年1月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for January 2016), University of Dayton
2016年2月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for February 2016), University of Dayton
2016年3月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for March 2016), University of Dayton
2016年4月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for April 2016), University of Dayton
2016年5月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for May 2016), University of Dayton
2016年6月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for June 2016), University of Dayton
2016年7月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for July 2016), University of Dayton
2016年8月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for August 2016), University of Dayton
2016年9月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for Sept. 2016), University of Dayton
2017 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2017年12月中国特色 (Chinese Features for Dec. 2017), University of Dayton
2017年1月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for Jan. 2017), University of Dayton
2017 年 2 月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for Feb. 2017), University of Dayton
2017年6月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for June 2017), University of Dayton
2017年7月中国圣母专题 (Chinese Marian Features for July 2017), University of Dayton
2017年9月中国专题 (Chinese Features for September 2017), University of Dayton
2018 Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop Program, Teri Rizvi
2018 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2018年1月中国特色 (Chinese Features for Jan. 2018), University of Dayton
2019 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2020 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2021 Bibliography, Gloria Falcão Dodd and Johann G. Roten
2022 Program: Honors Student Symposium, University of Dayton. University Honors Program
2023-10-27 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2023-11-17 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2023-12-15 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2023 Resident Scholar Fellowship: HsuanTsen, Hsuan Tsen
2023 Visiting Scholar Fellowship: Jack Mulder, Jack Mulder
2024-01-05 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-01-19 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-01-19 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-01-26 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-02-02 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-02-09 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-02-16 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-02-16 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-02-23 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-03-08 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-03-15 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-03-22 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-03-22 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-04-05 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-04-12 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-04-12 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-04-19 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-04-26 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-04-26 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-08-23 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-08-30 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-09-06 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-09-13 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-09-20 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-09-27 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-09-27 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-10-04 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-10-11 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-10-18 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-10-18 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-10-25 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-11-01 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-11-08 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-11-15 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-11-22 Minutes of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
2024-11-22 Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
2024-25 Production Season: Theatre, Dance and Performance Technology Program, University of Dayton
2024: Adam Jerome Williams, Milestone Book Selection, Adam Jerome Williams
2024: Arne Romanowski, Milestone Book Selection, Arne Romanowski
2024: Autumn Lockwood Payton, Milestone Book Selection, Autumn Lockwood Payton
2024: Christopher G. Calvin, Milestone Book Selection, Christopher G. Calvin
2024: Corinne Brion, Milestone Book Selection, Corinne Brion
2024: David A. Sievers, Milestone Book Selection, David A. Sievers
2024: Davin Jules Carr-Chellman, Milestone Book Selection, Davin Jules Carr-Chellman
2024: Dong Cao, Milestone Book Selection, Dong Cao
2024: Eric A. Knorr, Milestone Book Selection, Eric A. Knorr
2024: Erin O'Mara Kunz, Milestone Book Selection, Erin O'Mara Kunz
2024 Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop Program, Teri Rizvi and University of Dayton
2024 Graduate Scholar Reflection: Giovanna Sarto, Giovanna Sarto
2024: Hamed Zolbanin, Milestone Book Selection, Hamed Zolbanin
2024: Jennifer Dalton, Milestone Book Selection, Jennifer Dalton
2024: Jerome E. York Jr., Milestone Book Selection, Jerome E. Yorke Jr.
2024: Jia Wang, Milestone Book Selection, Jia Wang
2024: Joy Kadowaki, Milestone Book Selection, Joy Kadowaki
2024: Joy Willenbrink-Conte, Milestone Book Selection, Joy Willenbrink-Conte
2024: Kathleen M. Webb, Milestone Book Selection, Kathleen M. Webb
2024: Kirsten N. Mendoza, Milestone Book Selection, Kirsten N. Mendoza
2024: Kurt Mosser, Milestone Book Selection, Kurt Mosser
2024: Lauren J.C. Gilliland, Milestone Book Selection, Lauren J.C. Gilliland
2024: Li-Yin Liu, Milestone Book Selection, Li-Yin Liu
2024: Lucy J Allbaugh, Milestone Book Selection, Lucy J. Allbaugh
2024 Marian Fellowships, Kayla Harris
2024 Marian Forum — American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of U.S. Catholicism, Katherine Dugan and Karen E. Park
2024: Mary C. Wagner, Milestone Book Selection, Mary C. Wagner
2024: Matthew A. Witenstein, Milestone Book Selection, Matthew A. Witenstein
2024: Matthew Beerse, Milestone Book Selection, Matthew Beerse
2024: Matthew Holt, Milestone Book Selection, Matthew Holt
2024: Melissa Layman-Guadalupe, Milestone Book Selection, Melissa Layman-Guadalupe
2024: Meredith L.T. Montgomery, Milestone Book Selection, Meredith L.T. Montgomery
2024: Minnita Daniel-Cox, Milestone Book Selection, Minnita Daniel-Cox
2024: Muhammad N. Islam, Milestone Book Selection, Muhammad N. Islam
2024: Natasha Baker, Milestone Book Selection, Natasha Baker
2024: Novea A. McIntosh, Milestone Book Selection, Novea A. McIntosh
2024 QDayton Colloquium Flyer, University of Dayton
2024 QDayton Colloquium Program, University of Dayton
2024: Riley G. Dugan, Milestone Book Selection, Riley G. Dugan
2024: Robert Gordon Joseph, Milestone Book Selection, Robert Gordon Joseph
2024: Rochonda L. Nenonene, Milestone Book Selection, Rochonda L. Nenonene
2024: Sharon Davis Gratto, Milestone Book Selection, Sharon Davis Gratto
2024: Stacie Covington, Milestone Book Selection, Stacie Covington
2024 Student Development Impact Report, University of Dayton. Student Development
2024: Trip Glazer, Milestone Book Selection, Trip Glazer
2024: Trisha A. Renner, Milestone Book Selection, Trisha A. Renner
2024 University of Dayton Student Development Strategic Goals and Priorities, University of Dayton. Student Development
2024 Visiting Scholar Reflection: Rebecca Janzen, Rebecca Janzen
2025 Strategic Planning Worksheets for 2024-2025 Implementation, Angela Ann Zukowski and University of Dayton. Institute for Pastoral Initiatives
20th Annual Integration Bee, Mathematics
23rd Annual Kenneth C. Schraut Memorial Lecture: Languages, Alphabets, and Group Theory, Gizem Karaali
24 Hours of Flyer Love, Eric F. Spina
3.6 MVA Electric Aircraft Powertrain Development
3.8 Million Hours and Counting, Eric F. Spina
395 Summer Graduates Part of a Record Graduation Class of 1,719, University of Dayton
3rd Party Carrier Optimization
45 is the New... 45, Cara McDonough
4ALL: An Inclusive Course Communication Strategy, V. Denise James
51!, Eric F. Spina
5 Flexible Teaching Tips, Julia Randel, Randy Sparks, and Shannon Driskell
A $24 Check — and a $1 Million Gift, Eric F. Spina
A Basic Investment in Mercy: Problematizing Assessment in the Basic Course, Kate Swartz
Aber warum verfilmt er dann BroIl?' Straub/Huillet's Adaptation of Böll's 'Hauptstadtisches Journal', Martin Brady
A 'Big Potty' with My Big Sister, Paul Stelzer
A Bi-invariant Approach to Approximate Motion Synthesis of Planar Four-Bar Linkage, Tianze Xu (0009-0002-9057-9257), David H. Myszka (0000-0003-2326-9048), and Andrew P. Murray (0000-0001-5745-4829)
About Premedical Programs 2024-25, University of Dayton
About Premedical Programs at UD, 2024-25, UDayton
A Brave Grandfather Branches Out, Jerry Zezima
A Brief History of Holy Cards, Maddie O’Mahoney
A Bucket Case, Beth Broderick
Academic Achievement Gap of ELL Students after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Academic Achievement Gap of ELL Students after the COVID-19 Pandemic, Megan K. Buzzanca
Academic Polices Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-15, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2023-12-07, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-01-11, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-01-18, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-01, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-08, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-29, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-03-07, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-03-14, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-03-21, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-04-04, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-04-11, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-09-13, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-09-20, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-09-27, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-04, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-11, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-18, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-25, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-11-01, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-11-08, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-11-15, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
Academic Policies Commmittee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-01-25, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Academic Policies Committee
A Call for Papers, Michael Duricy
A Canvas for Creativity, Eric F. Spina
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
Accountability through Liability: Why It Is Time for Ohio to Update Its Political Subdivision Act, Lauren DeClark
A Century of Selfless Service, Eric F. Spina
A Christmas Conversion, Maddie O’Mahoney
A Christmas Gift, Sarah B. Cahalan
A Christmas Message of Peace, Eric F. Spina
A Christmas Posada on December 11, University of Dayton
A Christmas Reflection, Eric F. Spina
Acing It, Eric F. Spina
A City on the Mount, Johann Roten S.M.
A Class Act, Eric F. Spina
A Community of Care and Support, Eric F. Spina
A Community of Welcome, Eric F. Spina
A Comparison of Clinical Measures Between Front and Back Court National Basketball Association Players, Philip A. Anloague, Brooklyn Keaton, Noah Monaghan, Brianna Pittenger, Angelica Scanland, Claire Slamka, Destiny Sunberg, and Brett Williams
A Complete Set!, Sarah Cahalan
A Comprehensive Exploration of Regression Techniques for Building Energy Prediction, Vibhu Sharma
A Convocation of Camels, Ann Zlotnik
A Convolutional Neural Network for Motion-Based Multiframe Super-Resolution Using Fusion of Interpolated Frames, Hamed Elwarfalli
A Cryptographic Tour of the Enigma, Frank Casabianca
Active Recall Networks for Multiperspectivity Learning through Shared Latent Space Optimization, Theus Aspiras, Ruixu Liu, and Vijayan K. Asari
A Data Analytic Framework for Physical Fatigue Management Using Wearable Sensors, Zahra Sedighi Maman, Ying-Ju Chen, Amir Baghdadi, Seamus Lombardo, Lora A. Cavuoto, and Fadel M. Megahed
A Day of Discovery, Eric F. Spina
A Dayton Original, Eric F. Spina
Adding New IMRI Graduates, Gloria Falcão Dodd
Addressing the Impact of Modern Antisemitism on Jewish-American Youth Athletes in Central Ohio, Aaron Herschel Silverman
A Debt of Gratitude, Eric F. Spina
A Deep Neural Network for Early Detection and Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease, Vijendra Singh (0000-0001-5438-2188), Vijayan K. Asari (0000-0002-3751-5492), and Rajkumar Rajasekaran
A Desire to Serve, Eric F. Spina
A Difference Maker, Eric F. Spina
A Divided Front: Abolitionist Women's Suffrage Movement Through the Lens of Intersectionality, Alexandria M. Ford
A Dream Takes Flight, Eric F. Spina
Advances in Multi-Robot Path Planning and Singularity Avoidance in Single DOF Systems, Mohammed Zainullah Khan
Advent Calendars, Ann Zlotnik
Advising Careers Hang in the Balance, Jeremy DeWayne Campbell
Advisory Committee Formed to Develop Public Administration Program, University of Dayton
Advisory Council Chair, Dave Larsen
A Dynamic Analysis Framework for Classifying Malicious Webpages, Allen Varghese
A Fitting Place for Joachim and Anne, Ann Zlotnik
A Garden for La Virgen de Guadalupe, Yamilet Perez Aragon
Aging Out or In: Musings on Ages and Stages, Renee Burns Lonner
A Glimpse of God, Eric F. Spina
A Global Approach to Evaluating Whether an AI Algorithm Impacting Health Is Unfair to Consumers under the Federal Trade Commission 15 U.S.C. § 45, Sarah Covington
A Good Day's Work, Lindsey Roth
A ‘Good Encounter’ with a Woodblock, Andrea Bryan
A Grand Adventure, Karen Spina
A Grand Decade, Jerry Zezima
A Grateful Heart, Eric F. Spina
A Great First Impression, Eric F. Spina
A Healthy Partnership, Eric F. Spina
A Heartfelt Charge, Eric F. Spina
A Helping Hand, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
A Herd of Unicorns: Transformational Women Academics in STEM, Laura Cotton Howell
A Higher Calling, Eric F. Spina
A Home for Mary, Eric F. Spina
A (Hotel) Room of My Own, Annmarie Kelly
Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase II-Air Training Command, Military Airlift Command, and Strategic Air Command), Donald J. Polzella
Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase III-Electronic warfare trainers), Donald J. Polzella and David C. Hubbard
Aircrew training devices: Utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase I-Tactical Air Command), Donald J. Polzella
Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase IV–summary report), Donald J. Polzella, David C. Hubbard, James E. Brown, and H. Craig McLean
Air to a Fortune, Jerry Zezima
A is for Anne (and Amulet), Henry Handley
AI vs. AI: Can AI Detect AI-Generated Images?, Samah S. Baraheem and Tam Van Nguyen
A Labor of Love': Marian Library's Annual Nativity Exhibit, Jillian Ewalt
A Lab With Wings, Eric F. Spina
A Lesson From My Summer Vacation, Eric F. Spina
Alfred Bannan, Assistant Professor of History, Re-Elected President of AAUP's UD Chapter, University of Dayton
Alienation from Nature and Men's Search for Identity, Brian Luke
A Life Changer, Eric F. Spina
A Litany of Work, Ann Zlotnik
A Little Ridiculous | From Pen to Performance
‘A Living Library’, Henry Handley
All Aboard the Polar Express, Jerry Zezima
All About Joseph, Kayla Harris
All About Mary, Eric F. Spina
All in for UD, Eric F. Spina
A Long Term Analysis of Industrial Sector Stock Returns in Rising Fed Funds Rate Periods, 1999-2023
Altering the Lower Limb Kinetic Chain: Reliability and Minimum Detectable Change of Total Support Moment, J Barrios, R Cloud, M Gorski, A Grieshop, and A Kinney
Alternative to Transformative: Opportunities to Teach Citizenship and Social Justice through Digital Assignments, Elizabeth Grauel
Always Only You, Chloe Liese
Always Say Yes!, Eric F. Spina
A Machine Learning Framework for Drop-in Volume Swell Characteristics of Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Shane Kosir, Joshua Heyne, and John Graham
A Man for Our Times, Eric F. Spina
A Marianist Heart, Eric F. Spina
A Marianist Thanksgiving, Eric F. Spina
A Marian Terrarium: Workshop Materials Now Available on Demand, Melanie Fields
Amateur Archivists, Kayla Harris
Amazing and Brave, Eric F. Spina
Ambrosian Vespers for the Feast of the Conversion of St. Augustine, Todd Ridder
American Book Fest Finalists, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
American Brass Quintet Kicks Off 1967-68 Arts Series, University of Dayton
American Brass Quintet Performs Sept. 20, University of Dayton
American Hard-boiled Fiction and La cabeza de la hidra by Carlos Fuentes, Ken Hall
A Mission Written in Their Hearts, Eric F. Spina
A Mixed Method Analysis of Burnout Amongst K-8 Midlevel School Leaders, Deborah O'Neal (0009-0006-8885-7472)
A Mixed Methods Study of Retaining Black Women K-12 School Leaders Within an Urban Charter School Authorizer, Shenaille Beckley Danso
A Mother's Day Gift Guide, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
A multidimensional scaling analysis of subjective workload assessment technique (SWAT) ratings of the criterion task set (CTS), Donald J. Polzella and Gary R. Reid
An After-Dinner Cup of Coffee, Dean Norman
Analysis and Design of High-Efficiency Modular Multilevel Resonant DC-DC Converter
Analysis of benefits in consolidation for vehicle routing problems with time windows
Analysis of Power System Resilience Subject to Extreme Events
Analysis of Student Learning of Hooke's Law
Analyzing land use of a recovering North American carnivore
Analyzing Propaganda in the 2024 Presidential Election
An Analysis of Risk-Return Parameters for 9 S&P 500 Sectors, 2000-2019
An Answer to the Problem of The Pardoner's Tale, Paul R. Brandt
An Argument for Maintaining the Status Quo: Nonunanimous Verdicts on Panels in Courts-Martial, Abbigayle Qiu
An Artificial Intelligent Millimeter Wave Radar System for Human Activity Recognition and Monitoring, Abdullah Alhazmi, Vamsy Chodavarapu, Kurt Jackson, Cameron Djukic, Jennifer Jaszek, and Anna Brown
An Artist's Meditation on the Song of Songs, Johann Roten S.M.
An Art Misunderstood, Amelia L. Tortorici
Anatomy of the Edelman: Measuring the World’s Best Analytics Projects, Michael F. Gorman (0000-0003-1295-8147), Lakshminarayana Nittala, and Jeffrey M. Aldenb
And. Or. Not., Eric F. Spina
Andrew Carnegie: Scottish Immigrant, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Sam Gould
And the Emmy Goes to..., Eric F. Spina
And Then There Was One, Jase Graves
And the Oscar Goes To..., Donna Fentanes
And the Stand-Ups Are..., Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
And the Winner Is..., Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
And They're Off!, January Gordon Ornellas
And Why in God's Name Are People Shucking Corn in the Supermarket?, Bob Eckstein
An Easter Message of Hope, Eric F. Spina
An Easter Message of Joy and Hope, Eric F. Spina
An Educational Leader’s E-Mails to the Parents During COVID-19 Pandemic, Bilgen Kiral and Corinne Brion (0000-0001-6151-525X)
An Evening with Augustine, Herbert Woodward Martin and Phillip Magnuson
A New Beginning for the Dayton Arcade, Eric F. Spina
A New Playbook, Eric F. Spina
A New Rosary Resource, Ann Zlotnik
A New Way to Detect Cyberattacks Extracting Changes in Register Values from Radio-Frequency Side Channels, Ronald A. Riley, James T. Graham, Ryan M. Fuller, Rusty O. Baldwin, and Ashwin Fisher
An Exploration of College Faculty Perspectives on Early Alert Interventions, Arlene Garcia-Lopez
An Exploration on the Impact of Teacher Self-Efficacy on Chronic Absenteeism, Gina Sarabella
An Extension of the Theory of Technology Dominance: Capturing the Underlying Causal Complexity, Steve G. Sutton, Vicky Arnold, and Matthew Holt
An Extraordinary Day, Eric F. Spina
An Historian's View of The Grapes of Wrath, Janet R. Daly Bednarek
Anichini’s ‘Divine Comedy’, Eve Wolynes
Anichini’s Rome, Eve Wolynes
A Night of Hilarity, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
An Improved Method to Estimate Savings from Thermal Comfort Control in Residences from Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat Data, Abdulelah D. Alhamayani, Qiancheng Sun, and Kevin P. Hallinan (0000-0002-0305-4886)
An Interactive Game with Virtual Reality Immersion to Improve Cultural Sensitivity in Health Care, Paul J. Hershberger, Yong Pei, Timothy N. Crawford, Sabrina M. Neeley, Thomas Wischgoll, Dixit B. Patel, Miteshkumar M. Vasoya, Angie Castle, Sankalp Mishra, Lahari Surapaneni, Aman A. Pogaku, Aishwarya Bositty, and Todd Pavlack
An Introduction to Category Theory, Joseph Kopp
An Investigation into Mental Health Impacts of Young Adults Who Experienced Childhood Obesity
An Investigation into Volleyball Rally Length
Anmerkungen zu den Manuskripten von Ansichten eines Clowns , Ruth Vogel
Annual Department of Music Honors Recital Competition
Annual Horvath Student Juried Exhibition
Annunciation Art for a Multidisciplinary Marian Forum, Henry Handley
Annunciation: manuscript leaf from a book of hours, Catholic Church
An Oak Anniversary, Sarah B. Cahalan
A Nobel Soul, Eric F. Spina
An Open and Shut Case, Jerry Zezima
Another Fine Mess, Jerry Zezima
Anti-predator Behavior in Response to Conspecific Visual, Olfactory, and Damage Cues in Three-Spined Sticklebacks, Claire E. VanMeter
An Unforgettable Weekend, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
A Pairing of Assumption Art and Poetry, Ann Zlotnik
A Partner in Our City's Destiny, Eric F. Spina
A Patient-Specific Algorithm for Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiographs, Manawaduge Supun De Silva (0000-0002-2316-9226), Barath Narayanan Narayanan (0000-0001-9648-5695), and Russell C. Hardie
A Peek at Visioning Day, Eric F. Spina
A Personal Perspective on Faith, Conrad E. L'Heureux
A Phenomenological Study of Student Motivation and Engagement During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kelley Christine Moore (0009-0005-3983-3143)
A physical measure of subjective workload, Donald J. Polzella, David W. Biers, and Paul McInerney
A Pilot Study of a Brief School Psychologist Training on the Anxiety Approach/Avoidance Framework, Jessica L. Royster (0009-0009-6245-4562)
A Place at the Table, Eric F. Spina
A Place of Possibilities, Eric F. Spina
Apocalypse Wow, Nikki Kamp
A Poem for Easter, Ann Zlotnik
A Poet and His Song, Eric F. Spina
A Poinsettia by Any Other Name, Bridget Retzloff
A Post-Election Message, Eric F. Spina
Apparition Anniversary: Kibeho, Joan Milligan
Application of Bayesian Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification in Structured Light System and Pipeline External Corrosion Assessment, Sreeharan Sreelakshmi
Application of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity
Application of Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Segmentation and Spatial Registration of Material Property Data, Josiah Dierken, Daniel Sparkman, Sean Donegan (0000-0002-6964-7529), Sarah Wallentine, John Wertz, and David Zainey
A Prayer for Peace, Eric F. Spina
A Pretzel for Lent, Johann Roten S.M.
A Progressive Learning Strategy for Large-Scale Glacier Mapping, Zhiyuan Xie (0000-0003-0372-7961), Umesh K. Haritashya (0000-0001-9527-954X), and Vijayan K. Asari (0000-0002-3751-5492)
A Promise Fulfilled, Eric F. Spina
Archer's Voice, Mia Sheridan
Archives Month 2023: Taking a Second Look, Michele Jennings
Archives Month Spotlight: Documenting Mary in the Digital Age, Kayla Harris
A 'Real' Lesbian, Annabelle Karch
Area Singers Invited for Christmas Chorus, University of Dayton
A Reflection from Australia, Debra L. Newbury
Are measures to decrease or prevent pollution just
Are the People in Beer Commercials Really Having that Much Fun?, Dean Norman
Are We Really Basic Bitches? A Call for Resistance and Recognition, Joshua E. Young and Allison D. Brenneise
Are We Relying on the Wrong Data? Analysis of E-journal Usage Data at Seven R1 and R2 Research Universities, Simon Robins (0000-0002-3264-5968)
Are You Above Average? The Lake Wobegon Effect, Raymond Reid
Argumentation & Advocacy - Policy Panel
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, Benjamin Alire Saenz
Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery Scores: Relationship to Academic Success for Air Force Public Health Apprentice Trainees, Jessica A. Falcon
Art and Dayton's Collective Humanity, Eric F. Spina
Art Gallery Hosts an Exhibit of 40 Works from National Gallery of Art, University of Dayton
Artificial Neural Network Discovery of a Switchable Metasurface Reflector, J. R. Thompson (0000-0001-9249-3866), J. A. Burrow (0000-0002-1237-4662), P. J. Shah, J. Slagle, E. S. Harper, A. Van Rynbach, I. Agha, and M. S. Mills
Art Integration in Elementary Schools Leading to Academic and Social Development
Artistic Depictions of Chaminade, Michael Zlotnik
Artist Partnership, University of Dayton
Art Projects Get Children in the Holiday Spirit and Create a Sense of Tradition, University of Dayton
Arts and Community Engagement, Dave Larsen
Arts and Sciences Alumni Honored, Dave Larsen
Arts Events: August 16, 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: August 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: July 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: November 1, 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: October 17, 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: October 3, 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: September 1, 2016, University of Dayton
Arts Events: September 15, 2016, University of Dayton
Artwork in Bloom, Ann Zlotnik
As a Farewell to Benjamin Miller – Two of His Most Significant Woodcuts, Johann Roten S.M.
A Seat at the Same Table, Eric F. Spina
A Seat at the Table, Eric F. Spina
A Second Helping of a Winning Recipe, Jerry Zezima
Ash, Malinda Lo
A Shared Vision, Eric F. Spina
A Sign of Hope, Eric F. Spina
A Simply Sweet Hail Mary, Ann Zlotnik
As Long as the River Flows, Eric F. Spina
A Smart Investment, Eric F. Spina
A Sneak Peek at the Marian Library’s Upcoming Exhibit, Olivia Gillingham
A Sneak Peek for Graduates and Their Guests, Michele Devitt
A Sod Story, Jerry Zezima
A Source of New Life, Eric F. Spina
A Special Focus Group, Dean Norman
A Special Place, Eric F. Spina
A Spoonful of Mary, Eve Wolynes
Assessing Elementary Teachers' Attitudes About Internal Communication in a K-12 Public School District and How They Impact Trust and Engagement, Jennifer Anne Blake (0009-0002-6908-2393)
Assessing the Behavioral Effects of Conditional SERCA2 Deletion in central GABAergic Neurons
Assessing the Behavioral Effects of Conditional SERCA2 Deletion in Central GABAergic Neurons, Hayden N. Ott
Assessment of Generative AI Images
Assessment ‘ResponsAbilities’ in the Basic Course: Evaluating Public Speaking Rubrics, Miranda N. Rouse
Assistant Professor of Philosophy to Prepare Report on Academic Freedom at UD, University of Dayton
Associative organization in recognition memory, Eugene Reardon, Frank DaPolito, and Donald J. Polzella
A State-of-the-Art Survey on Deep Learning Theory and Architectures, Md Zahangir Alom, Tarek M. Taha, Christopher Yakopcic, Stefan Westberg, Paheding Sidike (0000-0003-4712-9672), Mst Shamima Nasrin, Mahmudul Hasan, Brian C. Van Essen, Abdul A. S. Awwal, and Vijayan K. Asari
A Successful and Meaningful Posada, Michele Devitt
A Summer to Remember, Eric F. Spina
A Supervised Learning Approach for Prediction of X-Ray Computed Tomography Data from Ultrasonic Testing Data, Daniel Sparkman, Sarah Wallentine, Mark Flores, John Wertz, John Welter, Norman Schehl, Josiah Dierken, David Zainey, John Aldrin, and Mike Uchie
A Surprising Bookmark, James R. Koelsch
A Survey of Techniques for Mobile Service Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning, Pan Wang (0000-0003-2006-1129), Xuejiao Chen, Feng Ye (0000-0002-2436-2300), and Zhixin Sun (0000-0001-6148-9688)
A Systematic Rewiew of Resources for Adults with Depression, Jillian Grace Wallace
A Thanksgiving Reflection, Eric F. Spina
A Thank-You Letter to Erma Bombeck, Susan C. Willett
A Theological Analysis of Catholic Liturgies Celebrating Those with Disabilities, Jack H. Gorman
At Home, Eric F. Spina
At Home, Eric F. Spina
A Time Comes When Silence is Betrayal, Eric F. Spina
A Time for Boldness, Eric F. Spina
A Time to Come Together, Eric F. Spina
Atmospheric Turbulence Study with Deep Machine Learning of Intensity Scintillation Patterns, Artem V. Vorontsov, Mikhail A. Vorontsov, Grigorii A. Fillimonov, and Ernst Polnau (0000-0002-0979-8712)
A Traditional Marian Devotion: The Litany of Loreto
A Tradition Continues, University of Dayton
Attention Deficits: Teacher Candidates' Scientific and Folk Perspectives, Thomas Falk
At the Manger 2021, Jillian Ewalt
At the Manger: A Docent's Experience, Michele Devitt
At the Manger, at a glance, Sarah Cahalan
‘At the Manger’: Ready for Its Close-Up, Sarah B. Cahalan
Attitudes Towards Service Dogs In-Training
A Two-Stage Machine Learning Framework to Predict Heart Transplantation Survival Probabilities over Time with a Monotonic Probability Constraint, Hamidreza Ahady Dolatsaraa, Ying-Ju (Tessa) Chen, Christy Evans, Ashish Gupta, and Fadel M. Megahed
Audience Response to Henry VIII and Cultural Destabilization, Susan E. Krantz
Audit Evidence, Technology, and Judgement: A Review of the Literature in Response To ED‐500, Dereck Barr‐Pulliam (0000-0001-5092-2706), Christopher G. Calvin, Marc Eulerich, and Arpine Maghakyan (0000-0001-9850-049X)
Augustine and the Problem of Human Goodness, Ernest L. Fortin
Augustine, Music and Human Goodness: A Commentary, Isaiah Jackson
Augustine on the Good Life, Vernon J. Bourke
Augustine on the Possibility of Human Goodness: The Theme of Happiness Considered, David Neil Mosser
Augustine’s Christian Humanism, Mary T. Clark
Augustine’s Moral Thermometer of Human Goodness, Raymond M. Herbenick
Augustus Tolton, Andrew Kosmowski S.M.
A Unified Framework of Deep Learning-Based Facial Expression Recognition System for Diversified Applications, Sanoar Hossain (0000-0002-1232-7487), Saiyed Umer (0000-0002-1476-041X), Vijayan K. Asari (0000-0002-3751-5492), and Ranjeet Kumar Rout (0000-0002-1546-1702)
Au Revoir, Dayton, Kara Kinney Cartwright
Authentic Materials in Language Learning
Author, Collector, Expert and Donor, Johann Roten S.M.
Authoritarian and Educational Safety Measures Affecting School Climate in Rural Southwest Ohio, Daniel Brian Holland
Automated Bird Classification using Deep Learning
Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics in HVAC Systems, Vibhu Sharma and Vrushank Mistry
Automated Residential Energy Audits Using a Smart WiFi Thermostat-Enabled Data Mining Approach, Abdulrahman Alanezi (0000-0003-0002-6967), Kevin Hallinan (0000-0002-0305-4886), and Kefan Huang
Automatic Basketball Formation Recognition
Autonomy, Responsibility and Human Maturity, Bruce M. Taylor
A Vault of the Heart, Elizabeth Grauel
Ave Maria / Ave Maryja, Ann Zlotnik
‘A Vision of Art and Faith’, Ann Zlotnik
A Visual Prayer for the Present, Melanie Zebrowski
A Voice at the Table, Eric F. Spina
Award Winner, Sarah Burke Cahalan
A Way of the Cross Opportunity, Ann Zlotnik
A Wedding Gift, Dean Norman
A Window to the World, Eric F. Spina
A Writing of One's Own: Research Findings and Experiences of HISTORY CAPSTONE STUDENTS, Spring 2024
Background Image: Aerial View of Campus from the South after a Light Snow, University of Dayton
Background Image: Sunrise over the Chapel on a Frosty Morning, University of Dayton
Background Image: University of Dayton Sign outside Campus South, University of Dayton
Background Image: View inside UD Arena during a Men's Basketball Game, University of Dayton
Background Image: Water Feature at Serenity Pines, South of Marycrest Hall, University of Dayton
Background Image: West Façade of Chapel on a Sunny Spring Day with Tulips in the Foreground, University of Dayton
Bailing on Another Vacation Blues, Keri Kelly
Balancing Expansion and Exhaustion: Burnout in the Basic Communication Course, Nicholas T. Tatum (Nick) and Jeffrey T. Child (Jeff)
Bal-A-Vis-X intervention to improve upper limb coordination in children with disability: A Pilot Study, Marta Boot, Zoe Clark, Kyla Hill, McKenzie Stefanoff, Betsy Donahoe Fillmore, Trisha Renner, Bo Slutz, and Mary I. Fisher
Banksy: The Street Artist and Activist
Barista, writing on a paper cup, says to fellow barista: "Instead of a name, I just write a prompt.", Frank Pauer
Barnett Newman's Stations of the Cross: Faith, Reason, and the Reasoned Flight from Reason, Roger J. Crum
Bartolo Longo and Our Lady of the Rosary, Henry Handley
Bathroom Remodeling Is a Real Soap Opera, Jerry Zezima
Be a Hero, Eric F. Spina
Beatification Upcoming for Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon, Andrew Kosmowski S.M.
Beatrice and Virgil: The Dialogue of Faith and Reason in Dante's Commedia, Eugene R. August
Beavers at Glen Helen Nature Preserve
Becoming a Swiftie Dad — and other skills I've learned, Jase Graves
Beginning Advent with Coloring Activities, Ann Zlotnik
Beginning Dec. 1: A Carol a Day, Johann Roten S.M.
Behavioral Health Workforce Development in Ohio, Meredith Montgomery
Behavioral Responses of Two Color Morphs of the Eastern Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) to Novel Urban Environments, Amy Q. Friemoth
Behind the Pomp and Circumstance, Eric F. Spina
Belonging, Eric F. Spina
Belonging from the Start: Proactive Techniques For Fostering Comfort in the Library Setting, Erik Ziedses des Plantes
Benefits of a Community Reentry Intervention for Reentry Self-Efficacy in Homeless Shelter Residents With Past Incarceration, Kathryn E. Hurley
Benjamin Miller and the Bible, Johann Roten S.M.
Berry Summer Thesis Institute Profile: Joseph Beckett, Ryan Werner
Berry Summer Thesis Institute Profile: Michaela Miller, Ryan Werner
Berry Summer Thesis Institute Profile: Sean Kapp, Ryan Werner
Be the Change, Eric F. Spina
Be Uncommon, Eric F. Spina
Beyond Boundaries: Third Space Leadership in Schools, Corinne Brion (0000-0001-6151-525X)
Beyond Delivery, Toward Interpretation: Examining How Students Use Feedback in the Introductory Communication Course, Drew T. Ashby-King, Melissa A. Lucas, and Lindsey B. Anderson
Beyond Skin Deep: new photographic works by Elena Bellisario
Beyond Technology: Social Predictors of Energy Efficiency in Industrial Facilities
Beyond Technology: Social Predictors of Energy Efficiency in Industrial Facilities, Garret B. Cowdery
Beyond the Byline, Teri Rizvi
Beyond the Classroom, Eric F. Spina
Biden Bible Rings a Bell, Henry Handley
Big Brother Is Watching You: Dorothy Wordsworth's Alfoxden and Grasmere Journals, Lisa Tyler
Big Dog, Giant Heart, Beth Broderick
Big Wheels Keep On Running, Jerry Zezima
Bioinspired Design Rules from Highly Mineralized Natural Composites for Two-Dimensional Composite Design, Anamika Prasad (0000-0002-2590-3690), Vikas Varshney (0000-0002-2613-458X), Dhriti Nepal, and Geoffrey J. Frank
BIRAND: a BASIC program to generate and test random binary sequences, Donald J. Polzella and Samuel M. Bower
Birthday of the Blessed Virgin, Ann Zlotnik
Black Bears, Coyotes and My 2 Iron, Raymond Reid
Black Male Queerness and the Poetic Performance of Survival
Blessed Are the Peacemakers, Eric F. Spina
Blessed Are the Simple – the Juggler of Our Lady, Melanie Zebrowski
Board of Trustees Approves Moderate 3.5 Percent Price Increase, Hears Plans to Network the Student Neighborhood, University of Dayton
Bold. Imaginative. Distinctive., Eric F. Spina
Böll and Terrorism, Stuart Parkes
Böll’s The Bread of Our Early Years: An Interpretation, David J. Parent
Bölls filmische Metamorphosen. Am Beispiel von Das Brot der fruhen Jahre und Ansichten eines Clowns, Manfred Durzak
Bon Appétit, Kristine Hayes Nibler
Book List for Exhibit 'Storytime Censored', University of Dayton
Book of Hours (Use of Rouen), Master of the Ango Hours, active 1515-1531
Booming Job Market, Salaries on Tap for Spring Law Graduates, University of Dayton
Bottle Deposits and Kidenomics, Dean Norman
Bouillon Appètit, Marie Lemond
“Bouncing Back": The Development, Implementation, and Effectiveness of an Academic Probation Support Program, Joseph Husong (0009-0008-1620-1807)
Boyfriend Material, Alexis Hall
Bragging Rights, Garret Mathews
Breaking Barriers: Judith Hernandez and the Evolving Narrative of Women Artists in the Art World
Breaking Bread — Virtually, Eric F. Spina
Breaking the Chains of Birth: Gandhi and the Untouchables
Briar News, Vol. Who Cares, No. U812 (April 1, 1978), University of Dayton
Bridge Anyone? Or Chess?, Dean Norman
Bridge Builders, Eric F. Spina
Bridging the Divide: Unraveling Achievement Gaps Among Multilingual Students
Bridging The Gap: Preparing Students with Disabilities for College
Bridging the Workforce Gap, Eric F. Spina
Brighter Connections, Dave Larsen
Bringing Gifts to the Manger, Ann Zlotnik
Bristle Boy Blue, Jerry Zezima
Buffer Areas Are Critical Reservoirs for Mycorrhizal Fungi Colonization in Solar Prairies
Build a Bigger Table, Eric F. Spina
Building a Place for All, Eric F. Spina
Building a Safe Organizational Culture and Space to Support Local Head Start Members, Stephanie D. Piecuch
Building Bridges Across Faiths, Dave Larsen
Building Bridges: Fostering Inclusivity and Intercultural Competency in Engineering Education, Khalid Zouhri
Building Community, Eric F. Spina
Building Solar Shading, Vibhu Sharma
Bullying in School Climates, Patricia Ann Riggs
Butterfly in the Sky: Methods to Reintroduce the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly
Buttons, Tattoos and Special Collections, Olivia Gillingham
Bye Bye Birdie Droppings, Jerry Zezima
By the Numbers, Eric F. Spina
Calendar from Book of Hours; use of Paris, Catholic Church
Calendar Guy, Jerry Zezima
Call for Submissions for Volume 37, Angela M. Hosek
Calling all game lovers!, Stephanie Soule
Calling All Writers, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Campus in Bloom, Eric F. Spina
Candle Glass Inventory and Ordering Optimization
Can Endurance Training Help Reduce the Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression?
Can GPA and Degree Type Predict Success on the Entry-Level Registration Examination for Dietitians?, Sunitha Zechariah (0000-0002-8020-4921), Jennifer Doley (0000-0003-2160-8077), Nicole Moore (0000-0003-2012-3967), and Raymond Chong
Can Self-care Activities Help Combat the Effects of Academic Burnout?
Can't Believe It's Not Bottled!
Canticle et choix de prière : manuscript., Unknown
Can't Stop Dancing, Jan Marshall
Can We Put the Fun in Funeral?, Julie Cole
Car Seats Forever, Laurie Whitman
Cartoon: You Are Here, Bob Eckstein
Case Analysis: Forced Abortion of Disabled Woman's Fetus
Case Analysis of Mentally Disabled Pregnant Woman
Cataloging Myriad Materials and Myriad Languages in the Marian Library, Henry Handley and Joan Milligan
Catalyst for Social Justice, Eric F. Spina
Catapulting Dreams, Eric F. Spina
Catholic Social Teaching, Sarah Cahalan and Olivia Gillingham
Caught on Camera, Annette Goggin
Cause for Alarm, Jerry Zezima
Celebrating Science Research, Dave Larsen
Centering Equity While Engaging with Student Researchers, Leah L. Ward
Cerebral asymmetry in the perceived duration of colored stimuli, Sue A. Koch, Donald J. Polzella, and Frank DaPolito
Cerebral asymmetry in time perception, Donald J. Polzella, Frank DaPolito, and M. Christine Hinsman
Challenges of Competency Management for Dietetics Program and Internship Directors: An Application of Design Thinking, David Gaviria and Elizabeth Chen
Chamber Music's New Wave, Eileen Carr
Champion for UD and the Church, Eric F. Spina
Change of Plans, Dylan Newton
Changing Flora of an Old-Growth Mesophytic Forest: Previously Undetected Taxa and First Appearance of Non-native Invasive Species, Julia I. Chapman, Kaitlin L. Perry, and Ryan W. McEwan
Changing Places: Philip Larkin as Train Traveler, Roger Craik
Changing Spaces, Olivia Gillingham
Chaos or Community?, Eric F. Spina
Characterization of Upper Extremity Kinematics Using Virtual Reality Movement Tasks and Wearable IMU Technology, Skyler A. Barclay (0009-0000-9455-9865), Lanna N. Klausing, Tessa M. Hill, Allison L. Kinney (0000-0003-3553-0733), Timothy Reissman (0000-0003-1628-6632), and Megan E. Reissman (0000-0002-4213-319X)
Characterizing the Broadband Frequency Response of Pressure-Sensitive Paint
Charles I, the Controller of Catholicism, Emma Donnelly
Charming Pigs and Mimetic Desire in Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction , Paul H. Schmidt
Child Rearing, Accounting, Psychology Among Fall 1967 Continuing Education Courses, University of Dayton
Christianity and Judaism: Perspectives and Solutions to Poverty
Christmas Coloring Activities, Ann Zlotnik
Christmas Crèches = Love, Michele Devitt
Christmas E-Cards for the First Week of Advent, Ann Zlotnik
Christmas Eve 1968, Eric F. Spina
Christmas Exhibit 2023: Nativities and the Natural World, University of Dayton. Marian Library
Christmas in July, Michelle Schweickart
Christmas in July, Michele Devitt
Christmas Kindness Has No Expiration Date, Marcy O'Brien
Christmas Lights: A Judgmental Guide, Jase Graves
Christmas on Campus Lives On!, Eric F. Spina
Christmas Season Looks Promising for Miami Valley Retailers, University of Dayton
Christmas through Crite's Eyes, Sarah B. Cahalan
Chronic Absenteeism in Underserved Schools, John A. Marquet
Chua to serve on CRC, University of Dayton
Churchill Revisited, John P. Rossi
Circuit Optimization Techniques for Efficient Ex-Situ Training of Robust Memristor Based Liquid State Machine, Alex Henderson, Christopher Yakopcic, Cory Merkel, Steven Harbour, Tarek M. Taha, and Hananel Hazan
Civil Religion: Presidential Inauguration and The Star-Spangled Banner
Civil Religion & The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Civil rights organizer Saul Alinsky Speaking at UD Nov. 15, University of Dayton
Class Act, Eric F. Spina
Classic Film Society opens 5th year with Beatles film, University of Dayton
Classification of Surfaces with Fundamental Groups
Click. Date. Repeat., KJ Farnham
Climate Change in the Classroom: How and Why We Teach It
Climbing assay to study behavioral deficits in Alzheimer’s disease
Closing the Gap, Eric F. Spina
Closing the Gap, Eric F. Spina
Closing the Gender Gap in UD Engineering, Eric F. Spina
Coaching Character, Eric F. Spina
Coca-Cola Nativity, Michele Devitt
Code for Success, Eric F. Spina
Collaboration — It's in Dayton's DNA, Hunter Phillips Goodman, Jeff Hoagland, Michael M. Parks, and Eric F. Spina
Collaborative Consultation Doctors Model: Unifying CNN and ViT for COVID-19 Diagnostic, Trong-Thuan Nguyen (0000-0001-7729-2927), Tam Nguyen (0000-0003-0236-7992), and Minh-Triet Tran (0000-0003-3046-3041)
Collaborative CREAC Drafting: Co-Creating an Example in Context, Julie Zink
College Students Forsake Spring Break Frivolity to Volunteer Across the Nation, University of Dayton
College Students give Grisham, Dr. Seuss Raves, University of Dayton
Coloring as Contemplative Prayer, Ann Zlotnik
Coloring Book — 'Beyond the Byline: Erma Bombeck's Story', University of Dayton, Bil Keane, and Hal Just
Coloring Book: Mary in Catholic Education, University of Dayton. Marian Library
Coloring Book: Maurice Pillard Verneuil Illustrations, University of Dayton. Marian Library and Maurice Pillard Verneuil
Coloring Page: Nativity Paper Cut, University of Dayton. Marian Library
Color Our Collections!, Olivia Gillingham
Combating Gendered Language: Lessons from the French Diaspora, Cameron Blair
Come and Meet My Stumbling Feet, Jerry Zezima
Come On Down!, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Come on in, the water's fine! How solar panels may affect damselfly behavior.
Comic Structure in Die Zauberflote, Roberta J. Albrecht
Coming Clean About Vacuums, Jerry Zezima
Coming Live to the Erma Stage, Teri Rizvi
Commentaries on the Papers of Marianne Djuth, Raymond Herbenick, and Theodore Kisiel, John Inglis
Commentary: Augustine on the Will, Social Justice and Human Goodness, William F. Losito
Commentary: On Papers by Yong Huang and Michael J. White, David Neil Mosser
Commitment to Anti-racism, Sarah B. Cahalan
Communicative Capacities of German Marriage Portraits: Portrait of a Daughter of Dietrich Bromsen, Victoria Brey
Community Builders, Eric F. Spina
Community Invited to International Tea Oct. 1, University of Dayton
Community Invited to 'Update Your Home Economics I.Q.', University of Dayton
Community Means — and Requires —Everyone, Eric F. Spina
Community Means Everyone, Eric F. Spina
Comparing Maternal and Paternal Parenting Traits on Youth Resistance to Peer Influence
Comparison of a Transformer-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution Model for the CONNECT Compression Framework, David Essig (0009-0009-0409-9937)
Comprehensive and Inclusive Sex Education
Conceptualizing an Asset-Based Framework for Understanding Women Educator’s Adaptive Practices During Crisis, Matthew A. Witenstein (0000-0003-0722-056X), Xiaoyuan Chen, Radhika Iyengar (0000-0002-4632-716X), and Meredith L. Wronowski
Concerned Philosophers for Peace, Vol. 32 (2024), Court Lewis and Cameron Farvin
Conditional Generative Adversarial Network Demosaicing Strategy for Division of Focal Plane Polarimeters, Garrett Sargent, Bradley M. Ratliff, and Vijayan K. Asari
Confetti and Cheers, Eric F. Spina
Conflict and Exploitation in the Land of the Mapuche
Confronting the Earth Spirit: Humans and Nature in the Universe Story, Eugene R. August
Connecting Classroom Learning to Library Employment, Kayla Harris
Connecting with the Community, Sarah B. Cahalan and Henry Handley
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer offenbart sich selbst: Eine Untersuchung zum religiösen Hintergrund von Gustav Adolfs Page , Almut Spalding
Consequences of Spatial Structure in Soil–Geomorphic Data on the Results of Machine Learning Models, Daehyun Kim, Insang Song, Lorrayne Miralha, Daniel R. Hirmas, Ryan W. McEwan, Tom G. Mueller, and Pavel Samonil
Conserving Book History, Henry Handley
Conserving Book History: The Sequel, Henry Handley
Content from Exhibit Website for 'Art for Citizens and Celebrants', University of Dayton
Continental Cuisine Club Presents Oriental Fare, University of Dayton
Continental Cuisine Club Presents Scandinavian Dinner, University of Dayton
Continuing Education Courses Address Investments, Real Estate, Employment, Writing, and Data Processing, University of Dayton
Continuing Education Courses Address Literature, Advertising, and Creative Abilities, University of Dayton
Continuing the Conversation, Kayla Harris
Convergence and Emergence: Scientific Research and the Earth Community, Donald R. Geiger
Conversations: Matthew A Witenstein with Gerardo L. Blanco, Matthew A. Witenstein (0000-0003-0722-056X) and Gerardo Blanco
Conversations: Matthew A Witenstein with Satang Nabaneh, Satang Nabaneh and Matthew A. Witenstein (0000-0003-0722-056X)
Cooperating Educator’s Perceptions of Roles and Lived Experiences during Field Supervision, Vanessa Winn and Jody Googins
Coordinating the Revolution: Planning of the Montgomery Bus Boycotts (1955)
Copy of Letter from Editors of Everybody's Magazine to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ohio History Connection and Everybody's Magazine
Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate: Should There Be a New Marian Dogma?, University of Dayton
Corigliano Quartet Aims to Bridge Gap Between Classical and Contemporary Music, University of Dayton
Corrections to ‘‘GlacierNet: A Deep-Learning Approach for Debris-Covered Glacier Mapping’’, Zhiyuan Xie, Umesh K. Haritashya, Vijayan K. Asari, Brennan W. Young, Michael P. Bishop, and Jeffrey S. Kargel
‘Count Your Blessings’, Ann Zlotnik
Courageous Leaders, Eric F. Spina
Courageously Fearless, Eric F. Spina and Brian LaDuca
Courageous, Resilient Women, Eric F. Spina
Course on Basic Income Tax Begins Dec. 7, University of Dayton
Course Registration Open, University of Dayton
Cover and Front Matter, Volume 2, Issue 2
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Cover Girl!, Jan Marshall
Cover, Table of Contents, President's Message, Editorial Board's Message, Academy of Oncologic Physical Therapy
COVID-19 Web Archives: Evolving Catholic and Marian Devotional Practices, Kayla Harris (0000-0002-1672-3022) and Stephanie Shreffler (0000-0002-2147-7495)
Coyote Habitat Preferences in Human-modified Landscapes
Cracking Diversity's Code, Dave Larsen
"Creating a Better Tomorrow: PFAS Contamination in the Greater Dayton Area" Presentation and Trailer
Creating a More Meaningful AI Tournament: Statistical Insights from the Game of Catan
Creating a More Meaningful AI Tournament: Statistical Insights from the Game of Catan, Aidan P. Reichenberg
Creating Inclusive Community: Strategies for Belonging and Inclusion at UD
Creation and Transformation in Marcel Schwob's L'Etoile de bois, Robert Ziegler
Creation of new Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Dayton Region
Creation, the Fall, and the Role of the Will in St. Augustine’s De Civitate Dei, Books XI-XIV, Richard J. Dougherty
Creatively Killing the Word “Entirely”: Why the 9th Circuit Got 17 U.S.C. § 114(B) and Music Sampling Law Wrong, Samantha Shemavonian
Creche Herald Vol. 10, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 10, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 10, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 10, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 11, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 11, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 11, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 11, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 12, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 12, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 12, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 12, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 13, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 13, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 13, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 13, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 14, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 14, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 14, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 14, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 15, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 15, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 15, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 15, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 16, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 16, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 16, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 16, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 17, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 17, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 17, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 17, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 18, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 18, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 18, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 18, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 19, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 19, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 19, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 19, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 1, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 1, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 1, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 1, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 20, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 20, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 20, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 20, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 21, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 21, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 21, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 21, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 22, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 22, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 22, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 22, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 23, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 23, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 23, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 23, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 24, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 24, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 24, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 24, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 25, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 25, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 25, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 26, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 26, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 26, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 26, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 27, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 2, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 2, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 2, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 2, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 3, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 3, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 3, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 3, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 4, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 4, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 4, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 4, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 5, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 5, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 5, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 5, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 6, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 6, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 6, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 6, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 7, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 7, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 7, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 7, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 8, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 8, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 8, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 8, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 9, No. 1, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 9, No. 2, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 9, No. 3, Rita B. Bocher
Creche Herald Vol. 9, No. 4, Rita B. Bocher
Crickets, Toads and Fairy Tales, Sarah B. Cahalan and John Shaffer
Crocodile Hunting in the Marian Library, Henry Handley
Crocodile on the Sandbank, Elizabeth Peters
Cross-Campus Collaboration: Advancing Behavioral Health Education
Cross-Curricular Opportunities through Libraries, Librarians, and Instruction, Elizabeth Grauel and Erik Ziedses des Plantes
Crucifix with Instruments of the Passion, Michele Devitt
Cuba: A Lifetime of Passion, University of Dayton
Cult & Culture: An Analysis of Falun Gong
Cultivating Excellence: A Study on Professional Growth of School-Based Psychotherapists, Charity Marie Ingersoll
Culturally Proficient Leadership: Equipping Educators to Better Serve Refugee Students during a Crisis, Khalid Arar (0000-0003-4094-966X), Corinne Brion (0000-0001-6151-525X), Eman Abo-Zaed Arar, and Anna Saiti
Cultural Significance of Folk Dances from Kenya, India, and Mongolia
Cultural Trespass? Aldous Huxley’s Forays into Modern Physics, June Deery
Culture Shift: A Phenomenological Look at Culturally Responsive Teaching, Michelle Weiland
Customer at a paint store asks for a color matching a description of "blue" from a book., Frank Pauer
Dad, Projector Man, Kristine Hayes
DALES Objects: A Large Scale Benchmark Dataset for Instance Segmentation in Aerial Lidar, Nina M. Singer (0000-0001-5916-6425) and Vijayan K. Asari (0000-0002-3751-5492)
Dancing for the Kids, Eric F. Spina
Dare to be Great, Eric F. Spina
Dare to be Great, Eric F. Spina
Data-Driven Analysis for Facility Management in Higher Education Institution, Ashish Kumar Pampana, JungHo Jeon (0000-0001-6816-0092), Soojin Yoon, Theodore J. Weidner (0000-0002-8709-944X), and Makarand Hastak
Data Efficiency and Reporting Tool
Data File: Oak Seedling (Quercus macrocarpa) Survivorship and Condition after Two Growing Seasons, Lindsey Dewey, Michaela Woods, Madelaine Gregory, and Ryan W. McEwan
Datanet: Deep Learning Based Encrypted Network Traffic Classification in SDN Home Gateway, Pan Wang (0000-0003-2006-1129), Feng Ye (0000-0002-2436-2300), Xuejiao Chen, and And Yi Qian
Dayton Civic Scholars Profile: Jakob Burdick, Ryan Werner
Dayton Civic Scholars Profile: Kateri Dillon, Ryan Werner
Dayton Civic Scholars Profile: Kathryn Montgomery, Ryan Werner
Dayton Civic Scholars Profile: Samantha Kennedy, Ryan Werner
Daytonian 1942, University of Dayton
Daytonian 1943, University of Dayton
Daytonian 1979, University of Dayton
Daytonian 1994, University of Dayton
Dayton is Starting Point for New Bosnian TV Series, University of Dayton
Dayton's Human Rights Heroes: A Moral Courage Project
#DaytonStrong, Eric F. Spina
Dayton Teacher Completes Two Special Education Seminars, University of Dayton
Dayton, You Complete Me, Mary Oves
Dean of Students Adds to Staff, University of Dayton
Dean's Summer Fellows, Dave Larsen
Dear Erma, Jillian Van Hefty's
Dear Wordle, January Gordon Ornellas
Death of John W. Berry Sr., Benefactor and Former Trustee, Touches Campus Community, University of Dayton
December, Beth Broderick
Deciphering Machiavelli: Irony vs. Brutality in 'The Prince', David E. Catanzariti
Deck the Christmas Tree with the Nativity, Michele Devitt
Decolonizing the American History Museum: A Case Study of the Henry Ford
Dedication, University of Dayton
Dedication, University of Dayton
Deepen Marianist Vision and Spirit, Johann G. Roten S.M.
Deep Learning for Anisoplanatic Optical Turbulence Mitigation in Long-Range Imaging, Matthew A. Hoffmire (0000-0001-7380-2053), Russell C. Hardie (0000-0002-1216-3865), Michael A. Rucci, Richard Van Hook, and Barry K. Karch
Deep Temporal Convolutional Networks for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting, Wentian Zhao, Yanyun Gao, Tingxiang Ji, Xili Wan (0000-0001-9160-8246), Feng Ye, and Guangwei Bai
Deep Vision Based Driving Behavior Analysis System for Roadside Restricted Area Traffic Control, Anurag Mallik (0009-0006-5677-5691)
Defense Worker Degree Path, Dave Larsen
Defining Moments of Faith, Judith G. Martin
Delayed — But Not Denied, Eric F. Spina
Demonstrating Respect During Challenging Times, Eric F. Spina
Demystifying Shibboleth: Adapting to Web Browser Privacy Changes, Simon Robins (0000-0002-3264-5968) and Ben Daigle (0000-0001-7882-9239)
Denis Diderot: Reflections on Faith and Reason, Paul J. Morman
Den of Vipers, K.A. Knight
Derechos Fundamentales E Inteligencia Artificial Constitutional Rights and Artificial Intelligence, Carlos L. Bernal
Derechos humanos, sujeto liberal y empatía en Los ejércitos, Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo
Derechos humanos y corporeidad en Los ejércitos de Evelio Rosero, Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo
Derivation of the Sliding Catenary Curve via Calculus of Variations, Ethan Shade
Desert Mothers: The Differential Treatment of Female Saints of the Desert, Barbara M. Ragan
Designing and Testing Phononic Crystals for the Purpose of Controlling Lattice Vibrations
Designing Spherical Mechanisms, from Wrist Orthotics to Mechanical Novelties
Design of Smart Magnetic Beads for Water Purification
Design Space Exploration for a Novel Self-Healing Elastomer, Informed by Bayesian Optimization
Destiny's Embrace, Beverly Jenkins
Determining the Concurrent and Predictive Validity of the Repetitive Step Test in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease, Rachel Wells, Evan Callahan, Jacob Greco, Harold L. Merriman, and Kurt Jackson
Developing a Photographic Memory: The Use of Bullet Sketchbooks and Junk Journals as a Tool for All Learning Styles, Sarah Brashears
Development of a Machine Learning-Based Program to Measure Cell Proliferation
Development of a Machine Learning-Based Program to Measure Cell Proliferation, Adam J. Jones
Development of an optical technique for microplastic detection in water
Dialogue. Advocacy. Action., Eric F. Spina
Die Amerikanische Rezeption von “Die Verlorene Ehre Der Katharina Blum”: Zur Problematik des Konzepts der Pressefreiheit, Siegfried Mews
Die Fledermaus, Alex Burchfield
Die “Institution Ehe” in den Romanen Heinrich Bölls, Beate Schnepp
Die Rezeption Heinrich Bölls in den USA, Ralph Ley
Die Rezeption Heinrich Bölls in England, J. H. Reid
Digital Devotion: Marian Shrines Online, Kayla Harris (0000-0002-1672-3022)
Dinner at the Castle, Dean Norman
Dinner in the Desert Kitchen Profile: Annie Denton, Ryan Werner
Dinner in the Desert Kitchen Profile: Christina Green, Ryan Werner
Dinner in the Desert Kitchen Profile: Director Glenna Jennings, Ryan Werner
Dinner in the Desert Kitchen Profile: Geno Luketic, Ryan Werner
Dinner in the Desert Kitchen Profile: Julie Jones Ruse, Ryan Werner
Dinner in the Desert Kitchen Profile: Mary Kate Fleisher, Ryan Werner
Directed Assembly of 2D Materials for Next Generation Smart Composites, Justin Brackenridge
Dirty Dancing, Kristine Hayes
Discovering Our Roots, Melanie Zebrowski
Discover the Marian Library, Kayla Harris and Ann Zlotnik
Disease Recognition in X-Ray Images with Doctor Consultation-Inspired Model, Kim Anh Phung (0000-0002-4561-7536), Thuan Trong Nguyen (0000-0001-7729-2927), Nileshkumar Wangad, Samah Baraheem, Nguyen D. Vo, and Khang Nguyen
Distance perception: A comparison of in-class and distance-learning psychology of perception classes, Greg C. Elvers and Donald J. Polzella
Ditching the Helicopter, Donna Fentanes
Diversifying Community Connections, Courtney Belt
Diversity in the American Ballet World
Divide and Slide: Layer-Wise Refinement for Output Range Analysis of Deep Neural Networks, Chao Huang (0000-0002-9300-1787), Jiameng Fan (0000-0001-9325-7718), Xin Chen, Wenchao Li (0000-0003-4756-6397), and Qi Zhu
Dixy Lee Ray: A Life in Science and Nature, Janet R. Daly Bednarek
DOC 2007-04 (amended) Revision to University Honors Program, University of Dayton. Student Academic Policies Committee
DOC 2007-05 Processes and Procedures of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate. Executive Committee
DOC 2007-05 Processes and Procedures of the Academic Senate, University of Dayton. Academic Senate
DOC 2023-02 (amended) Students' Academic Rights and Responsibilities, University of Dayton. Student Academic Policies Committee
DOC 2024-01 Revision to the Social Sciences CAP Requirement, University of Dayton
DOC 2024-02 Reconfiguration of CAP-L, University of Dayton. Academic Policies Committee
DOC 2024-03 APC Draft Proposal Workshop Model to Replace Suspended 4-year CAP Review, University of Dayton. Academic Policies Committee
DOC 2024-04 Undergraduate Course Enrollment Thresholds, University of Dayton. Student Academic Policies Committee
Documenting Devotion to Mary in Troubled Times, Kayla Harris
Documenting Ecospirituality and the Practice of Pilgrimage, Jillian Ewalt
Does Cycle Syncing Help Females Balance Hormones?
Does Engaging in Mindfulness Activities Improve Mental Well-Being in College Students?
Does Engaging in Physical Activity Provide College Students with Greater Academic Success?
Does Regular Exercise Improve the Quality and Quantity of Sleep in College Students?
Dogs Vs. Daughters, Jase Graves
Donna Cavanagh Talks Ocean Inspiration — and Kid Beach Reads, Nancy Berk
Doors, Trikes and Folding Wings: Advancing Concepts for Machines Using MotionGen
Dorothy Day: "A Reason for the Faith That Is in Her", Sandra Yocum Mize
Dorothy Wordsworth: A Natural Life, Laura H. Yungblut
#DoublePell, Eric F. Spina
‘Double-Planet’ Event Dec. 21 to Resemble ‘Christmas Star’, Melanie Zebrowski
Double Trouble, Henry Handley
Downward Facing What?, Matt Landig
Do you have a Mary Garden?, Kayla Harris
Do You Really Like Me? The Importance of Building Culturally Responsive Relationships, Gabrielle Elise Johnson (0009-0000-2284-0121)
Do You Truly See Them? Disabled LatinX Artists in the Arts
DPP: Deep Predictor for Price Movement from Candlestick Charts, Chih-Chieh Hung (0000-0002-6972-6577) and Ying-Ju (Tessa) Chen
Dream No Little Dreams, Eric F. Spina
Dr. Hitchner’s Search for Theopolis, Dardanus' City of God, Raymond M. Herbenick
Drivers of Prairie Establishment During Post-Agricultural Ecosystem Restoration in Southwestern Ohio, USA, Valerie Thurston
Driving Course Is an Auto Motive, Jerry Zezima
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Group Effects of Inmate Behavior
Dve interacting partner chb role in microtubule dynamics during eye development
Dynamics, Diversity, and Resource Gradient Relationships in the Herbaceous Layer of an Old-Growth Appalachian Forest, Ryan W. McEwan and Robert N. Muller
Earthly Doom and Heavenly Thunder: Judgment in King Lear , Janet M. Green
Easter Joy, Eric F. Spina
East Meets West: Halyna Nykolyshyn’s Ukrainian Marian Legacy and Women Icon Makers of West Ukraine, University of Dayton. Marian Library
Eat, Drink, and Be Married, Jerry Zezima
Ebony G. Patterson : Exploration of Invisibility and Visibility
Editors' Message, Sara Tamsukhin and Christine Meissner
Editor's Note, Margaret M. Strain
Editor's Note: Vol. 19 Núm. 36 (2022): Humanitarismo, Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo, Jorge Iván Bonilla Vélez, and Luis Restrepo Fernando Restrepo
Editor's Page, Angela M. Hosek
Educating the Whole Person: Building a Community-based English Language Learning Program
Effectiveness of a Talocrural Joint Mobilization on Restricted Dorsiflexion: A Time Series Intervention Analysis, Carly Archambeau, Ceili Kacmarcik, and Camryn Yacks
Effect of Si/Al Ratio on the Transport Behavior of Zeolitic Nanotubes.
Effect of sleep deprivation on response threshold for signal detectability parameter, beta, Donald J. Polzella
Effects of Chronic Pharmacological SERCA Activation on Amino Acid Neurochemistry and Dendritic Spine Density in the Mouse Brain, Carter J. Moore
Effects of Digital Use on Social Wellbeing and Development
Effects of Paternal Heat Exposure and Parental Care on Development of Offsring in Gasterosteus aculeatus, Emma R. Borgert
Effects of sleep deprivation on short-term recognition memory, Donald J. Polzella
Efficacy of Curl up Task As Abdominal Exercise Program for Diastasis Recti Abdominis, Wendy Chorny, Betsy K. Donahoe-Fillmore, Rio Harrelson, Laney Hulbert, Jessica Westerfield, and Mary I. Fisher
Egg in Your Beer?, Dean Norman
eHealth Cancer-Related Fatigue Intervention Single Arm Study, Anne Fleischer, Samantha Gelhaus, Emily Flohre, Caroline Frazee, Mary I. Fisher, and Carrie Pickering
Electro-Optical Sensors for Atmospheric Turbulence Strength Characterization with Embedded Edge AI Processing of Scintillation Patterns, Ernst Polnau (0000-0002-0979-8712), Don L. N. Hettiarachchi (0000-0002-6685-7221), and Mikhail A. Vorontsov
Elevating Our Sights, Eric F. Spina
Elevating the Arts, Eric F. Spina
Elisabeth’s Gift: The van Mullekom Collection, Michelle Schweickart
Embracing College Students LinkedIn Profile
Embracing Multiple Intelligence in Classroom, Li-Yin Liu
Embracing Neurodiversity, Esther Brownsmith
Embroidery on Exhibit, Henry Handley
Der Engel schwieg : Heinrich Bölls Roman aus dem Nachlaß, Kalman Kovacs
In Memoriam: Sorrow as Prayer, John Fawell
Morgan v. Sundance: A Legal Overview of the Prejudice Requirement in Arbitration and Its Impact on Litigation, Sergio Fernandez
Emotional Eclipses and Pilgrimages, Pam Sherman
Emphasizing Interprofessional Education Through a Virtual Case Study in a Medical Nutrition Therapy Course, Natalie B. Allen, Traci A. Garrison, Wendy R. Jackson, and Bonnie K. Slavych
Empirical Research Presentations in Economics
Empowering Black Female Secondary Administrators, Karissa LeBlanc Ogle
Empowerment Through Autonomy: Gandhi’s Vision for Women and Women’s Rights
The Damnation of Theron Ware : Father Forbes as Structural Center, Marcia Smith Marzec
The Grapes of Wrath: The Values of John Ford and John Steinbeck, Tony Macklin
The Old Gringo and the Elegiac Western, Kenneth E. Hall
Ubi Lex? Robert Grosseteste’s Discussion of Law, Letter, and Time and Its Musical Exemplification, Nancy Van Deusen
We Met at a Bar ... an American Love Story, Diane Dean-Epps
Endowed Research Fund, Dave Larsen
Energy Efficiency Analysis in Residential Buildings using Machine Learning Techniques, Vibhu Sharma
Energy Efficiency and Carbon Footprint Reduction in Pharmaceutical Research & Development Facilities, Vibhu Sharma and Abhimanyu Singh
Energy Sector Stock Returns During Periods of Rising Fed Fund Rates: An Empirical Analysis 1999-2023
Engaged. Generous. Selfless., Eric F. Spina
Engineering Novel Proteins for the Sustainable Extraction of Rare-Earth Metals, Carter Austin Arbogast
Enhancing Deep Collaboration through Experiential Learning: The Impact of the Stitt Scholars Program
Enhancing HVAC Energy Efficiency Using Artificial Neural Network-Based Occupancy Detection, Vibhu Sharma
Enjoy a Story and More!, Ann Zlotnik
Enrollment record for the first term 1967-68: 10,220, University of Dayton
Ensemble Lung Segmentation System Using Deep Neural Networks, Redha A. Ali, Russell C. Hardie, and Hussin K. Ragb
Ensemble Malware Classification System Using Deep Neural Networks, Barath Narayanan Narayanan (0000-0001-9648-5695) and Venkata Salini Priyamvada Davuluru
Entering into Lent, Andrew Kosmowski S.M.
Enterprise Risk Management Dashboard
Entertainers Extraordinaire, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Environmental Toxins, Breast Milk, and Nursing Madonnas
Erasing a Carbon Footprint, Eric F. Spina
Erma Bingo, January Gordon Ornellas
Erma Bombeck and Me, Celeste King Conner
Erma Bombeck 'Beyond the Byline' Exhibit: Recipe Cards, University of Dayton
Erma Bombeck Made Me Do It, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Erma Made Me Do It!, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Erma Magic, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Erma One-Word Review, Jamy May Wagner
Erma's Got Talent, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Erma's Got Talent, Season Three, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Erma's Got Talent, Season Two, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Erma Watch Party with Judy Carter: A Death-Defying Escape!, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Escape from New York and Southwest Airlines, Jase Graves
Eskew? Call Me Askew., Steve Eskew
Espectros subversivos y miedos neoliberales en La llorona de Jayro Bustamante, Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo
Essential Conversations, Eric F. Spina
Establishing Inventory Optimization
Estimating Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat-Enabled Thermal Comfort Control Savings for Any Residence, Abdulelah D. Alhamayani, Qiancheng Sun, and Kevin Hallinan (0000-0002-0305-4886)
Ethos Guatemala Breakout - Aquaponic Systems
Ethos Guatemala Breakout - Photovoltaic Systems
Eucharistic Congress 1926: A Watershed Moment for Chicago, Catholicism, Stephanie Shreffler
Euphoria’s Trans Representation
Evaluating Decarbonization Strategies in Commercial Real Estate: An Assessment of Efficiency Measures and Policy Impacts, Vibhu Sharma
Evaluating Deep-Learning Models for Debris-Covered Glacier Mapping, Zhiyuan Xie, Vijayan K. Asari, and Umesh K. Haritashya
Evaluating Solar Array Positioning Designs for Small Satellites in Different Orbits, Mohamed Ali Alsadig Mohamed
Evaluating the Developmental Evidence for the Re-Evolution of Lost Mandibular Teeth in Frogs
Evaluation of Irreversibly Sickled Cells with Imaging Flow Cytometry and Machine Learning: A Faster and More Consistent Alternative, John-Paul S. Bugada
Evaluation of Object Detection Methods in Inclement Weather
EV Charging Behavior Analysis Using Hybrid Intelligence for 5G Smart Grid, Yi Shen (0000-0002-9358-7650), Wei Fang, Feng Ye (0000-0002-2436-2300), and Michel Kadoch
Even Apart, We Are One, Eric F. Spina
Every Day, David Levithan
Every Life a Masterpiece, Eric F. Spina
Every Pun Intended, Jerry Zezima
Evil Born from Good Intentions: Gandhi’s Critiques of Technology and Science
Evolution and Diversity of Frog Osteoderms
Examining Factors That Influence Teacher Attrition in a Catholic School Setting, Jennifer P. Martin
Examining High-Impact Coaching Practice: A Study of Life Skill Development in High School Football Programs Within the Greater Dayton Area, Ronald Andrew Johnson (0009-0001-9927-5965)
Examining Students' Perspectives on Restorative Justice
Examining the Influence of Social Media Usage on Knowledge of Political and Social Issues
Exasperated writer to partner: "… I should never have read how many words are in an actual novel.", Frank Pauer
Excerpt from 2024 Keynote Address by Wade Rouse, Wade Rouse
Exhibits for Everyone, Henry Handley
Exhibit Souvenir Cards — 'Beyond the Byline: Erma Bombeck's Story', University of Dayton
Expanding Opportunity, Eric F. Spina
Experience Erma — For Free, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Experiences of Basic School Leaders of the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem District of the Central Region of Ghana, Corinne Brion (0000-0001-6151-525X) and Alfred Ampah-Mensah
Experiential Learning Profile: Julia Lindenschmidt, Ryan Werner
Experiential Learning Through Physical Activity: The Fitness, Friendship, and Fun Program, Gerry Gallo and Matt Beerse
Experimental Granular Flow of Multiple Particle Types for Concentrated Solar Power Applications to Improve State of the Art Modeling Capability, Aaron James Spleles
Experimental Investigation of a Novel Morphing Wing Design
Experiment und Entdeckung': The Relevance of Drama to Böll's Literary Development, John Walker
Explore the Marian Library’s Art and Color Our Collections!, Olivia Gillingham
Exploring Engagement through Critical Pedagogy for Black Students in a GED Program, Nusaybah Muhammed
Exploring Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Social Services: A Case Study, Kanwaldeep K. Singh
Exploring How Food Literacy Impacts West African Non-immigrant International Students in the U.S.: A Phenomenological Study, Theresa Adu Ansere
Exploring Influencing Factors of Body Image and their Impact on Mental Well-being
Exploring Rhetoric: Insights from Bacon & Nichols
Exploring Rituals of Healing, Michelle Schweickart
Exploring the effects of anaerobic propionate exposure on the cell wall of Listeria monocytogenes
Exploring the Impact of Learner-Learner Interactions on Sense of Community in an Online Doctoral Degree Program, Nicholas S. Butler
Exploring the Impact of Parenting Styles on Juvenile Interpersonal Violence
Exploring the Predictive Power of Machine Learning for Energy Consumption in Buildings, Vibhu Sharma
Exploring the Role of Social Support in Juvenile Recidivism.
Exponential Fusion of Interpolated Frames Network (EFIF-Net): Advancing Multi-Frame Image Super-Resolution with Convolutional Neural Networks, Hamed Elwarfalli (0009-0008-0658-3549), Dylan Flaute (0000-0001-5601-459X), and Russell C. Hardie (0000-0002-1216-3865)
Exposure to Violence and Abuse: The Impacts of Juvenile Trauma on Mental Health
Expressing Our Core Values, Eric F. Spina
Expressionism and Religion, Johann Roten S.M.
(Extraordinary) Moments in Time, Eric F. Spina
Facilitators of Job Satisfaction in Experienced School Psychologists, Renee Finan (0009-0009-5002-7985)
Facility Data Business Operations Improvement
Factors That Create Positive Outcomes for Encounters with Frontline Workers
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2023-10-11, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2023-10-25, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2023-10-31, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2023-11-14, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2023-11-28, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-01-16, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-01-24, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-01-30, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-06, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-13, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-21, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-02-27, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-03-05, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-09-13, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-09-20, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-09-27, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-04, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-11, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty Advisory Committee Minutes of the Academic Senate 2024-10-18, University of Dayton. Faculty Affairs Committee
Faculty and Staff Awards at the University of Dayton, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: August 10, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: August 25, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: July 25, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: July 8, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: June 20, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: October 10, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: October 25, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: September 26, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty in the News: September 9, 2016, University of Dayton
Faculty Member Saquel Named a Chilean Consul, University of Dayton
Faculty Profile: Janet Bednarek, Nikki Kamp
Faculty, Staff Appointed to Consortium's Educational Research Efforts, University of Dayton
Failure modes of silver versus gallium-alloy conductive traces at flex-to-stretch interfaces
Faith and Crisis in the Writing of T.S. Eliot, Brian Conniff
Faith and Reason Personally and Professionally, John A. McGrath S.M.
Fallacious Renunciation in Works of Henry James, Sharon R. Yang
Family First, Eric F. Spina
Fascinating Forms of Devotion: Milagros and Other Ex-Votos, Melanie Fields
Father Norbert Burns, S.M., Leads a Short Course on Marriage, University of Dayton
Father René Laurentin and the Marian Library, Kayla Harris
Fatigue Limiting Behavior of LPBF Parts (AM Process Improvement)
Fatima: 100 Years, Kayla Harris
Featured Art Library: The Marian Library, Jillian Ewalt
Feature Selection in Reinforcement Learning
Federal Appeals Judge to Focus on Computer and Patent Law Issues as Visiting Scholar in UD’s School of Law, University of Dayton
Feeding the Soul, Eric F. Spina
Fellowships to Support Research and Artistic Use of Marian Library Collections, Sarah B. Cahalan
Few-Shot Object Detection via Baby Learning, Anh-Khoa Nguyen Vu, Nhat-Duy Nguyen, Khanh-Duy Nguyen, Vinh-Tiep Nguyen, Thanh Duc Ngo, Thanh-Toan Do, and Tam Nguyen
Fieldwork Learning Opportunities for Trainees in Behavior Analysis: A Survey of Current Practices, Madison Crandall, Clare Liddon, and Regan Weston
"Fighting Flyers" Centennial, Dave Larsen
Finding a Flower in the Desert, Amy Abbott
Finding My Father in My Dishwasher, Liz Alterman
Finding Patterns in Subsurface Using Bayesian Machine Learning Approach, Wang Hui
Finding Your Path, Eric F. Spina
Fine Root Production of Astringent Phenolics, Robert N. Muller, Paul J. Kalisz, and James O. Luken
Fire and Gap Dynamics over 300 Years in an Old-Growth Temperate Forest, Ryan W. McEwan, Neil Pedersen, Adrienne Cooper, Josh Taylor, Robert Watts, and Amy Hruska
First 100 Days, Eric F. Spina
First Fellows: Summer in the Marian Library, Maureen Schlangen
First Public APPearance, R. Mark Zeitzmann
First Steps on the Path Forward, Eric F. Spina
First We Soar Goal Met!, Deborah Flanagan Tobias
First Winter Storm, Dean Norman
First-Year Arts Immersion, Dave Larsen
Fitz Center for Leadership in Community: History, Strategies and Action, Fitz Center for Leadership in Community, University of Dayton
Fitz Center Profile: Amanda Film, Ryan Werner
Fitz Center Profile: Darius Beckham, Ryan Werner
Fitz Center Profile: Dr. Christa Johnson, Ryan Werner
Fitz Center Profile: Jakob Burdick, Ryan Werner
Fitz Center Profile: Meredith Robinson, Ryan Werner
Fitz Center Profile: Wendy Zanabria, Ryan Werner
Fitz Center Propels Ohio, Dave Larsen
Five Earn IMRI Degrees, Gloria Falcão Dodd
Five Little Tips, Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Five Ways Universities Can Be Anchors in Their Communities, Eric F. Spina
Fixed Wavelength Interferometer Sensors for Low-Cost Chem-Bio Sensing Applications
Fixing a Favorite, Michele Devitt
Flight Test Validation of Tandem Propeller Performance with Vertical and Horizontal Offset
Floating Constructed Wetlands keep Cyanobacteria Levels at bay
Flowers for Our Lady of Kibeho, Kayla Harris
Flowers from the Holy Land, Melanie Fields
Flowers from the Storm, Laura Kinsale
Flowers of the Annunciation, Melanie Zebrowski
Flow Pattern Identification of Horizontal Two-Phase Refrigerant Flow Using Neural Networks, Abdeel J. Roman, Paul J. Kreitzer, Jamie S. Ervin, Michael Hanchak, and Larry W. Byrd
Flyer Enterprises Executive Team Presentation
Flyer Love Is Boundless, Eric F. Spina
Flyer News, (Dec. 6, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 10 (Oct. 8, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 11 (Oct. 15, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 12 (Oct. 19, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 13 (Oct. 22, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 14 (Oct. 26, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 16 (Nov. 5, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 17 (Nov. 9, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 18 (Nov. 12, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 19 (Nov. 16, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 1 (Sept. 3, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 20 (Nov. 19, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 21 (Nov. 23, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 22 (Dec. 3, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 23 (Dec. 7, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 24 (Jan. 11, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 25 (Jan. 14, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 26 (Jan. 21, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 27 (Jan. 25, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 28 (Jan. 28, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 29 (Feb. 1, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 2 (Sept. 10, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 30 (Feb. 4, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 31 (Feb. 8, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 32 (Feb. 11, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 33 (Feb 15, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 34 (Feb. 18, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 35 (March 1, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 36 (March 4, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 37 (March 8, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 38 (March 11, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 39 (March 15, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 3 (Sept. 14, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 40 (March 18, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 41 (March 22, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 42 (March 25, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 43 (March 29, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 44 (April 8, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 45 (April 15, 1983), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 4 (Sept. 17, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 5 (Sept. 21, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 6 (Sept. 24, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 7 (Sept. 28, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 8 (Oct. 1, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 29, No. 9 (Oct. 5, 1982), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 10 (Oct. 20, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 11 (Oct. 23, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 12 (Oct. 27, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 13 (Oct. 30, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 14 (Nov. 3, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 15 (Nov. 6, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 16 (Nov. 10, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 17 (Nov. 13, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 18 (Nov. 17, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 19 (Nov. 20, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Sept. 15, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 20 (Nov. 24, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 21 (Jan. 12, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 22 (Jan. 15, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 23 (Jan. 22, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 24 (Jan. 26, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 25 (Jan. 29, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 26 (Feb. 2, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 27 (Feb. 9, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 28 (Feb. 23, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 29 (Feb. 26, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Sept. 18, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 30 (March 2, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 31 (March 9, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 32 (March 13, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 33 (March 16, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 34 (March 19, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 35 (March 23, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 36 (March 30, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 37 (April 2, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 38 (April 6, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 38 (April 9, 1987), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Sept. 22, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Sept. 25, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 5 (Sept. 29, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 6 (Oct. 2, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 7 (Oct. 6, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 8 (Oct. 9, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 34, No. 9 (Oct. 16, 1986), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 10 (Oct. 17, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 11 (Oct. 20, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 12 (Oct. 24, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 13 (Oct. 27, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 14 (Nov. 7, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 15 (Nov. 10, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 16 (Nov. 14, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 17 (Nov. 17, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 18 (Nov. 21, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 19 (Dec. 1, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Sept. 12, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Sept. 15, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 21 (Jan. 19, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 22 (Jan. 23, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 23 (Jan. 26, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 24 (Jan. 30, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 25 (Feb. 2, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 26 (Feb. 6, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 27 (Feb. 9, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 28 (Feb. 13, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 29 (Feb. 16, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 30 (Feb. 28, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 31 (March 2, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 32 (March 6, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 33 (March 9, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 34 (March 13, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 35 (March 16, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 36 (March 20, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 37 (March 30, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 38 (April 3, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 39 (April 6, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Sept. 19, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 40 (April 10, 1989), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 4 (Sept. 22, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 5 (Sept. 26, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 6 (Sept. 29, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 7 (Oct. 3, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 8 (Oct. 6, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyer News, Vol. 36, No. 9 (Oct. 13, 1988), University of Dayton
Flyers in Hollywood, Dave Larsen
Fly Me to the Moon, Eric F. Spina
Follow Christ with Mary, M. Jean Frisk
Follow Christ With Mary to Conversion and Reconciliation, M. Jean Frisk
Follow Christ With Mary to the Commending, M. Jean Frisk
Follow Christ with Mary to the Foot of the Cross, M. Jean Frisk
Follow Christ With Mary to the Foot of the Cross, Part 2, M. Jean Frisk
Follow Us!, Ann Zlotnik
Food Equity through Regenerative Urban Farming with Eden’s Harvest
Food for Naught, Jerry Zezima
Forced Abortions of the Mentally Disabled: A Case Analysis
Forecasting the Scintillation Index Using Neural Networks, Mohammed Al Baqer Al Ghezi
For Erma: when the real writers come back home, Barbara Fant
Forever Linked, Eric F. Spina
For Everything There is a Season, Eric F. Spina
Former Education Dean Returns to Lead Research and Evaluation, University of Dayton
Former Piano Teacher Offers Tips for Computer Users To Avoid Repetitive Stress Injuries, University of Dayton
For Pagans, Red and Green Symbolized Life: For Retailers, They've Come to Mean Profits, University of Dayton
For the Common Good, Eric F. Spina
Forum Recap, Gloria Falcão Dodd
Forum Response — The Only Constant Is Change: Exploring Grief, Burnout, Ungrading, and AI in the Basic Communication Course, Kristina Ruiz-Mesa and Ana Terminel Iberri
Fourth Annual Humanities Symposium — Becoming a Responsible Self: Autonomy and Responsibility, University of Dayton
Fowl Play, Jerry Zezima
FPGA-Controlled SiC- and GaN- Based DC-DC Converter for Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications for Electric Aircraft, Kevin Hobbs (0009-0005-1270-0674)
Freedom, Protection, Resistance, Melanie Fields
French Abbey’s Albums: Archivists’ Efforts Today Reward Researchers of Tomorrow, Kayla Harris
Fresh Look, Same Soul, Eric F. Spina
Fr. Ferree Annual Lecture: Being Where We Are: The Land, Catholic Scholarship and Anti-Racism, Kelly S. Johnson, College of Arts and Sciences, and Fr. William J. Ferree Chair of Social Justice
Friends Helping Friends, Eric F. Spina
From Barista to CEO, Eric F. Spina
From 'Bekenntnis zur Trummerliteratur' to Frauen vor FluBlandschaft : Art, Power and the Aesthetics of Ruins, J. H. Reid
From Biblical Adam to the American Adam: Evolution of a Literary Type, Anthony D. York
From Bubble Wrap to Birthday Cake, Michele Devitt
From Cathedral to Yurt, Michele Devitt
From Coast to Coast — Together, Eric F. Spina
From Dream to Nightmare: Political Images of the USA in German 20th Century Writings, Wilfried Malsch
From Every Angle, Kayla Harris
From Malawi to Dayton, Andrew Kosmowski S.M.
From Mexico City to Dayton, Maria E. Garcia
From Pulpit to Podium: King's Leadership and Non-Violent Strategies at the March on Washington
From Tiny Tots to Wise Old Turtles: Sustaining Health and Happiness in Pet Turtles
Front Cover and Table of Contents, University of Dayton
Front Matter, Volume 49, Issue 3, University of Dayton
Full Circle, Eric F. Spina
Full of Grace: A Conversation with Artist Elly Tullis, Jillian Ewalt
Fun and Games with Mary, Ann Zlotnik
Fundamentals of Distributed Coherent Radar, Andrew Kordik
Funeral for a Fish, Jerry Zezima
Funeral Notes, Charla Schafer
Fur mich ist er fruh schon wichtig gewesen': How Heinrich· Böll Gave Gunter de Bruyn a Helping Hand, Owen Evans
Future-Ready Teaching: Embracing AI in Basic Communication Courses, Dious Joseph
Gandhi and MLK: A Look Into Assassinations and Legacy
Gandhian Economic Principles Alive In Modern Day Ice Cream
Gandhian Ideas About Health and Diet
Gandhi, King and Mandela: Global Non-violence in the 20th Century
Gandhi on Medicine: What was his Philosophy and how is it Important Today?
Gandhi, Religion, And Quakerism
Gandhi’s Alignment Diet: A Non-Violent, Satyagraha Framework for Eating
Gandhi’s Impact on Women’s Empowerment in Indian Society
Gandhi’s Moral Philosophy of Diet
Gas Station Goodness, Kristine Hayes
Gathering Around the Table, Eric F. Spina
Gender Roles in 'Sleeping Beauty' (1959), Lance W. Carrle
Generous Hearts, Eric F. Spina
Genome-wide screening of miRNA’s involved in birth defects in eye
Gen Z Gen Free: The Rise of Young Christian Right Politics on College Campuses
George Noland, Chairman of Biology, Elected President of Faculty Forum, University of Dayton
Georgia on My Mind, Eric F. Spina
German Club, People-to-People Bringing German Counsul to UD for Tea and Lecture, University of Dayton
German Pilgrimage Goes Online for Trio of Marian Feasts, Joan Milligan
Get Involved! The Positive Difference Extracurricular Activities Make
Get Off My Lawn!, Beth Broderick
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Get Ready to Fly, Eric F. Spina
Getting Carded at the Wine Bar, Jerry Zezima
Getting Trivial With Alexa, Jerry Zezima
Get Together, Eric F. Spina
Get Your Funny On!, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Gifted Education: How Does it Look in the 21st Century?
Gifts, Eric F. Spina
Gifts of the Heart, Eric F. Spina
Gill We Meet Again, Jerry Zezima
Ginger's Smile, Ginger Claremohr
Giving Birth to a Book Isn't for Wimps, Marcy O'Brien
Giving Thanks, Eric F. Spina
GlacierNet2: A Hybrid Multi-Model Learning Architecture for Alpine Glacier Mapping, Zhiyuan Xie, Umesh K. Haritashya, Vijayan K. Asari, Michael P. Bishop, Jeffrey S. Kargel, and Theus Aspiras
GlacierNet: A Deep-Learning Approach for Debris-Covered Glacier Mapping, Zhiyuan Xie, Umesh K. Haritashya (0000-0001-9527-954X), Vijayan K. Asari, Brennan W. Young, Michael P. Bishop, and Jeffrey S. Kargel
Global Attendance, Gloria Falcão Dodd and Johann Roten S.M.
Go Anywhere. Do Anything., Eric F. Spina
God in the Soul: Or, the Residue of Augustine’s Manichaean Optimism, Phillip Cary
God Led Me Back to UD', Eric F. Spina
Godspeed, Daria, Eric F. Spina
God's Song of Creation, Dominic Sanfilippo
God's Work, Eric F. Spina
Going Deeper, Jack Mulder
Going Global, Eric F. Spina
Going Places, Shawn Robinson
Going Viral, Jerry Zezima
‘Golden’ Holy Cards, Eve Wolynes
Goldilocks, Mary Sullivan
Goldwater Scholarship Winner, Cassidy Colarik
Goodbye, Our Friend., Eric F. Spina
Good Stewards, Eric F. Spina
Good Things Come to Those Who Train: A Comparison of Medieval Mystics' Conceptions of Divine Revelation, Daniel Napoli
Go With Joy, Eric F. Spina
Gramian to Physical State Analysis Method, Joseph W. Fusco
Grant Funds Hispanic Outreach, Dave Larsen
Grateful Hearts, Eric F. Spina
Gratitude, Eric F. Spina
Gratitude, Eric F. Spina
Great Joy, Eric F. Spina
Great Joy, Great Blessing, Eric F. Spina
Great Joy. Great Purpose. Great Struggle., Eric F. Spina
Greet Expectations, Jerry Zezima
Grief in the Basic Course, Carly Densmore and Jessica Cherry
Grit and Heart, Eric F. Spina
Grounds for a Marian Eco-Spirituality, James R. Koelsch
Growing a Beard, Dean Norman
Growing Our Collections for All to Enjoy, Melanie Zebrowski
Growing Radicle: Growing native plant seedlings for changing landscapes
Guadalcanal Rosary, Andrew Kosmowski S.M.
Guest Editorial: Edge Intelligence for beyond 5G Networks, Yan Zhang, Zhiyong Feng, Hassnaa Moustafa, Feng Ye, Usman Javaid, and Chunfen Cui
Guiding Equity: An Action Research Study on Creating Equity in the Classroom in a Highly Charged Political Environment, Amber Nichole Benge
Guiding Lights, Eric F. Spina
Hacked, Lucy Lennox and May Archer
Hack to the Future, Jerry Zezima
Hail Mary!, Eric F. Spina
Hail to the Chief, Dave Larsen
Handheld Packaged Photonic Sensor for Chem-Bio Sensing
Hands-On Learning, Eric F. Spina
Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition Using the State-of-the-Art Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Md Zahangir Alom (0000-0002-2314-1207), Paheding Sidike (0000-0003-4712-9672), Mahmudul Hasan, Tarek M. Taha, and Vijayan K. Asari
Happiness for Beginners, Katherine Center
Happy 200th Birthday!, Eric F. Spina
Happy Campers, January Ornellas
Happy First Day!, Eric F. Spina
Harmony & Temperance: Gandhi’s Vision of Health and the Influence of Alcohol
Hate Has No Home Here, Eric F. Spina
Hats Off, Eric F. Spina
Have We Lost Mary, Mother of the Church?, James Koelsch
Have you read the Weekly Features lately?, Ann Zlotnik
Having a Father Figure in the Home and its Effects on Juvenile Delinquency
Headed Off at the Password, Jerry Zezima
Healing Communities through Art, Angelic Edwards-Rojas
Healthcare Barriers in Honduras
Hearing the Call, Eric F. Spina
Heart and Sole, Marcy O'Brien
Heart and Soul, Eric F. Spina
Hegemony in the Fundamentalist Church of Latter-Day Saints: Discursive Formations in Cults
Heinrich Böll's Contribution to the Film Deutschland im Herbst , Helen Hughes
Heinrich Böll, Years of Hope: A Review Article, Frank Finlay
Held Egger Reads Augustine on Fear and Trembling, Theodore Kisiel
Hell Followed With Us, Andrew Joseph Waite
Hello, Mary, My Very Best Friend, Eric F. Spina
Helping Future Flyers Soar, Eric F. Spina
Herbicidal-induced effects in rivulus mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias marmoratus.
Here Comes the Sun..., Eric F. Spina
Here comes the sun: A study of insect ecology during Ohio’s solar power boom
Here's Looking at You, Pal, Jerry Zezima
"Here's your book of fart jokes.", Frank Pauer
Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha as Divine Comedy, Bryan A. Bardine
Heroic Work, Eric F. Spina
He's Still Driving (But Now It's Me Crazy), Bob Niles
High Competence, High Character, Eric F. Spina
High-Efficiency and High-Power Density DC-DC Converter for Data Center Application, Hoaran Meng
High Efficiency High Power Density Converter Design and Performance Evaluation, Mengxuan Wei
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute, Talia Hibbert
High Precision Partial Object Tracking using Intensity and Depth Data
High School Connectedness and Participation As Predictors of Student Subjective Well-Being, Alyssa Smith (0009-0004-5969-9458)
Hilf Mit! The Role of the German Family and Society in Third Reich Children's Publications
Hippo, Wnt, and JNK Pathway Interactions in a Drosophila Colorectal Cancer Model
Hippo, Wnt, and JNK Pathway Interactions in a Drosophila Colorectal Cancer Model, Michael K. Gruhot
Hiring Faculty with an Affinity for Catholic Marianist Mission, Crystal Marie Caruana Sullivan (0009-0006-7303-4924)
Historical Interpretations of the Formation of Public Education for Freedpeople in Reconstruction South, Daniel C. Napoli
History As It Happens, Michele Jennings
Hold the Door for Each Other, Eric F. Spina
Holistic Perspective, Enthusiasm Qualities of New MBA Director at UD, University of Dayton
Homecoming, Eric F. Spina
Home Is Where the Art Is, Jerry Zezima
Homeschooling: Diverse Methods and Motivations
Homeschooling: It’s Rise and Appeal
Homeschooling within American Households Post-Pandemic
Homily: Augustine’s Conversion, James L. Heft S.M.
Honoring Immigrant College Students’ Funds of Knowledge through Appreciative Advising, Jayne K. Sommers, Joel Navam, and Matthew A. Witenstein (0000-0003-0722-056X)
Hope's Great Promise, Eric F. Spina
Hospice Care for Cars, Jase Graves
Hot for Hot Chocolate, Jase Graves
House Calls, Jerry Zezima
House of the Rising Cost, Jerry Zezima
House Price Prediction with Deep Learning
Houses of Faith, Karen Spina and Teri Rizvi
Housing stock returns and rising interest rates. Is there an Inverse Correlation?
How Beneficial are College Readiness Programs within High Schools?
How Childhood Factors Influence Frequency of Offending
How did Gandhi’s Views on Health Coincide with his Political Nonviolent Policies and Swaraj
How Do Different Types of Physical Activity Impact an Individual's Mental Well-Being?
How Does an Individual's Chronotype Impact the Effectiveness of Engagement in Physical Activity?
How Does Race and Parenting Styles Influence Adolescent Delinquency?
How Does The Freedom Tower Represent American Civil Religion?
How Does Therapist Engagement Affect Group Psychotherapy Rates in an Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Facility?, Paige Mariah Cox (0009-0004-3032-4417)
How Do You Like Them Apples?, Jerry Zezima
How Do You Like Them Apples?, Jerry Zezima
How Do You Represent God?, Johann Roten S.M.
How Generative AI Models Such as ChatGPT Can Be (MIS)Used in SPC Practice, Education, and Research? An Exploratory Study, Fadel M. Megahed (0000-0003-2194-5110), Ying-Ju (Tessa) Chen (0000-0002-6444-6859), Joshua A. Ferris, Sven Knoth, and L. Allison Jones-Farmer (0000-0002-1529-1133)
How High Will We Fly?, Eric F. Spina
How I Became a Cat Person, Jase Graves
How Increases in Social Media Use amid the COVID-19 Isolation Period impacted the Development of Emotional Intelligence in Black Female Teens, Tasha Yvette Millerton
How Rare: A Three-Page Letter via Snail Mail, Raymond Reid
How School Policies, Procedures, and Leadership Approaches Impact Students’ Opportunity to Learn Math, Meredith L. Wronowski
How Sweet It Was, Jerry Zezima
How Theodore Roosevelt Began the Salvation of the Earth, Francis J. Henninger
How the Stigma of Body Image Negatively Affects the Mental Health of Adolescents
How to be an Unsuccessful Novelist in 10 Easy Steps, D. Liebhart
How to change your major to Premedicine or Predentistry, University of Dayton
How to 'Un-Dorm' a College Student, Jase Graves
How to Write Funny, John Branning
How We Free Ourselves: Freedom and Motherhood in Political Philosophy
How were the Physical Activity Habits of College Aged Students Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Human-Centric HVAC Control: Balancing Comfort and Energy Efficiency, Vibhu Sharma and Vrushank Mistry
Humanitarismo literario y migración forzada: un estudio de Las tierras arrasadas de Emiliano Monge, Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo
Human Rights in Colombian Literature and Cultural Production, Carlos Gardeazábal Bravo and Kevin G. Guerrieri
Humans Shifting Connection to Nature Through Art
Humor Writer of the Month: Amy Poeppel, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Ann Garvin, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Beth Lapides, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: David Misch, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Denise Thiery, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Elissa Bassist, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Hilary Fitzgerald Campbell, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Jane Condon, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Jane Roper, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Joan Arent, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: John Branning, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Joni B. Cole, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Karen Chee, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Kim Reynolds, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Kit Lively, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Linda Presto, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Lori Jakiela, Lori Jakiela
Humor Writer of the Month: Lou Clyde, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Mary Oves, Mary Oves
Humor Writer of the Month: Michael Gerber, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Nancy Crochiere, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Rachel Grise, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Sarah Walt Weaver, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Tracy Dawson, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writer of the Month: Ward Sutton, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Humor Writers of the Month: Julie Dunlap and Sara Stotts, Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop
Hungary’s Aged: Social Policy in a Post-communist State, Peter Agocs and Sandor Agocs
Husbands Say the Darndest Things!, Renee Burns Lonner
HVAC Load Prediction and Energy Saving Strategies in Building Automation, Vibhu Sharma and Vrushank Mistry
HVAC System Design for Building Efficiency in KSA, Vibhu Sharma
HVAC Zoning Control Systems and Building Energy Management, Vibhu Sharma and Vrushank Mistry
Icons, Iconoclasts, and Ideology: The Strange Case of Quentin Tarantino, Glenn Peake
Identify Barriers That Hinder Marginalized Parents/Families to Support Their Young Children’s Literacy Development and What Support the School Can Provide the Parents to Enhance Their Young Children’s Literacy Development, Claire E. Smith (0009-0000-9310-0761)
Identifying Connectivity Deficits Between the Cerebellum and the Thalamus in Down Syndrome
Identifying the Effects of Environmental Conditions on Listeria monocytogenes Fitness and Pathogenesis Modified by Transcription Factor CodY, Elizabeth K. Herr
Identity-Based Schemes for a Secured Big Data and Cloud ICT Framework in Smart Grid System, Feng Ye, Yi Qian, and Rose Qingyang Hu
I Didn't Want to Eat the Easter Bunny, Dean Norman
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Trends and Advances in Bio-Inspired Image-Based Deep Learning Methodologies and Applications, Peter Peer, Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez, Vijayan K. Asari, and Malay Kishore Dutta
If the Pants Fit, Wear Them, Jerry Zezima
If You Can't Beat the Heat, Join It, Jase Graves
I Got COVID when COVID Wasn't Cool., Jase Graves
I Lead by Choosing Love, Eric F. Spina
Illuminating!, Henry Handley
'Illuminating a Treasure': Marian Library earns ALA accolade, University of Dayton
Illustration: Amy Paturel and Bonnie Jean Feldkamp, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Ann Garvin, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Beth Lapides, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Dark Humor (2024 Total Eclipse Bonus), Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Faculty at Dinner, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Jane Friedman on Freelance Business, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Laura Spinella and Audrey Bennett, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Leighann Lord, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Lori Jakiela, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Mark Shatz, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: 'Mastering Voice' with Jessica Strawser, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: NYC to Dayton ... via Vancouver, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: "Please Prepare to Meet All Your Writing Goals", Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Robing of Erma Bombeck Anna Lefler Humorist-in-Residence Program Honorees, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Stand-Up Comedy Night - Jill Enders and Host Jane Condon, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Tiffany Yates Martin, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Workshop with Tiffany Yates Martin, Bob Eckstein
Illustration: Zibby Owens, Bob Eckstein
Image De‑Photobombing Benchmark, Vatsa S. Patel, Kunal Agrawal, Samah Baraheem, Amira Yousif, and Tam Nguyen
Imaginative Minds, Eric F. Spina
Imagine, Eric F. Spina
I'm All Wet, Jerry Zezima
I Married a Cover Girl, Jerry Zezima
IMNets: Deep Learning Using an Incremental Modular Network Synthesis Approach for Medical Imaging Applications, Redha A. Ali (0000-0002-0379-7313), Russell C. Hardie (0000-0002-1216-3865), Barath Narayanan Narayanan (0000-0001-9648-5695), and Temesguen Messay
I'm (Not) Sorry: Nuanced Apologies, Renee Burns Lonner
Impact of anaerobic propionate exposure on early intracellular infections by Listeria monocytogenes
Impact of COVID-19 on Coordinated Programs in Dietetics, Eric West, Tiffany Sterling, JoAnna Cupp, and Sara Tamsukhin
Impacts of Nutritional Intake on College Students Mental and Physical Well-being.
Implementation of an Adapted Version of the Zones of Regulation Into Integrated Preschool Classrooms, Amanda Raye Budde (0009-0007-7953-4118)
Implementing Critical Mathematics Pedagogy in High School: Impacts and Challenges
Improved Gap Performance of Corrugated Ties in Generalized Anchored Masonry Veneer, Nicholas S. Bradshaw (0009-0006-0119-4339)
Improved thermal conductivity of DLP-printed h-BN composites
Improving Equity in a College Credit Plus Program at an Urban Midwest School, Melinda Moos
Improving Methods for Enantioselective Organophosphorus Synthesis by A Chiral Nucleophile-Metal Bifunctional Catalytic System, Jackson T. Shuman
Improving School-Based Mental Health Services in Rural Appalachian Ohio, Elana R. Bernstein
Improving Volunteerism through a Narrative Inquiry of the Black Volunteer Perspective, Katrina Kelly Wicker
IMRI Awards 8 Pontifical Degrees, Gloria Falcão Dodd
IMRI Graduate to Archbishop, Gloria Falcão Dodd
IMRI Graduate to Bishop, Gloria Falcão Dodd
IMRI Grants Five Degrees, Gloria Falcão Dodd
IMRI Newsletter, December 2024, International Marian Research Institute
IMRI Newsletter, September 2024, International Marian Research Institute
IMRI Summer Session, Ann Zlotnik
IMRI Weekly Features: April 16, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: April 23, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: April 30, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: April 3, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: April 9, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Aug. 14, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Aug. 21, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Aug. 28, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Aug. 7, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Dec. 11, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Dec. 18, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Dec. 4, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Feb. 12 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Feb. 19 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Feb. 26 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Feb. 5 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Jan. 16, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Jan. 2, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Jan. 22, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Jan. 29, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Jan. 8, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: July 31, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: June 4, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: March 12, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: March 19, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: March 26, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: March 5, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: May 14, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: May, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: May 21, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: May 29, 2018, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Nov. 13, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Nov. 20, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Nov. 27, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Nov. 6, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Oct. 16, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Oct. 2, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Oct. 23, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Oct. 30, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Oct. 9, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Sept. 11, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Sept. 18, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Sept. 25, 2017, University of Dayton
IMRI Weekly Features: Sept. 5, 2017, University of Dayton
I'm Scared and It Feels Good, Kim Weitkamp
In a Word, Extraordinary, Eric F. Spina
In Case of Wet Books, Olivia Gillingham
Inclusive Excellence: A Case Study Approach, Sridhar Ramamoorti and Eman Elrifaei
Incognito: Nighttime in the Student Neighborhood, Eric F. Spina
Incomplete Letter: Unknown Sender to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Page 1 of 8, Ohio History Connection and Unknown Sender
Incomplete Letter: Unknown Sender to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Page 2 and Page 3 of 8, Ohio History Connection and Unknown Sender
Incomplete Letter: Unknown Sender to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Page 4 of 8, Ohio History Connection and Unknown Sender
Incomplete Letter: Unknown Sender to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Page 5 of 8, Ohio History Connection and Unknown Sender
Incomplete Letter: Unknown Sender to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Page 6 and Page 7 of 8, Ohio History Connection and Unknown Sender
Incomplete Letter: Unknown Sender to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Page 8 of 8, Ohio History Connection and Unknown Sender
Incorporating Experiential Learning and Reflection Related to Sustainable Food Systems in Undergraduate Dietetics Courses, M Elizabeth (Beth) Miller, Kara Quigg, Cassidy Hanner, Iris Puthoff, and Diana Cuy Castellanos
Increasing Caregiver Sense of Belonging Through the Exploration of Funds of Knowledge to Promote Caregiver Engagement, Stacey Fay Williams
Increasing Engagement of Traditional-Aged Commuter Students, Tracy Spotts
Increasing the Near Infrared Photodetection Efficiency of Hyperdoped, Yining Liu
Increasing the Presence of Black Women in Executive Leadership Positions, LaTonya Cherise Stewart
Incunabular Inscriptions and Doodles from Days Gone By, Henry Handley
India During World War 2: The Quit India Movement
Indian Miniature Depicts Rare Marian Iconography, Jillian Ewalt and Sarah Burke Cahalan
Industry and University Executives to Share Information at MBA Day Conference, University of Dayton
I Need Moe Money, Jerry Zezima
In Full Bloom, Henry Handley
Ingenuity Meets the Human Spirit, Eric F. Spina
In Memoriam: Father Christopher Roberts ‘20, Gloria Falcão Dodd
In Memoriam: Tomie DePaola, Icon of Illustration, Henry Handley
In memory of Charles Schulz, 1922-2000, Frank Pauer
Innovating Web Security: Formal Verification and Automated Analysis for WebAssembly
Innovation — It's in Our DNA, Eric F. Spina
Innovative Pandemic Community-Based Student Learning: Development of Remote Experiential Learning, Amy Christopher
In Real Life, Eric F. Spina
Insider Advice, Eric F. Spina
Insights into the Accuracy of Social Scientists’ Forecasts of Societal Change, Sangsuk Yoon
Insights, Laughter and Lessons Learned, Amber Shaw
Inspirational Women in STEM: Presentation and Panel Discussion - Session 1
Inspirational Women in STEM: Presentation and Panel Discussion - Session 2
Inspiration at What Cost: Destroying 'If They Can, So Can I' from the Social Media World
Inspired by Realism, Ann Zlotnik
Inspiring Greatness, Eric F. Spina
Installation talk: Thinking together in a time of fear, College of Arts and Sciences and Fr. William J. Ferree Chair of Social Justice
In Stitches, Melanie Fields and Ann Zlotnik
Integrating Renewable Energy with Building Management Systems: Pathways to Sustainable Infrastructure, Vibhu Sharma
Intelligent Channel Estimation and Sensing in Next-Generation Wireless Networks, Venkataramani Kumar
Intelligent Millimeter-Wave System for Human Activity Monitoring for Telemedicine, Abdullah K. Alhazmi (0009-0003-2781-7037), Mubarak A. Alanazi (0000-0001-9701-3761), Awwad H. Alshehry (0009-0001-0867-7791), Saleh M. Alshahry (0009-0006-2577-2834), Jennifer Jaszek, Cameron Djukic, Anna Brown, Kurt Jackson (0000-0002-8351-1927), and Vamsy P. Chodavarapu (0000-0001-9707-2964)
Intelligent Sales Forecasting Platform
Interdisciplinary Supports and Quality of Life for Transition-Aged Youth and Young Adults with Concussions, Angela Kladias
Intermediate Temperature Degradation of Turbine Cooling Holes in a SiC/SiC Composite, Gary C. Ostdiek (0009-0007-5530-2881)
International Marian Research Institute Statutes (1983), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
International Marian Research Institute Statutes (Renewed 2008), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
International Marian Research Institute Statutes (Revised 2013), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome
Interpreting English-Medium Instruction in Affiliated Colleges in India from a Third Space Perspective, Matthew A. Witenstein
Interprofessional Education in Dietetics Programs: Student and Director Perspectives, McKenna Voorhees, Heidi J. Wengreen, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Katie N. Kraus
In Thanksgiving for Our Volunteers, Past and Present, Olivia Gillingham
In the Footsteps of a Spiritual Giant, Eric F. Spina
In the Game, Eric F. Spina
In the Good Name of Jessie Hathcock, Eric F. Spina
In the Jurassic Dark, Jerry Zezima
In the News: April 12, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 13, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 20, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 22, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 25, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 25, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 4, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: April 7, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Aug. 22, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Aug. 29, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 11, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 11, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 16, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 17, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 2, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 24, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 31, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: August 4, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: Dec. 10, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Dec. 17, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Dec. 27, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Dec. 7, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: December 11, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: December 16, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: December 21, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: December 28, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: December 4, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: December 7, 2015, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 11, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 12, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 16, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 20, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 23, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 26, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 3, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: Feb. 3, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Jan. 17, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Jan. 21, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Jan. 30, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Jan. 3, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: Jan. 9, 2017, Michael Duricy
In the News: January 12, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: January 19, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: January 25, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: January 8, 2016, Michael Duricy
In the News: July 11, 2016, Michael Duricy